Welcome to the Month of July- highs to 101, and lows down to 70 degrees.
I did my stretches.
I took a broom and then mopped all the floors in my little home with Pine-Sol.
I checked and filled my batteries that run all the electric in the house.
My friend Kula called asking for help with her laptop that’s been acting up. We tried the easy stuff first: checked for lent in fan, reseating the RAM, clean disk, disk defrag, and lastly a check disk which ran for hours. I told her to let it run and call me in the morning if the laptop still wasn’t working properly. It sounds to me like either- corrupt files on the disk- a failing hard drive- or a bad power supply. Hopefully it runs okay tomorrow; if not I’ll walk her through a fresh install to see if it’s just corrupt files, or the hard drive.
July 02- highs around 100, with lows down to 72 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, rode my bike, core trainer, yoga, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
What we tried yesterday to fix Kula’s laptop didn’t work, so I spent over an hour on the phone walking Kula through the steps to restore her laptop back to factory settings.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: a mountain with a waterfall.
I went to the post office in Twentynine Palms to pick up two packages.
I went for my evening walk with two bricks in my backpack.
I watched lecture 34 on the Berkeley biology course about: Integration: Sex and reproduction.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
I began reading chapter 4 of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.
I read a section on in “The Practical Entomologist” About: Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets- Order of Orthoptera. You can time the chirping of crickets to get the temperature by counting the number of chirps in 14seconds and add 40 to count.
I read a chapter of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Gods of Mars”.
July 03- temps into the 90s.
I did my stretches- my hip is hurting again and will lay off riding the bike up the hill because I believe that is what’s weakening the muscle there. I seem to have no problem running and walking, but I’ll lay off those too for a spell, too.
I took Kelly to post office to get her packages, Rite Aid to get prescriptions filled, and then to Staters Bros shopping for our 4th of July barbecue. We had dinner at Burger King,
I watched a movie on Netflix called “K-19: The Widowmaker” (2002). About the Soviet Union’s first nuclear sub launched in 1961and all the trouble it got into with bad construction, a rush to get it into action off the coast of the USA, the mentality of the political officers and bureaucracy of the times.
I stayed up late (until 3:30AM) to watch announcements from Cern about the finding of the Higgs Boson.
It started raining around 2AM. I could smell the creosote bushes; they have such a wonderful fragrance when they get wet. It did cross my mind that it might rain earlier in the day: the front door was hard to open and shut, there was a haze in the western sky all day, but I paid it little thought.
Independents Day! - it was overcast and breezy most of the day with temps never reaching 90 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag. I’m still staying off my legs as much as I can.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: Palm trees.
At around 5PM I dropped by Stoney’s to visit with his Daughter Judy and her daughter Jody, but they were not there. So I went on over to my friend Kelly’s to have a barbecue with her. I played around with getting my old barbecue going, which hasn’t been used since 98, while Kelly cooked up the corn and potatoes and anything else we needed for our meal. I put the two ribeye steaks on and the wonderful smell of them sizzling on the charcoal grill filled the air. Kelly brought out the plates along with chives and sour cream for the potatoes. I fished the steaks out from the grill and we proceeded to scarf away at the fest in front of us. The steaks were a little bit overdone, but seeing it was ribeye and tender and I haven’t barbecued in boocoo years, Kelly gracefully let it slide. After dinner we took two of her dogs, Stitch and Lilly, for a walk.
Last year we were told by the local radio station Z1077 there wouldn’t be any fireworks at the base, but Kelly could see them from her front yard and called me but it was too late to go. I don’t listen to Z1077 anymore; they spoiled my 4th last year and play weird songs anyways.
This year we just drove down to the Marine base to watch the fireworks. We passed folks along the way who had already had their cars parked off to the side of the road at the end of Pole Line in front of the parade grounds at the base where they been firing them off for years. We found a nice spot down a side road where Stoney and I used to watch them- little did Kelly and I know that they had moved the fireworks a few miles away from where it was originally at the parade ground. We could still see them from where we setup camp and just turned our chairs around to watch. It wasn’t as spectacular, but we saw them. After sitting and relaxing for a long spell, we drove back to Kelly’s where we sat out front and had pineapple upside down cake and tea. She was looking at the bugs on her wall that were attracted by the outside light and said she found a Dragonfly. I looked at it and its wings were held against its body and told her it was a Damselfly, as Dragonflies rest with their wings spread to their sides. So I guess reading that Entomologist book is paying off. What a wonderful evening!
July 05- clouds here and there but mostly sunny with temps in the mid 90s and tonight around 72 degrees.
