June 2019
Saturday 01- warmer with a light breeze. I did my stretches, exercised with the 10 and 20 pound dumbbells, and took Cassie for a mile jog. We saw a tortoise on our jog; we stopped for a sec to say hi and then jogged on leaving the critter be.
It’s been awhile but I did the poop patrol because Cassie was running out of places to go.
I finished the wash I let soak overnight and hung it out to dry.
I edited April’s journal and posted it online.
When it cooled down enough we went for a bike/run; just don’t want Cassie to overheat.
I did my studies, practiced guitar, and read aloud.
Cassie and me had a bunch of leftover energy so we went for a night jog up the hill and back. I then did my nightly stretches.
Sunday 02- a little windy. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, and Cassie and I went for a mile jog.
I did my nightly stretches.
Monday 03- getting warmer. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk.
I went to Twentynine Palms to pick up a package containing an old Apple Clam shell and then did some shopping at Staters Bros.
I went to movie night at our community center and we decided to watch “Backdraft 2” (2019) Directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego. With Joe Anderson, Donald Sutherland, and William Baldwin, Alisha Bailey. It is the sequel to the 1991 movie with the same name starring Curt Russel. It was nice to see Sutherland again playing Ronald Bartel, and William Baldwin playing Brian McCaffrey as they did in the original Backdraft. My guess this is the longest, 28 years, for a sequel ever. Now I’ll have to go back and watch the first one to make a bit more sense out of this one. I’ll give it a B :)
I did my studies of biology.
I did my nightly stretches.
Tuesday 04- breezy and warmer. I did my stretches, yoga, and went for half a mile jog with Cassie. It would have been a mile but she seemed to be getting overheated and we walked back. We’ll have to go for evening jogs for now until cooler weather.
Cassie and I went for a night jog up the hill and back to make up for earlier’s failed attempt.
I did my nightly stretches.
Wednesday 05- hazy and 106 degrees. I did my stretches, exercised with the 10 and 20 pound dumbbells, and later in the evening took Cassie for an evening jog up the hill and back.
I messed around inside the house doing the little stuff that keeps things running efficiently.
I did my nightly stretches and jogged up and back down the hill with Cassie.
Thursday 06- hot at 102 with a stiff wind blowing. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, and jogged a mile with Cassie; I got up earlier when it was still cool.
Went right to work on the new patio before the wind comes, nailing the two plywood sides up. I got them up okay but had to stop at that point because I was getting overheated.
I did my studies
I did my nightly stretches and jogged up and back down the hill with Cassie.
Friday 07- 103 degrees with a bit of wind. I did my stretches, yoga, and took Cassie for a mile jog.
It got up to 103 degrees and I've been trying to get work done on my new patio I’m building. If it ain’t wind it’s heat that’s been hindering me. I should had got it all down by now. I did go out early and continued working on the wall of the patio.
I went to the community movie night and we all watched “Gravity” (2013) starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney; the only people in the movie. With megastars like these two we all thought the producers couldn’t afford anyone else to cast. This one had us all glued to our seats. There were a few squeaks I heard emitted from a couple of females in the crowd behind me as Sandra Bullock bounced around among all the debris of the space station as it was broken apart by bits and pieces of satellite wreckage. I’ll give this one an ‘A’ for astounding.
I did my nightly stretches and jogged up and back down the hill with Cassie.
Saturday 08- cooled down into the ‘90s. I did my stretches, exercised with the 10 and 20 pound dumbbells, and took Cassie for a mile jog. We saw another tortice on our jog, stopped to say hello, and continued on our way.
I did my studies and read aloud from the biology book. I practiced on my guitar “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” by the Beatles.
Cassie and I went on an evening jog up the hill and back. I did my nightly stretches.
Sunday 09- in the high nineties. I did my stretches, yoga, and took Cassie for a walk.
I did some of my studies.
I went to the poetry reading at Space Cowboy Books and read one of my poems. I asked Charles to read one of his own instead of one by Leonard Cohen. He said it was the first time he read one of his own poems in public... He did really good :)
Monday 10- 103 degrees. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, punched the heavybag for a bit, and took Cassie for a mile jog.
I worked on the new patio painting the first coat of white paint on the walls. I could only work 20-30 minutes at a time because of the heat.
Did a load of laundry too!
I went to movie night. The movie I thought was mighty gross so I left early.
Me and Cassie went for our nightly jog up the hill and back.
I did my studies.
Tuesday 11- 106 degrees. I did my stretches, yoga, and took Cassied for a fast walk.
I took Kelly, my guest, to her post office box in Twentynine Palms to collect her two 200 watt solar panels. We stopped at the county office so she could get some filing papers she needed. Shopped at Staters.
Cassie and I went for a night jog up the hill and back.
