Welcome to
the month of September! - hot and cloudy and humid...
I did my
stretches and ran a mile and a half.
I updated
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I worked
editing and proofing.
I rode the
scooter down to Border Ave. to get my mail there.
I went for
a night run.
Sunday 02-
another hot day with temps over 104 and humid...
I did my
stretches and went for a walk.
I did some
editing of the book.
Monday 03-
hot again and very humid.
I did my stretches, ran a
mile and a half, lifted weights, and punched the heavy bag.
I worked
for a while on the book.
I went for
my evening walk with the backpack.
I got caught
up with my astronomy reading; it took two hours, but I did it.
I called
Terry and talked to her for a few hours.
Tuesday 04- hot and humid…
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I went for
my evening walk with my backpack.
I did my
stretches and went for a night run.
I am still
editing my book. I wrote this whole dang book in 18 days and I’m surprised
that there isn't too many errors so far.
I am
cutting it off at chapter 15 where I found it to be the perfect ending.
I'll write
and add another chapter, probably on the Sheriff; you will get to know a
little about John Mayer in chapter 11. (Yes Carolyn I copied this from the
email I sent you ;)
05- still hot and humid…
I did my
stretches and ran a mile and a half.
Vern, a
neighbor came by to pick up that old septic tank I had lying outside for the
past four years or so. I gave him the grand tour of my little home. We yapped
about boats and this and that for a spell.
06- hot and humid again…
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I drove to Twentynine Palms
so I could send out those books of mine to friends and family. I went shopping
at Rite Aid and at Staters I picked up Kelly some food, she is sick and
couldn’t come. I also bought chicken and potato wedges for us to eat. I got to
her house and gave her her mail and then sat down to eat on these dang chairs
that retained water from the last storm and soaked our butts from them.
I worked on my books editing
Friday 07- hot/humid…
I did my stretches and yoga.
I worked on my books…
Saturday 08- Same…
I did my stretches.
Kelly is real sick and I had
to go to Rite Aid to fetch her prescription and Staters to get her some bland
food to calm her stomach.
I updated the Copper
Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I then went back to editing
the book…
Sunday 09-
same but worse.
I did my stretches, core trainer, lifted
weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran a mile and a half.
Kelly is feeling better and
I won’t have to take her to the ER.
I called Family and Friends.
I worked on the book.
Monday 10-
a nice day finally!
I did my
stretches, lifted dumbbells, and ran for a mile and a half.
On my run
I saw Mark and Gloria working on their cabin putting the roof on. So I decided
to run on over and visit for a little spell.
I took
advantage of the nice weather to work on my carport. I had a beam that needs to
be sistered that had broken when I walked across the top; it was warped
anyways. It took longer than I thought because the bolts I bought were too long
and I had to hunt up a bunch of washers.
I went for
my evening walk with my backpack.
I worked
on my book. Carolyn Keyes Shaffer finished editing the last chapter of "Rainbow at the End of Tomorrow"!
I am receiving
calls and emails from those I sent my book “Little Desert Home” to, and all
have been positive.
I did my
stretches and went for a night run.
Before we
left for home we stopped to eat some Chinese food and felt much better
afterwards, but I had a hard time sleeping because when I’d belch I could taste
that lousy burger from Denny’s in Yucca Valley.
11- nice day, a little hotter than yesterday…
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I decided to ride the
scooter down to my mailbox on Border Ave. to pick up my mail. I got about four
miles from the house when the engine died. I would try to start it but all it
would do is idle and if you tried to give it gas it would die. I could hear the
fuel pump pumping most of the time which I never noticed before. I checked the
tank and there was still gas. I pushed it home most of the way, sometimes it
would start running and I’d ride it a few hundred feet before it would die
again. I saw Roger Smith on the way and he was kind enough to offer a tow line,
but I didn’t think it would be safe. I finally got home and called Honda in
Yucca Valley and talked to Chris there. I told him I’ve been starting it every
day so the jets wouldn’t clog from the ethanol in the gasoline from being
separated. I had just gotten the scooter back on Friday the 31 of August and
was still running the fuel they put in at the shop. I told Chris that this
scooter is a lemon and I can’t be pushing it all around town at my age. We got
into the discussion on the ethanol put in gasoline in California. He said that
Honda isn’t responsible for California gas law. I told him that yes they were
if they knowingly put a product on the market that is incompatible with the
gasoline sold in the state where it was sold and not notifying the buyer about
the problem.
I’ve looked into the lemon
laws for my state and I am prepared to take Honda to court they don’t rectify
the problem to my satisfaction.
12- a nicer day than yesterday, temps around 96.
