I did my stretches, yoga, dumbbells, rode my bike, lifted weights, core trainer, punched at the heavy bag, rode my bike, and ran with weights.
I did my studies.
I went on my evening walk listening to Astro 7B, lecture 1 about: parallax.
I watched lesson 17 on the Berkeley biology course.
I watched a movie that I borrowed from a friend called “Cowboys and Aliens”, a mighty fine Sci-Fi!!!!
Thursday 02- The sky was a clear bright blue, but the temps didn’t get over 65 degrees.
I did my stretches, core trainer, and ran a mile.
I went on my evening walk listening to Astro 7B, lecture 2.
I watched lesson 18 on the Berkeley biology course.
I watched the movie “Apollo 18” (2011). It was really wasn’t that great except for the special effects made up for it; made you feel like they were really on the Moon.
Friday 03- I had to go into town to do some necessary errands and bought a car.
I did my studies.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the newsletter.
Saturday 04- I did my stretches, yoga, dumbbells, rode my bike, lifted weights, core trainer, punched at the heavy bag, rode my bike, and ran with weights.
I did my studies.
Sunday 05- The weather was sunny but a bit windy.
I did my stretches and just mellowed out all day; no Superbowl for me.
Monday 06- It appeared to be a nice day, what I seen of it from the inside of a car or store.
I woke up very early to do my stretches, yoga, dumbbells, rode my bike, lifted weights, core trainer, and punched at the heavy bag.
I did my studies.
I left the house at 9:30am to spend the rest of the day taking Kelly to her doctor's and shopping. We got back really late. I'm not a shopper- I just go in and get what I want/need. Women can spend long hours picking through this, sorting through that while shopping. I am glad the day is over! Tomorrow, maybe, I'll go pick up my car if it's ready. Otherwise it'll be Wednesday.
Tuesday 07- The weather was cold and cloudy all day long; looking like if could rain any minute.
I did my stretches.
I did my studies.
Wednesday 08- The weather was pleasant.
I did my stretches.
I got a call from Linda and Blake that they took John Massey to the ER this morning. I went to John’s trying to find his cell phone or some contact info for Linda so she could inform his family. I found a journal with names and such and Linda was successful getting hold of his son.
Blake was kind enough to give me a ride to pick up my Cougar in 29 Palms.
I paid for it and got to the DMV just before it closed and got it registered. I stopped off on the way home at Kelly’s to show it off.
I did my studies.
I went on my evening walk listening to Astro 7B, lecture 3 about: relativistic Doppler beaming from a standard frame.
Thursday 09- The weather was again pleasant.
I did my stretches, lifted weights and dumbbells, core trainer, and punched the heavy bag.
John Massey came over to ask if I could take him to his doctor tomorrow- I said I would and it wouldn’t be a problem.
I did my studies.
I washed my car. I didn’t think of it until now that I haven’t had a car since the early 80s when I sold my Porsche 914. Oh, I’ve had trucks and motorcycles, but no cars. It’s a nice change and I’m ready to travel. The Harley is cool and I’m going to keep it, but I’m getting too old to ride it any vast distances… then again maybe not.
Friday 10- Temps into the mid 70s!
I took John to his doctor in Palm Desert to get the stitches taken out. That took most of the day. When I got back Kelly’s cat was dying and I went over to help and support her and just be a friend.
Saturday 11- The weather started out really nice and all, but then it got mighty windy and cold, clouds started moving in!
I did my stretches, yoga, dumbbells, rode my bike, lifted weights, core trainer, punched at the heavy bag, rode my bike, and ran a mile.
Kelly’s cat died this morning; he was my favorite out of all her cats.
Kelly’s cat died this morning; he was my favorite out of all her cats.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the newsletter.
I went on my evening walk listening to Astro 7B, lecture 4 about: relativistic energy and momentum.