I stayed up last night until almost 4AM, and slept in until 12:20PM.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, and went for a short walk.
I just kinda kicked back today surfing the web.
I watched “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” (2011) So much action you can’t get bored.
July 06- temps got into the low 100s with 72 degrees tonight.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and went for a short walk.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: A house and a face.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I watched lecture 35 on the Berkeley biology course about: Integration: Nerve cells and excitability.
I got a call from Stoney’s daughter Judy to come over to help them setup the digital converter for the TV. I guess our area is finally changing over to all digital this week and getting rid of UHF. I got it all set up for them and stayed for a spell and jawed about old times and watched some show called “Undercover Boss” where the CEO of a company secretly becomes a worker. It was actually pretty good.
I’m still reading chapter 4 of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking. It’s mostly about black holes and the curvature of spacetime.
I read a section on in “The Practical Entomologist” about: The true bugs order Hemiptera.
I read two chapters of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Gods of Mars”.
I finished chapter 1 of “Molecular & Cell Biology for Dummies” about: Exploring the world of the cell, very basic to me now :)
Saturday 07- temps climbed to 110 with clear skies and a low tonight of 75 degrees.
I did my stretches and took a walk over to my neighbor Mark, who was on the roof with a friend hammering on the shingles. They took a break and we jawed for a short spell. Before I left Mark gave me this large donut from the Donut Man store, which I devoured once I gotten home.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something; a funny alien.
I watched lecture 36 on the Berkeley biology course about: Integration: Muscle cells and motility.
I finished reading chapter 4 of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking. This chapter was able to clarify an idea I had about Hawking Radiation and virtual particles. I thought that as the virtual particles split up and one went into the event horizon and the other went into normal space we would still be able to know the spin of the one in the black hole by knowing the spin of the one in normal space through Entanglement. Thus we could get information from inside a black hole. I came up with this a few years ago after reading a book on the entanglement. Well I was on the right track, but Hawking says we need to “predict the spin and wave function of the one outgoing particle, which we could do if we could observe the particle that has fallen in”, but we can’t do that because it is inside the black hole. It was pretty cool coming up with this idea and getting this far on my own, even if it didn’t work out at the end.
I watched lecture 37 on the Berkeley biology course about: Integration: Nervous system.
I just got an AstroAlert from Sky & Telescope that there is a Nova in Sagittarius! They said it was “roughly between the "lid" and "spout" of the Teapot stars, at right ascension 18h 20.5m, declination -27° 44'… Of course I went outside to check it out with my new binoculars and I believe I saw it in the dust lanes, but I won’t know for sure until I see some photographs.
I watched lecture 38 on the Berkeley biology course about: Integration: Special senses. This was the last lecture on new material and there are two review lectures left to watch.
Sunday 08- temps over 110, no breeze…
I did my stretches and went for a short walk around my property.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: a damselfly.
I watched lectures 39 and 40 on the Berkeley biology course about: Review 1 and 2. I am all do with this biology class and hope that my pea brain absorbed a bit of it.
I started reading chapter 5 of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.
I read a chapter of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Gods of Mars”.
Monday 09- 110 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, rode my bike, core trainer, yoga, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I watered all the plants outside.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something:
I continued reading chapter 5 of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.
I rode the scooter down to collect my mail.
I read a chapter of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Gods of Mars”.
Tuesday 10- very hot! It was 95 degrees at 7AM in the dang morning!
I did my stretches and that is all.
I picked Kelly up at her house at 1PM and we went to town to do some shopping in the cool innards of Home Depot and WalMart. We also got gas, visited the post office, and made a short stop at Stater Bros that turned into a longer than expected. I got home at 10:30PM after dinning on chicken hindquarters and potato wedges at Kelly’s.
Wednesday 11- hot and muggy with temps of 112…
I did my stretches and nothing else. On theses kinda days you don’t do anything too strenuous; actually I didn’t do anything except mess with FaceBook and a few other websites.
Frank called to have me check his water meter to see if he has a leak. Around sundown I rode the scooter to collect my mail on Lear Ave and also checked Frank’s meter- it was leaking.
Thursday 12- cloudy all day with temps into the high 90s. It rained last night for two short periods at 11PM and 3AM.
I did my stretches, core trainer, yoga, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran a mile.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: motorcycle with two people on it.
It had cooled down enough to do a little bit of work around the yard.
I read five chapters of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Gods of Mars”.
Kelly called to tell me it started raining with lightning and thunder.
