Welcome to the Month of July! – Most days I’ve been writing my so called book so I haven’t done much more than that on those days…..
I did my stretches and ran a mile.
Went to Kelly’s to bring her an electric fan, a radio, and some fruit I had in the fridge.
Saturday 02- I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, core trainer, and ran a mile.
Very hot and muggy all day; woke up early and it looked like fog outside.
Had dinner at Linda’s
Sunday 03- I did my stretches.
Monday 04- I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, core trainer, and ran a mile.
Went outside at 5am and it was sprinkling, got back in bed and went back to sleep.
I would have gone to watch the fireworks at the Marine Base but the local FM radio station said they weren’t having them this year.
I talked to Kelly and she said she could see the fireworks at the base from her house yesterday. Dang, I’ll never trust that radio station again!
I washed my clothes by hand and no longer than 15min after I hung them out to dry did a thunderstorm come and rain down upon them :(
I went to the Joshua Tree National Park with Linda. We hiked around on some trails and chased a hawk while trying to photograph it. Then we went to this really neat Japanese Teriyaki place in 29 Palms and I ate with chopsticks after Linda showed me how.
Wednesday 06- I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, and ran a mile.
It rained again!!!
Thursday 07- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, and rode my bike.
I went to the Joshua Tree National Park with Linda again and climbed around some rocks and boulders.
Saturday 09- I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, and ran a mile.
Sunday 10- I did my stretches.
I listened to Astro 7B lecture as I went for my evening walk.
Monday 11- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, and ran a mile.
Tuesday 12- I did my stretches and ran a mile.
I went to Yucca to do some shopping at WalMart and Staters. I stopped off at the Optometrist and ordered two pair of glasses to replace the worn beaten pair I’m currently wearing. The woman there was named Donna and she helped me pick out what frames and shade of lens for my sunglasses.
Wednesday 13- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, core trainer, and went for a mile run.
A dove died on my front yard and the other doves were just hanging around waiting for it. I went over to the body and it appeared to have just died. I picked it up with a shovel, dug a really deep hole, put the dove in and a big cactus on top. The other doves must have approved because they waited till I was done and then flew off.
I went for a night run.
Thursday 14- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, and went for a mile run.
I watched a Red Racer snake crawl onto a shelve and over to my window trying to get in. He didn't see me sitting outside in a chair right by the window. When he finally saw me he went very still. I talked to him saying it's okay to be here but only eat the rats and stay away from the dove eggs. It was strange that the end tip of his tail shook back and forth like some nervous response while he sat very still as I talked to him. Of course I know they don't understand a word I'm saying but I do think they pick up on my mood. The Red Racer has been hanging around my home ever since :)
Basically I finished the main structure of the book; like I laid down the keel and put up the planking and made it waterproof. Now I need to put in the electrical, plumbing, decks and rooms before it can set sail….
I went for a night run!
Friday 15- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, lifted dumbbells, and ran a mile.
I listened to Astro 7B lecture as I went for my evening walk.
Saturday 16- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, and ran a mile.
Linda called at 5:30pm inviting me over for dinner; ate trout with portabellas and salad.
Sunday 17- I did my stretches and went for a mile run.
Monday 18- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, core trainer, punched the bag some, and ran a mile.
Chris came by to drop off groceries from the USDA food distribution- he said 118 folks showed up.
I got a call from the Donna the optometrist saying my glasses came in and are ready to be picked up. I drove the Harley all the way down there; 40 miles round trip, only to discover that only one pair came in. Dang now I’ll have to make another trip, but I was nice to Donna and said thank you.
Linda called me to come over to help her move some furniture.
Linda Harter gave me a surprise birthday party! Terry, Piper, John, Linda Sibio, and Blake sang Happy Birthday to me! We had a vegetarian dinner that Linda and Piper work very hard preparing. Blake made these fantastic tacos that were to die for! I didn’t get home until 2am and I think that was mighty awesome of everybody!!!