I posted this on FaceBook:
I think we should try to put forth the effort to love one another! I love all my friends, all my antagonists, all the different religions and people who believe in them or not, all citizens of all nations of diverse political beliefs, and all the people I’ll ever come to know or never get to know. I hope we can spread that kind of love around and share it with the world and all its inhabitants! Okay, that sounds kinda 60ish, but I believe, truly believe that is something we lost over those decades between the 60s and now... LOVE and PEACE Let’s bring them back. Spread the word… I LOVE YOU!
Sunday 12- The weather mighty windy and cold!
I’m sick….
I did my stretches.
I did my studies.
Monday 13- Cold and windy!
I did my stretches.
I’m still sick….
I did my studies.
Kelly and I went to the store and ate Chinese.
Tuesday 14- Cold, cloudy, and windy.
I did my stretches.
I did my studies.
Chris called needing help restoring his computer from a bad virus- was able to talk him through the process over the phone- backing up all his files and docs- then we did a clean install of Win XP.
I watched a new episode of “Castle” and “EndGame”.
Wednesday 15- The weather was clear with sunshine. Until around 1PM when clouds came and flooded the sky and blocked out the Sun. Then it grew very dark and rained the rest of the day and into the night, flooding the ground.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, core trainer, ran a mile, and punched the heavy bag a little. I didn’t push myself any, just a light workout.
I did my studies. Had a few days to catch up on because being sick I didn’t feel like doing anything.
I finished reading “The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. A wonderful adventure book written in 1719.
I watched lesson 17 on the Berkeley biology course about: Genes are made of DNA.
Thursday 16- It was a cold and blistery day!
I did my stretches and lifted dumbbells.
The people from Dhamma Dena brought Ruth’s hard drive from her laptop she gave away without taking her documents off. They retrieved it from a computer store after it was replaced by a new drive and thrown away. I spent four hours on it trying almost everything I could think of to get my computers to recognize the drive, but I kinda knew when I first hooked it up and heard the noise it made that it was a brick. I have one more trick to try tomorrow and if that doesn’t work I’ll have to give up.
The UPS guy delivered my new T-Mobile Samsung Dart Android Prepaid Phone. The reason I bought the phone was that I could use to make calls on their prepaid network or on free WIFI (like at home, McDonalds, or at Starbucks) without any charges. But T-Mobile isn’t very clear about that and the wording is misleading. It’s like what if I’m surfing the web or making a call on my home WIFI and find out I’m using my prepaid minutes- that wouldn’t be so good. So until I find out I’m not putting the SIM card in and just using Skype for now. It’s a neat little phone and for $99 at T-Mobile I couldn’t pass that up.
Friday 17- Nice weather today.
I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, ran with weights, core trainer, lifted weights, rode the bike, and punched at heavy bag.
UPS dropped my new scanner off this afternoon- it has an automatic feeder- I’m going all digital and get rid of most of the dang papers I’ve been storing.
Saturday 18- Another nice but cool day with a bit of a breeze.
I helped cleaned Kelly’s house most of the day. She made dinner for us and it was mighty good!
Sunday 19- The weather was cold and there are high wind warnings for our area.
I got a call from Denny telling me he got a call from Roger saying that part of the roof was coming off and if I would call the guy who I recommended to fix it to go and repair his handy work. I called my friend and he needed help so I told him to come pick me up. We fixed roof in about an hour.
I get back home and there is a message on the phone- John Massey got his truck stuck in the dirt by the sand dunes out where we were searching for gold. It took me a half an hour to find him, he had dug his truck down to where the undercarriage was buried and there was a lot of digging to be done to clear that away, and another two hours to get him unstuck and on his way.
I stopped at Kelly’s to pick up 6 bags of trash to throw away and ended up staying there and resting for a spell.
Monday 20- Presidents day- I just mellowed out and got caught up on some reading.
Tuesday 21- It was overcast with a low into the 60s.
I did my stretches, core trainer, heavy bag, and ran a mile.
I went for a walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #7 by Joshua Bloom.
I stopped by Kelly’s to dig a grave for her kitty that passed on recently.
Wednesday 22- The weather is mighty nice with temps into the mid 70s with clear skies and a light breeze.
I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, ran with weights, core trainer, lifted weights, rode my bike, and punched the heavy bag.
