Wednesday 02- did my exercises- went over to Andrew’s and worked on computer stuff most of the day- Jeff R. came by and I showed him the video that I took of the hail that came down last Wednesday- been doing my evening walks lately- Seimi called and he told me that he heard that they’re paving first 2 miles of Winters Road from Border, I hope to hell the money ain’t coming out of “our” road funds!
Thursday 03- cleaned up some around the house- Andrew came by and we went to town. While at Wal-Mart I picked up an USB 802.11g network adapter and I’ll try to setup a home network. Dropped by Copper Mountain College to check out what classes they had to offer, I’ll have to give this some real thought if I want to go back to college or not- called Stoney and he told me that the county is paying for the 2 miles of paving Winters Road, I feel better about it now. We can all thank Mike Mildren for applying for the funding a few years ago just before he retired from the county.

Sunday 06- Joel brought my spare tire over this morning- did my morning stretches- reloaded the Toshiba laptop with XP and everything went well with the updates this time around- got bored hanging around the house and jumped in the truck and went to Scott’s but he wasn’t there- stopped over at Jeff R’s home and helped him repair a stove door- went over to Stuart’s to tell him that I have and email from Wessel for him, he wasn’t home but found him at Chuck’s- dropped over at Scott’s again and he was home this time and jawed for a while- worked in my rock garden while waiting for the sunset- talked to Stoney and he said that the 2 miles the county is paving is costing $194000.00- Andy Joe Lane finally picked up the letter I was holding for him- Terry W. email to tell me that the driver that I sent her for the pc card modem worked.

Tuesday 08- my birthday- did my exercises- Scott called from Lancaster and told me the buffalo got loose and spent all night looking for them but hasn’t found them yet. I hope that everything turns out ok for the critters and for my friend Scott- went and visited John M. and gave him some of my birthday cake (really brownies) and sat and jawed for a while- worked on getting my tools organized- called Dan A. who has his birthday to day also- did my evening- the air seems to have the smell of smoke, my eyes are watering from some fire far away and my allergy appears to be kicking in because of it.
Wednesday 09- Scott calls and says that he found the buffalo 15 miles away and had to walk them back to his ranch. He had only a few problems along the way especially with Sally who wanted to go the other direction. I so glad that Scott found them cause I was preparing to go there today and help out- did my exercises- fixed some electrical stuff around the house- called Ruth T. and wished her a happy birthday and she said it was on Aug. 2nd, I’ll have to change the website’s calendar- called Sayoko and wished her a happy birthday- finished my song LWFAW and I am happy with the wording and will start recording soon- went for my evening walk.
Thursday 10- did my morning stretches- while laying down on my side to fix a hole in the trailer that the squirrels use to get in and gobble up the food that I’ve stored there, I was bitten or stung by something on my right knee. It really hurt too! Since I don’t know what did this and it still seems to hurt hours later, I will check it out in the morning to see if I need any medical attention- watered my friend’s plants and picked up some building supplies- went for my evening walk- was talking to Jeff R. on the phone about the terrorists who were arrested in London today and the absents of airliners in the sky when we saw one then another coming across the sky. All of a sudden the second one’s lights went out! Maybe it was a military jet, cause I’d seen them do that on occasion.
Friday 11- the place I had been bitten seems to have gotten better and didn’t have to go into intensive care, so I did my exercises- call from Sue of the Hi Desert Star that they didn’t get my column, I told them that I sent it last Tuesday but I’ll resend it now- built some more shelves in the bedroom, and lay down a little piece of carpet under my desk in the front room- went for my evening walk- Mike called from Hermosa Beach to wish me a happy birthday, which was last Tuesday but he gets free weekend minutes on his cell phone.
Saturday 12- did my exercises- got an email from Sue of the Hi Desert Star that my first column I sent on Tuesday had ended up in her junk mail; I emailed her saying that “maybe I should write better stories”- called my Dad and Stepmother Aki (checking in)- called Kula and tried to cheer her up- cleaned the trailer outback and deciding what I should use it for- called and talked to Stoney for an hour about this and that and other stuff- rode my scooter over for a visit with Frank and Mary. Chuck showed up with some BBQ ribs and they were mighty good! Jerry and Barbara showed up with some pictures of a mysterious site they found in the surrounding mountains and we sat around and jawed about the community, Stuart was there and I reminded him about Wessel’s email I have for him, I really had a good time there- went for my evening walk.
Sunday 13- very early Sunday morning around 2 am just before I went to bed I sat outside to watched the Perseid meteor shower and seen a few nice meteors come streaking across the night sky- did my morning stretches- watered my friend’s garden- visited John M. and traded some stuff-went for my evening walk- called and jawed with Jeff R. about serendipity.