I did my
I was gone
all day today taking my neighbor Kelly shopping. I got to her house at 1pm and
didn't get back until a little after 9pm. First we had to wait 3 hours for
her prescription to be filled- we got our flu shots while we waited. We
had lunch at KFC and did our waiting there. We picked up her pills and went
shopping at Staters Bros. to get supplies. Kelly likes to browse and pick up
every item in the store. I just got back from shopping and I am pooped;
especially after pushing that scooter 3-4 miles down the road.
13- fine day with temps of 96 degrees.
I did my
stretches. I’m going to rest for a day or so because of the last two days,
especially pushing that scooter 3-4 miles on Tuesday.
Aston from
the Honda dealership came by to with truck and trailer to pick up little scooter.
I rode the
Harley to my mailbox on Border. The mailman wasn’t quite done putting the mail
in the slots so I decided to take the Harley for a little spin. I got about a
mile down Border when the Harley just quit and I came to a halt. There wasn’t
any electric, everything was dead. I took the seat off and fiddled with the
wiring harness connections for a spell, when finally it started, I got my mail
and then hightailed it back home where I’ll give the wiring a good going over.
I got a
lot written and edited today on my first book of scifi!
Friday 14-
another nice day with temps of 94 degrees…
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran a mile and half.
I updated
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
15- temps are around 94 with clear skies…
I did my
stretches, lifted dumbbells, yoga, and ran a mile and a half.
laptop’s roller stand broke and I had to fix it with these metal screw straps
to hold it together. Now it won’t fall on the floor when I use it.
I called
family and friends.
Sunday 16-
temps of 96 with a little breeze…
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran a mile and a half. What
a beautiful day!
I went for
a walk with my backpack.
I worked a
little writing filling in some history of one of my characters in one of my
I went for
a night run.
Monday 17-
a little hotter with temps around 104.
I did my
stretches, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the
hill and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I went for
a walk with my backpack.
18- temps still around 104.
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
worked some on my book.
I went for
a night run.
I got
caught up with my astronomy reading.
19- temps still in the 100s.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
almost waiting a week Kelly finally got her prescription from her lazy doctor’s
staff and we were able to go to town for shopping. Not having lots of money to
spend on gas, being of an environmental mind, and living so far from town we
try to do everything in one trip and usually go to town twice a month. We
picked up our packages at the post office. I got a jar of Wild Plum Preserve from
Carolyn Shaffer that she canned herself, thanks Carolyn! Our next stop was Rite
Aid to get Kelly’s pills.
We went on
to Yucca Valley trying to figure where we wanted to eat; we were both very
hungry. We decided on Denny’s, but that turned into a very bad mistake. You
every have a strange feeling when you walk into a restaurant that something is
out of place but you can’t put your finger on it? At 4:30pm when there should
be people sitting in booths, this place was empty. None of the employees spoke good
English and our waiter didn’t know the menu and we had a difficult time explaining
just what we wanted, but he was courteous. We ordered two hamburgers with
fries. When they came I opened the bun to see hamburger meat that looked like
it had been boiled, tomatoes that were wilted, and without any kind of condiments;
Kelly’s was the same. We asked the waiter for some Thousand Island dressing and
we were told that would cost 75 cents more. The Thousand Island dressing did
nothing to disguise the odd taste of the burger. We both ate a quarter and
quickly put it down. I said I can’t eat this, Kelly agreed saying it was rotten.
I just wanted to pay the check and leave. The waiter came over to ask if
everything was alright. I said, "no my over here friend says these are rotten meat that
was boiled." The waiter went to the manager with our complaint and a few minutes later came back saying we didn’t have to pay. We left hungry to go to WalMart for
supplies. That’s when the gas hit. I must have embarrassed myself a dozen times
at WalMart and also at Stater Bros. with this gas that would rumble out as I
walked down the aisles. Once at WalMart I thought no one was around and I let
one slip just as a woman reached around me to put an item back on the shelf I
was standing in front of. Kelly wasn’t doing much better.

I dropped
Kelly and her groceries off, but stayed for a spell watching a praying mantis
eating flying bugs who would gather around the porch light.
Kevin and
me went out to McDonalds for breakfast. Afterwards we went for a short visit to
see Crystal, my niece, and Mark and her three kids. She just had a baby last
month and it was nice to see the baby! The two other kids were running everywhere, climbing up onto the piano to play it standing up with their tennis shoes! Somehow we got all the kids together and had them sit in my brother's lap and be still for a split second while I took a picture of them all... After they all left and there was peace and quiet we went back to
Dad’s kitchen where we sat around swapping stories until it was dinner time. I drove
Kevin to Boston Chicken where I purchased a nice big roasted chicken with
mashed potatoes and gravy.
came by and sat with us while we ate and jawed about all kinds of interesting stuff. Kevin left
an hour later and I had Dad all to myself. I kept my Dad up way past his bed time
(9:30pm) listening to his colorful stories of what he did throughout
his life. He finally went to bed a little after 11pm! It feels good to be here
with him and to learn these little bits of his history. I have only known him
for six years and I still have a lot of catching up to do...