Kelly wasn’t feeling well so I went over to her house and sat with her for a long spell.
Thursday 23- Beautiful weather, temps in the high 70s!
I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, ran with weights, core trainer, lifted weights, rode my bike, and punched the heavy bag. Dang it, I forgot that I did all this yesterday. I’m supposed to have a one day break in between and take the weekend off.
I went to WalMart and Stater Bros. to get supplies and pick up mail. Gas is at $4.08 a gallon!
I did my studies.
I watered the plants around the house, and fed the doves (I feed them almost every day).
I went for a walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #8 by Joshua Bloom.
I watched lecture 18 and 19 on the Berkeley biology course about: Gene Expression 1- DNA is transcribed into RNA, and Gene Expression 2- RNA is transcribed into Protein.
Friday 24- The weather was fabulous- I ate breakfast and did my studies outside.
I did my stretches and ran a mile.
I sweep and mopped the bedroom and living room floors.
Linda S. brought back a gallon of gas I lent to her. I keep a couple of gallons on hand for my friends who run low and need it to get to town. They always bring it back filled.
The Cougar needed a little cleaning inside.
I went for a walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #9 by Joshua Bloom.
I watched lecture 20 on the Berkeley biology course about: Regulation of Gene Expression.
I watched a new episode of “Castle” and “Endgame”.
Saturday 25- It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood. It got a bit windy later on in the evening.
I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, punched at the heavy bag, and ran a mile.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I setup the new scanner to the Toshiba Laptop and now will scan everything into it and go paperless, well as paperless as I can.
Potluck was special this month because it’s Chris Jonas’s birthday. Around thirty of us stood up and sang Happy Birthday to this wonderful, dynamic man!
Mary Koval and her daughter Chris made a poor man’s lasagna, dinner rolls, and baked up some peanut butter cheesecake brownies.
Chris Jonas and family went all out cooking up some mighty tasty meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy. The chicken tortilla casserole that Dorothy Jacobsen brought was undeniably a show stopper. Ruth Malton whipped up her Waldo-jello salad. Rose Matich steamed some peas and dragged Joe, her husband, to the center. Dyan Carroll spent the last couple of days slaving over a hot stove preparing us a magnificent meal of lasagna with a side dish of cauliflower covered in a special melted cheddar cheese sauce, yummy. Marie Morrison brought candied yams. David Royer concocted a ham and pasta salad for our enjoyment. I brought my regular stuff which paled in comparison to these others.
Sunday 26- Today started out with a little wind, but settled down by noon.
I did my stretches.
I cleaned the terminals on the batteries and topped them off with water.
I backed up all the community picture files onto two hard drives.
I watched the new episode of “Fringe”.
I messed around on FaceBook for most of the night…
Monday 27- Dang, windy today with dark clouds coming in over us.
I did my stretches, yoga, dumbbells, core trainer, lifted weights, rode my bike, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back with weights.
I did my studies.
I went for an evening walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #10 by Joshua Bloom.
It got cold and the wind was really howling, so I lit up a fire and settled in for the night.
I found out that I sprained my hip muscles and it hurts like the dickens to put any weight on it when I walk, now I’m stuck hobbling around the place.
I watched lecture 21 on the Berkeley biology course about: Regulation of Gene Expression.
I got caught up on my astronomy readings.
Tuesday 28- A very nice day out but unfortunately I sprained my right hip muscle riding my bike full blast up that dang hill that runs by my house, yesterday. So now I have to stay off it for a few days. I mostly messed around on FaceBook and read.
Wednesday 29- A very blustery day it was with winds blowing a hard gust out of the NW at 50MPH.
I’m still resting up my sprained hip muscle. I did do a few light reps on my weights.
Kelly and I did drive to Staters Bros. at 8pm to get some munchies and bring them to her house. We had all her critters after the chicken we bought. We buried Solomon her cat that died a spell ago. I had dug the grave a few days ago, so it didn't bother my hip.
I went on my evening walk listening to Astro 7B, lecture 4 about: relativistic energy and momentum.