Tuesday 15- Andrew called and we Jawed for over an hour about business- did my exercises- placed a call to Jerry and Barbara and Jawed with him for well over an hour about mining and politics and about everything else. I will go for a visit tomorrow- got back to working on the stucco- went for my evening walk- sent column to the newspaper- worked on MadGravity website.

Friday 18- did my exercises- hand washed my clothes and hung them out to dry- spent the day getting the east wall ready to stucco. Had to cut holes for a drain and water pipe. After I got that done I had a few hours left and decided to start putting on the stucco and got about a forth of that wall done. Now I’ll have to wait till tomorrow, let it dry and see what kind of job I did- called Stoney just to say howdy- got out the telescope and trained it on the area around the Tea Pot and was looking at globular clusters when Joel called and asked if I wanted anything from the store, I told him bread, and continued my star gazing. Joel arrived with my bread plus a hamburger and donuts! I like donuts- did some web collaboration with Andrew
Saturday 19- did my morning stretches- called and jawed with Mac for a while- completed more of the east wall and will do the last forth tomorrow- Scott came by and introduced me to Ivan who bought Scott’s place, seems like a nice guy. Scott came by later with Dion and they had a laugh when they saw me putting on the stucco- watered by friend’s garden- John M. called and needs a new power supply for his computer, I told him I’d look and see if I have one tomorrow- I am dog tired tonight from all that stuccoing I’ve been doing the last two days.