My sister
Shiela rushed over ten minutes after I left a message on her phone. Kevin
showed up and we all yapped about Kevin’s wild adventures when he was a child;
sticking his hand in a fan; building a ramp and climbing onto the freeway; escaping
Shiela on their ship bound for Germany to be found in the ship’s engine room;
Crawling out the porthole only to be saved by a ship’s steward before falling
into the ocean below.
20- still over 100 degrees but not bad at all…
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
must have done something else, but I forgot to write it down.
Friday 21-
nice but a little warm outside…
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
got a call from Rocky at the Honda dealership telling me there was a problem
with the fuel pump and it wasn’t bad gas and not my imagination.
22- weather about the same…
I did my
I drove
the Harley down to fetch my mail down on Border Ave. She started up and ran
I called
my Dad to tell him I was coming for a visit him in Tucson tomorrow, but had to
leave a message instead.
Sunday 23-
I got
dressed and jumped in the Cougar to drive to Tucson to see my family. I left at
8:45am and arrived at 3pm. No one there at my Dad’s so I walked across the
street to Audrey’s but was only met by barking dogs. I walked back to Dad’s and
sat for a spell in the heat before calling my brother Kevin to come over. He
came about fifteen minutes later to open the door only to find Dad standing in
the hallway. Found out he didn’t get my message that I was coming and he was
out in the backyard and couldn’t hear the doorbell anyways because it was broken.
Paula and
Mark came over to help Dad get the spare room in the back fixed up for when I
would come, but of course I was already there. I helped and we chatted while we
got things squared away. I had brought Mark’s laptop that I took home to repair
several years ago; so he finally got that back. I never got it to work and my
next visits to Tucson were by Harley. They left after a short visit.
Dad, me
and Kevin sat for a spell yakking when Audrey came over. She said that she was
in her backyard too and didn’t know I was the cause of her dogs barking. She
had a call from John her husband that one of his truck’s brakes had locked up
coming down some mountain and needed help getting it home. I said I’d help, put
John’s big floor jack in Audrey’s Jeep and we drove on up to where he was about
a quarter of a mile from the paved road. John had the truck jacked up, tire
off, brake unbolted and held to the side with a plastic tie, tire back on and
we were headed back down the road in no time.
I got back
to Dad’s and Kevin was still there and we continued to yap our Dad’s bedtime;
Monday 24-
hot in Tucson.
I did my
25- cooler today in Tucson…
I did my
26- nice day in Tucson…
I did my
Kevin came
by and we sat around jawing; we do a lot of that around here. Then the three of
us went shopping for sandals for Dad and Kevin.
Mark and her three kids dropped by to jump and play on the piano. Then Paula
and Mark also came by so the house was pretty full with kids running here and
Later me and Dad watched Abbott and Costello “African
Scream” (1949)
27- nice weather…
I did my
Kevin and
I went shopping to get him a laptop computer. He ended up buying an ASUS…
We stopped
off and bought some cheeseburgers at Carl’s Jr. and ate them for lunch at home.
came by, without the kids, to say hi.
We watched
a new TV show about a submarine and then a western.
Friday 28-
nice again…
I didn’t
do much of anything but sit in the kitchen and yapped with Dad and my Brother
Later that
night Dad and I went over the errors he had found in my book which I sent him a
few weeks ago. I corrected them on my laptop before I went to bed.
29- seems to be heating up in Tucson.
I did my
stretches. I really don’t feel like running and exercising in the bad air they
have here in Tucson. Everyone else seems to be used to it, but I can use the
time off to rest my weary body and wait till I git home.
I went across
the street to Audrey’s house for a visit. She was out watering the grass when I
saw her. John woke up and we sat around the kitchen yapping; seems like the
kitchen is the main gathering place for folks in Tucson.
Me and Dad
decided to go out and get an apple pie. I forget the name of the pie place but
it was over there by Fry’s supermarket. So we had pie and ice cream for lunch
and dinner.
Mark and
Paula came by to say hi before I left and to give me back my copy of my book I
written. Paula found a few errors which I’ll correct later. Mark said I have an
evil mind but liked the book.
That night
we watched a DVD of Red Skelton shows from the fifties. I even remember seeing a
couple of them when I was very young about 4-5 years old.
Sunday 30-
around 100 degrees in Tucson and Copper Mountain Mesa…
I woke up
at the ungodly hour of 4am and put everything I brought to Tucson into the
Cougar and drove for six hours all the way back home.
Once home
I watered the plants, and checked and filled the batteries to the house which
were very low.
I updated
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
Around 1pm
I must have been mighty tired because I took a nap for about an hour and a
I spent
the rest of the day catching up on emails and my friends on Facebook.
Goodbye to September; you been a very hot month this year!
Goodbye to September; you been a very hot month this year!