I posted this on FaceBook:
I think we should try to put forth the effort to love one another! I love all my friends, all my antagonists, all the different religions and people who believe in them or not, all citizens of all nations of diverse political beliefs, and all the people I’ll ever come to know or never get to know. I hope we can spread that kind of love around and share it with the world and all its inhabitants! Okay, that sounds kinda 60ish, but I believe, truly believe that is something we lost over those decades between the 60s and now... LOVE and PEACE Let’s bring them back. Spread the word… I LOVE YOU!
Sunday 12- The weather mighty windy and cold!
I’m sick….
I did my stretches.
I did my studies.
Monday 13- Cold and windy!
I did my stretches.
I’m still sick….
I did my studies.
Kelly and I went to the store and ate Chinese.
Tuesday 14- Cold, cloudy, and windy.
I did my stretches.
I did my studies.
Chris called needing help restoring his computer from a bad virus- was able to talk him through the process over the phone- backing up all his files and docs- then we did a clean install of Win XP.
I watched a new episode of “Castle” and “EndGame”.
Wednesday 15- The weather was clear with sunshine. Until around 1PM when clouds came and flooded the sky and blocked out the Sun. Then it grew very dark and rained the rest of the day and into the night, flooding the ground.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, core trainer, ran a mile, and punched the heavy bag a little. I didn’t push myself any, just a light workout.
I did my studies. Had a few days to catch up on because being sick I didn’t feel like doing anything.
I finished reading “The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. A wonderful adventure book written in 1719.
I watched lesson 17 on the Berkeley biology course about: Genes are made of DNA.
Thursday 16- It was a cold and blistery day!
I did my stretches and lifted dumbbells.
The people from Dhamma Dena brought Ruth’s hard drive from her laptop she gave away without taking her documents off. They retrieved it from a computer store after it was replaced by a new drive and thrown away. I spent four hours on it trying almost everything I could think of to get my computers to recognize the drive, but I kinda knew when I first hooked it up and heard the noise it made that it was a brick. I have one more trick to try tomorrow and if that doesn’t work I’ll have to give up.
The UPS guy delivered my new T-Mobile Samsung Dart Android Prepaid Phone. The reason I bought the phone was that I could use to make calls on their prepaid network or on free WIFI (like at home, McDonalds, or at Starbucks) without any charges. But T-Mobile isn’t very clear about that and the wording is misleading. It’s like what if I’m surfing the web or making a call on my home WIFI and find out I’m using my prepaid minutes- that wouldn’t be so good. So until I find out I’m not putting the SIM card in and just using Skype for now. It’s a neat little phone and for $99 at T-Mobile I couldn’t pass that up.
Friday 17- Nice weather today.
I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, ran with weights, core trainer, lifted weights, rode the bike, and punched at heavy bag.
UPS dropped my new scanner off this afternoon- it has an automatic feeder- I’m going all digital and get rid of most of the dang papers I’ve been storing.
Saturday 18- Another nice but cool day with a bit of a breeze.
I helped cleaned Kelly’s house most of the day. She made dinner for us and it was mighty good!
Sunday 19- The weather was cold and there are high wind warnings for our area.
I got a call from Denny telling me he got a call from Roger saying that part of the roof was coming off and if I would call the guy who I recommended to fix it to go and repair his handy work. I called my friend and he needed help so I told him to come pick me up. We fixed roof in about an hour.
I get back home and there is a message on the phone- John Massey got his truck stuck in the dirt by the sand dunes out where we were searching for gold. It took me a half an hour to find him, he had dug his truck down to where the undercarriage was buried and there was a lot of digging to be done to clear that away, and another two hours to get him unstuck and on his way.
I stopped at Kelly’s to pick up 6 bags of trash to throw away and ended up staying there and resting for a spell.
Monday 20- Presidents day- I just mellowed out and got caught up on some reading.
Tuesday 21- It was overcast with a low into the 60s.
I did my stretches, core trainer, heavy bag, and ran a mile.
I went for a walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #7 by Joshua Bloom.