Monday 21- did my exercises- got in my truck and headed over to Bar Lumber in 29 and picked up four 80 pound bags of stucco, 100 feet of 4-foot chicken wire, and staples- was just starting to put the chicken wire on when Andrew came by and I decided to call it a day since the temp outside was 110 degrees and I was getting real tired. We went over to his house where I picked up that power supply replacement for John M.’s computer and messed around with some web programming- went for my evening walk- Joseph called about a question he had on the floppy drive on the old laptop I am letting him use, and then we talked about cars- replaced power supply on John’s computer, fired it up all is well- cloudy night but took out the telescope and aimed it at Ursa Major and checked out Mizar and Alcor which are at the bend in the handle of the Big Dipper.
Tuesday 22- did light exercises because of the heat and humidity- John M. came by and picked up his computer- watered my friend’s garden- picked up some sand over at Scott’s- went for my evening walk- John M. calls to say the power supply is over heating and shuts down after 45 minutes. I bring him over another power supply and install it. The problem was that the fan had stopped working- ran into Jeff R. on way back and he said that he was in 29 earlier and that it rained and flooded HWY 62 over a foot- Andrew came by for a bit- wrote column for newspaper and sent it in.
Wednesday 23- did light exercises; again it’s a hot with a lot of moisture in the air- put up some more chicken wire on the north side wall and started the second coat of stucco on the east- called and jawed with Jerry for a while about all kinds of things that I can’t remember what it was I called him up for; maybe it was just to say howdy- Scott called to tell me about a problem he is having- watch my favorite TV program “Bones”, it was a rerun and I make it a habit not to watch something I already seen before, but then again it is my favorite- cloudy tonight but sat outside with my telescope anyways.
Thursday 24- Jerry called and we talked about that mysterious place. The police had called Jerry asking him some personal questions like the year he was born, I told Jerry “what do they want that for you ain’t the one buried up there”. Anyways we’ll see if the police are really interested enough to come check it out some day- did my morning stretches- went to town to git supplies, Wal-Mart, and Stater Brothers. I try to git my shopping done before the first of the month herd do theirs. I drove down Winters Road on my way to town and the county had shut down one lane and was out there spraying some oil or other on the whole two miles of paved road- got home and continued putting second coat of stucco on the east wall. I’ll tell ya that the second coat really stiffens it up and makes it rock solid- Joel L. arrived with pizza at 6pm and I showed him my stucco handiwork- went for my evening walk- worked on website getting it ready for the weekend update- took the telescope out for an hour looking at the southern skies.
Friday 25-did my exercises- Linda D. called to say her and Ron are home- updated website- continued stuccoing and hanging chicken wire on the rest of the house. While hammering up the chicken wire I nailed my thumb pretty good; saw stars and then felt the pain, ouch! Ran into the house and put ice on it- picked up some more sand for the stucco at Scott's- went for my evening walk- Roger T. rang to say his new LCD monitor arrived from Dell- called and yapped at Stoney- after the sunset just above the horizon I saw the Waxing Crescent Moon- took out the telescope and focused on the northern skies tonight. Pleiades is starting to peek up in the east now.
Saturday 26- did my exercises- finished chicken wiring the north side of the house, and then I finished stuccoing the east side. While I was working Dale from Landers called so I plugged in my headphones to my portable phone and was able to work and talk to him at the same time. It actually made the work go by faster and we talked for 86 minutes- Stoney dropped me off some of his homemade chili beans on his way to potluck. I’ll mix them in with the rice I’ve made and it should last for about 3 days- went for my evening walk- Roger T. called looking for some old computer memory- watched the Moon set through the telescope and saw it slide behind the silhouette of trees on a mountain. Pretty awesome- my poor old tired body is really hurting today and I think I’ll take Sunday off and go visit some folks around here.
Sunday 27-- did my stretches- Roger T. came by to look at my stucco job and picked up an outdoor telephone ringer I had no use for; he’s getting hard of hearing and needs it for when he goes outside- went over to Mac’s and helped him backup his files and place them on his new computer and picked up the one I lent him- went and visited Chuck and jawed with him, while his son Joseph practiced casting a fishing pole with a beer can hooked to it. One cast had the beer can land on the table where Chuck and me were sitting and we weren’t none happy about that. I guess that’s what kids do for fun out here in the desert- got home with my computer and Ron D. came over with some Thai food he had left over from breakfast at the monastery- Scott called and we yapped for a while- went for my evening walk- watched the Moon set over the mountains again through the telescope and then I trained it on Jupiter and saw four of its moons.

Wednesday 30- did my stretches and weights- cleaned up in the house and then cleared the west wall in preparation for the chicken wire and stucco. Did no stuccoing today- Andrew called and asked if I could send some files to him tonight- visited Stuart and chatted a few- dropped by John M.’s place with a bag of trash for his dumpster and saw his new haircut; he did it himself like I did but ended up with no hair, but the gals at his work say he looks younger, to me he looks like Mr. Clean- picked up some more sand from Scott’s- went for my evening walk- Watched TV “Bones”- sent Andrew his files- took out the telescope and tried to find the North American Nebula which is just east of Deneb in the constellation Cygnus. Like I said I tried; spent an hour looking and because Cygnus is at the Zenith I kinked my neck looking. I used my telescope, my binoculars and still couldn’t make it out. I found out later that it is best viewed with special filters, which don’t help none when you’re doing astronomy on a budget.
Thursday 31- did my exercises- Joel called to say hi- Mac came over for a visit and we jawed while I worked on the chicken wire and drilled a new hole in the wall for the propane. Finished putting the second coat of stucco on the north wall- went for my evening walk- took out the telescope for just a short time. There was some lightning coming from some clouds to the north and the bats were out looking for a late night snack. I am so dang dog tired from finishing that north wall I am going to take tomorrow off and just rest and enjoy the first day of a new month.