Wednesday 20- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, lifted weights, and went for a mile run.
Helped Linda fix her place some and then we went to eat at the Japanese Teriyaki place in 29 across from the Jelly Donut- Mighty fine food!
Thursday 21- Kelly called asked me to ride with her to her doctor in Desert Palms. We got back 6:30pm after having some kinda sandwich at the Kabob shop by WalMart.
I then drove over to Linda’s to help her secure a few spots that the dirty rats were using to get into the attic of the house.
Wow I didn’t do my stretches today!
Friday 22- I did my stretches and went for a mile run.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
Kath came by to pick up her laptop I repaired for her.
Kelly prescription all day didn’t come. Waste of time, but went to park.
Saturday 23- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, and ran a mile.
Helped Linda-
Sunday 24- I did my stretches.
Monday 25- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, lifted weights and dumbbells, ran a mile, rode my bike, and punched the bag some. I did the whole thing!
Kelly came by and we went Rite Aid. Burger King. Shopped at Staters.
Tuesday 26- I did my stretches, yoga, and ran a mile.
Finally I got a day off and away from everyone so I did what I like to do and that’s play with my computers. I bought this Mid M009 7” Android 2.2 Froyo tablet running a VIA VM8650 800Mhz processor about a month or two ago; hell maybe three or four I forget, on eBay for $80.
Anyways I wanted to try some new firmware on it to make it run better. Well I went to a site called merimobiles.com a very helpful site. They had one (M7 for $75 shipped) just like the one I bought on eBay (I thought) and did what the site said and it turned my tablet into a brick; oops! My fault! I found that I had the tablet with the green LED and not the blue one like the tablet on their site; I guess that matters a lot :)
So I hunted around online for another firmware update for my cheap tablet. These updates are custom done by hackers (there are good ones- the other’s are scum) who try to gain more speed and get rid of unwanted crap that the manufacturer puts on these while also keeping up their device updates. You really can’t do stuff like this on an iPad (and I wouldn’t want to on mine) because it’s all proprietary and besides that Steve would probably sue you. The site where I bought my Android tablet on eBay of course wasn’t any help. So I searched and searched and finally found one that might work called Uberoid V6. I had to change the Changelog thingy in it three times and it seems that changing it to option 8 worked, not great but it worked; I can try the others later.
It booted up just fine. Dang, when I put in my Google name and password and it synced all my contacts- the other build from the manufacturer didn’t. I have my Kindle, DropBox, Google Docs, but Skype didn’t work (figures). It’ll play Flash but I think I’ll just use it for email and to surf the web in places where the environment is hostile to my iPad. Aw such fun for $80!!!
I helped Linda work on some of the last minute things she needs to do before she rents it out. We also went for a short walk down Snake Canyon where we saw two snakes (Crotalus mitchellii pyrrhus - Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake). Linda walked right by one and was lucky it didn’t strike her; in fact it just ignored us, but the second one was a little more active so we made our way cautiously back out of the canyon and to the truck.
Linda had a small party before she left. Piper, John, Terry, Pauline, and Linda Sibio came.
Friday 29- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, core trainer, and ran a mile.
I haven’t heard from Kelly for almost two days and thought I’d better check up on her. I drove over and she was happy to see me. It turns out that her internet connection was fried and I stayed around until it was fixed.
Saturday 30- I did my stretches and ran a mile.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
As you can see by the happy grin on this guys face in the picture that it was mighty good food too and there was plenty of it for everyone!
Sunday 31- I did my stretches.
A bad storm blew through here at 3:30am this morning causing the power to go out for around 12hrs (of course I wasn’t affected because I’m totally on solar power). The dang lightning struck so close to my house it knocked me out of bed. I went outside to see what was going on and when I saw a lightning strike just in the field north of my house about 500 feet away I went back inside after I regained my vision to hide under my blankets :)