Friday 13- I woke up 5am sooo sick to my stomach that I was afraid I might just pass on over to the Promised Land before I could cleanup any unflattering computer files (just kidding). I lay in pain for many hours with the cold sweats and this muggy weather making my condition worse. Finally it settled down some around 1PM. Still I was dizzy and weak when I stand up... bad food? You think I ate too many cupcakes? I went online and checked some websites out giving my symptoms, and they all came back with Gallbladder attack. I ate too dang much greasy foods and my body came a knocking letting me know I was doing it wrong. I need to get some beet juice! They said it helps...
I stayed in bed most of the day finishing “The Gods of War” and started reading “The Warlord of Mars” by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I enjoy reading them and believe that if the books were just released today they’d be a big hit.
It rained during the day here and there. I went outside around 10PM with my flashlight to check things out. The air was very clean and fresh, and the big creosote in my front yard looked mighty tall as my light beam fell upon the upper branches; this made me feel quite happy to be alive after today’s malady.
Saturday 14- a very nice day with the temps in the low 90s.
I’m feeling much better today and did my stretches, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: an old Spanish Galleon.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I went for my evening walk with one brick in my backpack.
I got a new book in the mail on Thursday called “Organic Chemistry 1” by David R. Klein. I bought this book because all of the molecular biology books and lectures show these Bond-Line drawings that I know nothing about… now I know a little after going through the first chapter; you don’t have to draw the carbon or the hydrogen atom. A carbon atom can have only four bonds; these are connected to either other carbon atom, hydrogen or another type of atom. You see these zigzagging lines and can figure out how many carbon and hydrogen are there. I’m having a little trouble understanding double and triple bonds; the book, I found out, is a supplement to classroom textbooks on the subject- so I’m at a disadvantage here trying to fill in the gaps.
I read several chapters of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of Mars”.
I went for a night run.
Sunday 15-
nice day with temps in the high 80s.
decided that I'm turning off the computer and the phone. I just need to get
caught up with stuff and not communicating with certain people right
now...social networking like FaceBook and others, also emails and people
calling have taken too much of my time. I will check from time to time if there
are any important messages that I need to reply to or call.
I have a
myriad of projects I need to complete and out of the way. I have two books I
wrote and which need to be edited- I have two other books started that need to
be finished.
I did my
stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, and went for a mile run.
I did four
lessons in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know
workbook”, and I drew something: a house.
I called
and talked to family and friends. Dang Mac kept me on the phone jawing for
I went for
my evening walk carrying a five pound weight which will be easier on the
backpack then bricks. I might look into setting up my hiking and camping
backpack which is much larger, and get used to carrying that.
the day I read a bunch of chapters of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of
I went for
a night run.
Monday 16-
another nice and cool day!
I did my
stretches, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the
hill and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I did a
lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know
workbook”, and I drew something:
I read 2
chapters of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of Mars”.
I went for
my evening walk with the backpack with a five pound weight. I noticed
throughout this year there hasn’t been many flowers- even the Sahara Mustard
plant didn’t sprout- and there hasn’t been any of the big black ants either. Well
yesterday and today I’ve noticed them starting to dig holes here and there;
where at this time of year there would be large mounds. Also on my walks I
photographed Gulls that are fungi on the
creosote bush deposited by insects that lay their eggs there. If you look closely at the photo you can see the ribbed larvae poking their heads out.
I got
caught up with my astronomy reading.
I studied chapter
2 “Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”.
I read a
section on in “The Practical Entomologist”. About: Aphids, Cicadas, and
Hoppers- order of homoptera.
17- another fine and glorious day.
I did my
stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells and went for a mile and a half run.
I did a
lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know
workbook”, and I drew something:
I studied
“Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”
I finished
chapter 6 of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.
At 1PM I
picked Kelly up and we drove to the post office, got gas, Rite Aid, Stater
Bros. and lunch at Burger King; their fish sandwich was mighty good! Kelly got
her new glasses today in the mail, so we sat outside her house looking at
things far away and jawing about this and that. I got home around 6PM.
I went for
my evening walk carrying a five pound weight in my backpack.
I read a few
chapter of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of Mars”.
I did my
stretches, lifted dumbbells, and went for a night run.
I did a
little stargazing- M13 in Hercules, and a few other globular clusters around
the teapot.
practiced my guitar.
18- a lovely day.
I did my
stretches, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the
hill and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I did
three lessons in Beginning Latin book and another three in “1100 words you need
to know workbook”, and I drew something: monsters.
I’m still
studying chapter 1 of “Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”
I started
reading the last chapter of “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.