I stopped by Kelly’s to dig a grave for her kitty that passed on recently.
Wednesday 22- The weather is mighty nice with temps into the mid 70s with clear skies and a light breeze.
I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, ran with weights, core trainer, lifted weights, rode my bike, and punched the heavy bag.
Kelly wasn’t feeling well so I went over to her house and sat with her for a long spell.
Thursday 23- Beautiful weather, temps in the high 70s!
I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, ran with weights, core trainer, lifted weights, rode my bike, and punched the heavy bag. Dang it, I forgot that I did all this yesterday. I’m supposed to have a one day break in between and take the weekend off.
I went to WalMart and Stater Bros. to get supplies and pick up mail. Gas is at $4.08 a gallon!
I did my studies.
I watered the plants around the house, and fed the doves (I feed them almost every day).
I went for a walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #8 by Joshua Bloom.
I watched lecture 18 and 19 on the Berkeley biology course about: Gene Expression 1- DNA is transcribed into RNA, and Gene Expression 2- RNA is transcribed into Protein.
Friday 24- The weather was fabulous- I ate breakfast and did my studies outside.
I did my stretches and ran a mile.
I sweep and mopped the bedroom and living room floors.
Linda S. brought back a gallon of gas I lent to her. I keep a couple of gallons on hand for my friends who run low and need it to get to town. They always bring it back filled.
The Cougar needed a little cleaning inside.
I went for a walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #9 by Joshua Bloom.
I watched lecture 20 on the Berkeley biology course about: Regulation of Gene Expression.
I watched a new episode of “Castle” and “Endgame”.
Saturday 25- It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood. It got a bit windy later on in the evening.
I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, punched at the heavy bag, and ran a mile.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I setup the new scanner to the Toshiba Laptop and now will scan everything into it and go paperless, well as paperless as I can.
Mary Koval and her daughter Chris made a poor man’s lasagna, dinner rolls, and baked up some peanut butter cheesecake brownies.
Chris Jonas and family went all out cooking up some mighty tasty meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy. The chicken tortilla casserole that Dorothy Jacobsen brought was undeniably a show stopper. Ruth Malton whipped up her Waldo-jello salad. Rose Matich steamed some peas and dragged Joe, her husband, to the center. Dyan Carroll spent the last couple of days slaving over a hot stove preparing us a magnificent meal of lasagna with a side dish of cauliflower covered in a special melted cheddar cheese sauce, yummy. Marie Morrison brought candied yams. David Royer concocted a ham and pasta salad for our enjoyment. I brought my regular stuff which paled in comparison to these others.
Sunday 26- Today started out with a little wind, but settled down by noon.
I did my stretches.
I cleaned the terminals on the batteries and topped them off with water.
I backed up all the community picture files onto two hard drives.
I watched the new episode of “Fringe”.
I messed around on FaceBook for most of the night…
Monday 27- Dang, windy today with dark clouds coming in over us.
I did my stretches, yoga, dumbbells, core trainer, lifted weights, rode my bike, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back with weights.
I did my studies.
I went for an evening walk listening to Astro 7B lecture #10 by Joshua Bloom.
It got cold and the wind was really howling, so I lit up a fire and settled in for the night.
I found out that I sprained my hip muscles and it hurts like the dickens to put any weight on it when I walk, now I’m stuck hobbling around the place.
I watched lecture 21 on the Berkeley biology course about: Regulation of Gene Expression.
I got caught up on my astronomy readings.
Tuesday 28- A very nice day out but unfortunately I sprained my right hip muscle riding my bike full blast up that dang hill that runs by my house, yesterday. So now I have to stay off it for a few days. I mostly messed around on FaceBook and read.
Wednesday 29- A very blustery day it was with winds blowing a hard gust out of the NW at 50MPH.
I’m still resting up my sprained hip muscle. I did do a few light reps on my weights.
Kelly and I did drive to Staters Bros. at 8pm to get some munchies and bring them to her house. We had all her critters after the chicken we bought. We buried Solomon her cat that died a spell ago. I had dug the grave a few days ago, so it didn't bother my hip.