I heard
that beets are good for your gallbladder, so yesterday I bought some. I got out
my juicer that has been in storage for nine years which the packrats got to and
I had to use bleach to clean and wash it all up. Then I cut up all the beets
and other vegetables and was happily feeding them down the hole that shreds
them when I noticed red juice flowing around the juicer. It turns out that the
plastic container in the front, that I thought collected the juice, only
collected the pulverize remains of what I fed in. After some investigating, I
found a sprout in the back where the juice comes out and goes into a cup that I
was supposed to put there, oh well. So I sopped up the red liquid on the
kitchen counter and continued. Little did I know that the spilled fluid was
sucked up into the motor by a cooling fan on the bottom; another mess. I
finally got everything cleaned up, even the walls, and sat down and drank the
whole glass of beet juice down in two gulps. Was it worth it? I don’t know, but
it tasted really good!
I got my
old hiking backpack together and went for my evening walk. This backpack I
bought at REI in 1996 just before coming up here. It has straps and
compartments all over- it was made for long hikes.
I finished
reading Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of Mars”. What a wonderful book, what
a wonderful love story!
I did my
stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
I took out
the big binoculars for a spell and drank in the night’s sky.
19- it’s getting a little hotter but still nice.
I did my
stretches, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
I did a
lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to know
workbook”, and I drew something: 2 faces…
My friend
Janet at The-Gadgeteer.com is sending me a JamUp Plug to hook my guitar up to
my iPad so I can record my songs. I thought that was mighty nice of her and her
husband Butch who plays a mean lead on his guitar.
I went for
an evening walk with my backpack.
finished reading “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking.
finally received word that her operation is set for the end of the month.
I did my
stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
It is 90
degrees and muggy outside, so I thought I’d better take the scooter down to my
mailbox on Border Ave and collect my mail. It was a nice refreshing ride!
Friday 20-
getting hot and muggy.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
While I
was doing my exercises I saw an owl taking a dip in the cement pond. I came
upon the owl unexpectedly and we were both surprised but he stayed there as I
backed away. I ran into the house to grab my camera and was back in a flash,
but he had already flown over behind the palm tree. I didn’t want to disturb it
anymore than I had to, so I took some pictures from a distance; the pics didn’t
come out so good…
did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to
know workbook”, and I drew something: more faces…
I studied
“Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”, about: mitochondria.
I went for
an evening walk with my backpack.
My friend
Judy found out that I am studying Latin and is sending me a book called
"Latin Quips at your Fingertips", I think that is really sweet of
I started
reading a new book by Edgar Rice Burroughs called “Thuvia, Maid of Mars”.
I went for
a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
I sat
outside for an hour or so looking at M31, and then the garnet star and the
Cepheid variable star in the constellation Cepheus.
21- temps over 110…
did my stretches, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
did a lesson in Beginning Latin book and another in “1100 words you need to
know workbook”, and I drew something: more faces…
studied “Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”
went for my evening walk with my backpack.
read a chapter of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of Mars”.
did my stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
spent the rest of the night looking at navigation apps for my Android tablets.
22- temps around 110 or so…
did my stretches and went for a short walk.
I did a bunch of lessons in “1100 words you need to know workbook”; I’m 9
weeks behind from where I should be. It’s almost too hot to concentrate on
Dana, my neighbor across the way and over about a half a mile, dropped by
to say hi and also to ask what all the flashing lights were last night around
9PM somewhere in the proximity by my house.. I told him I didn’t know and they
weren’t flashing at 10:30 when I went for my night run; another dang mystery.
He saw the construction I did on the carport so I gave him a tour. I was
showing him my Cougar when he noticed that the back tire was flat. Well the
darn path didn’t hold and I spent the next hour putting the spare tire on and
checking for the leak. He asked to see the Harley too, so I fired it up for
him; he hasn’t been over in quite a while.
I called folks on the phone to yap at them and they yammered back.
I spent as
little time today and yesterday as I could on FaceBook and my email inbox. I
need to focus on getting my stuff done, but I still need to communicate with
the outside world. Monday I’ll stay off FaceBook till the weekend. I’m still
leaving my ringer off, so if folks call they can leave a message if they want
me to call back.
I went for
a short walk this evening, and also went for a short walk around 10PM… It’s my
easy day!
Monday 23-
hot but with a little breeze.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
went to WalMart to get a new tire for the Cougar.
did flashcards in Beginning Latin and another two lessons in “1100 words you
need to know workbook”.
went for my evening walk with my backpack.
I started
studying chapter 3; “Viruses”, in “Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”.
got caught up with my astronomy book.
did my stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
read a chapter of Edgar Rice Burroughs “The Warlord of Mars”.
I stayed
up chatting with Kelly until after 4AM…
24- not too hot.
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
put the new tire on the Cougar.
two lessons in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: a
dog and some faces.
I went for
my evening walk with my backpack.
I played
around on FaceBook for a long spell which is a no no.
I watched Season 4: Ep. 1 “Warehouse 13 - A New Hope”
I did my stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
I actually did a little editing on my first book.
Wednesday 25- A cool 104 degrees.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
delivered “Latin Quips” that Judy sent me so I started reading that and four
lessons in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: a girl
with a hand puppet who is a hand puppet herself.
I went for
my evening walk with my backpack.
studied more of chapter 3 “Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies”
I did my stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
Thursday 26- around 105 with a breeze.
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
did three lessons in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew
something: a dog.
went for my evening walk with the backpack.
I’ve made the decision to spend most of my time editing my two books and
get them on Amazon as soon as I can. I also have two other books I need to
complete. I have a couple of kind friends who want to help proofread, and
anyone who contributes proofing will have their name on the acknowledgement
page. Not that it will be an overnight success; I’m not that starry-eyed. I
just want to get them done, out of the way, and move on to other things of
worked around in the yard and watered the plants real good.
did my stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
Friday 27- got up to 110 today.
I did my stretches, core trainer,
lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back carrying
5lbs in each hand.
did two lessons in “1100 words you need to know workbook”.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I went for my evening walk and put 20 pounds of weights in the bag which
felt like a small but heavy child clinging to my back. I even had trouble
getting it on. I figured that I was carrying about 25 pounds or so altogether.
Half way through my walk my head felt like it was going to pop and the weight
of the straps was cutting into my shoulders. Something was wrong. I got back I
looked at the temp and it was 110 degrees, but I’m used to that. What it turned
out to be was the pack weighed 40 pounds! That’s way too much for me to carry
right now starting off, if ever. When I do go hiking I only want to carry less
than 25 pounds. This aluminum frame pack from the 1990s weighs too dang much by
itself, so I’m going to purchase a new lighter 2 pound bag ultra light
I did a little editing on my book and I completed chapter 4.
did my stretches, went for a night run, sit-ups, and lifted dumbbells.
took some aspirin and called it a night.
Saturday 28- temps a bit over 110 degrees.
I did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
I think I
might have pulled a muscle or something on yesterdays walk. So just to be on
the safe side I will stop exercising for a few days. Besides there are a few other
things needing to be done around here that doesn’t require lifting.
I mostly
worked editing my book. I got chapter five about done.
Kelly and
I were going to go shopping and get her pills for her operation early next
week, but she had some problems and we ended up not going. Yesterday I had
emailed my friends telling them I wouldn’t be coming to potluck because I’d be
helping a friend, but now it’s too late to go anyways.
probably spend the rest of the day/night editing or reading Edgar Rice Burroughs…
29- temps around 105 or so…
went for a short walk.
took Kelly to pick up her prescription at Rite Aid and we ate lunch at Burger
King. I noticed that my brakes were going low towards the floorboard, so I
picked up a bottle of brake fluid; which I found was the wrong kind once I got
home. So I had to make another trip into Twentynine and went to AutoZone this
time, got the DOT4 brake fluid, filled up the brake reservoir, and drove home
with fine working brakes.
I’ve been
getting some edited chapters of my book from Carolyn, who has been kind enough
to go through and read them. I take what she sends back and make the changes.
So far she has done four chapters. I am up past chapter 11 and want to keep
ahead of Carolyn so she gets only what I have already edited. While I was
editing I’d take a break on FaceBook to see what everyone was up to.
Monday 30-
temps into the upper 90s, with light cloud cover building to thick later in the
I did
stretches and went for a short walk.
Simi came
by, he was searching for some electrical connections I happened to have. Then
we sat for a spell yammering about hiking the mountains in the Sierras.
I went for
my evening walk, but a short one.
31- cloudy with rain storms.
I picked
Kelly up at noon and drove her down to Palm Springs to get her operation done
on her back. We got there at 1:30 for a 2pm appointment and waited till around
4:30 when they finally took her in. While we were waiting, she left the waiting
room to watch the rain. When she didn’t come back for a short spell I went
outside to investigate. I found her down stairs standing in the heavy rain that
was pouring down outside. We ate dinner at this fantastic Deli. The waitress
was great and so was the corned beef sandwich with all the fixin’ we ordered.
Then for dessert we had this very rich piece of chocolate cake that was layered
with cheese cake and chocolate mousse. I got home at around 10:30pm.
Goodbye to July, you been a wonderful month :)