Wednesday 12- 108 degrees. I did my stretches and went for a mile jog, but it was too hot to take Cassie.
Kjtel came by with Bodie for a chat just before I left for the DMV.
I went to the DMV to get my driver’s licence renewed. It wasn’t all that bad as I imagined it would be.
I took Cassie for a bike/run when it was cooler; I kinda owed her for staying in the house most of the day.
Thursday 13- 107 degrees. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog. I sprained my left wrist somehow and it hurts when I move it in a certain way. I’ll have to give it a rest for awhile until figure out what weight lifting I can do without making it worse.
I did some of my studies.
I smelled the fire around 11pm
Friday 14- 106 degrees. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk.
I drove to WalMart to do a bit of shopping and get a haircut; my hair was getting way too long for summer. Stopped off at Home Depot to purchase a showerhead cutoff.
I went to movie night to watch “Gran Torino” (2008) starring Clint Eastwood.
Saturday 15- 104 degrees and breezy. I did my stretches
I worked on the patio.
Sunday 16- 101 degrees and breezy. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog.
Space Cowboy Books
Monday 17- 106 degrees. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, punched the heavybag for a bit, and took Cassie for a mile jog. Wrist still hurts so I will lay off it for the time being.
I went to Movie Night.
Tuesday 18- I got very sick
Wednesday 19- 108 degrees. I did my stretches. I went right to work moving some of the panels off the house and positioning them on the new patio roof. I would work for 20-30 minutes in the heat and then take the same off inside where it was much cooler.
Thursday 20- 103 degrees. Still not feeling very well, but had to get up early at 7AM to hook up the solar array to the new battery. Went back to sleep until 12:30.
UPS delivered my Radio Shack TRS 80 Model 200 computer. It was built in 1985 and it adds to my collection of TRS 80 Model 100 and 102 computers. I have many old computers I collected over the years, so I guess it’s kind of a hobby of mine which I never really intended it to be.
Friday 21- 105 degrees. I did my stretches and went for a mile jog with Cassie.
I went to the community BBQ. A few sat around jawing swapping stories, some started playing board games, and I kinda mingled here and there with everyone.
Saturday 22- 102 and windy. I did my stretches.
I sat around outside trying to figure out how I want to arrange the solar panels I’m putting on the patio roof.
I did part of my studies.
Sunday 23- temps in the high ‘90s. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised with the dumbbells and on the weight bench, went for a mile jog without Cassie because it was too hot and I don’t think she wanted to go anyways.
I did part of my studies and practiced on my guitar.
Messed around with some electrical stuff around the house.
Took Cassie out for a night jog up the hill and back.
Monday 24- around 100 degrees. I did my stretches and went for a mile jog with Cassie.
I went to Home Depot to get me some wire for the solar panels I’m putting up.
I picked up my neighbor Jeff and arrived at our community center for movie night for a movie starring James Garner and Marlee Matlin called “Dead Silence” (1997)
Tuesday 25- a little cooler today. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised with the dumbbells and on the weight bench, went for a mile jog Cassie.
I did all of my studies and more :)
Wednesday 26- temps in the high ‘90s. I did my stretches. I just decided that Sunday and Wednesday will be my easy days and won’t do any strenuous exercise.
Thursday 27- temps still in the ‘90s- I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, hit the heavybag, and jogged a mile and a half; too hot for Cassie to come along.
Cassie and I went to Kjtel and Bodie’s home to eat apple pie and watch the last three episodes of HBO’s “Chernobyl” one of the best shows I’ve seen in a longtime.
Friday 28- temps climbing back up to the hundreds. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog.
Saturday 29- into the hundreds again. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, hit the heavybag, and jogged a mile with my faithful doggie.
I did the poop patrol and there was a lot of it.
I cooked up my pot of rice and headed on down to our community potluck. There was quite a crowd showing up and this was a good thing because we had enough food to feed a company of hungry Marines; I had to loosen up three notches on my belt! The theme this month was celebrating the 4th of July 1776 when 13 small colonies declared independence from Great Britain.
Dyan Carroll fired off the first salvo at the attacking British with a pot roast, stuffed peppers, and a strawberry trifle; that was two notches off my belt right there. Elizabeth West, along with Sarah and Andrew made a direct hit on the enemy with their ham mac and cheese. Pretty Patti Huges picked up her friend Kim as she landed in Texas on a flight from China, and then they drove nonstop all the way to our little community with her lip smacking lemon bread to feed our famished troops. Crystal and Ted bombarded our foe with strawberry pear crisps. Mary Koval and Chris VanNortrick poured vegetable chili and pea salad on the advancing British forces. Jeff Dongvillo, John Jacobsen, Charles Lange financed our cause as Gil and Bruce reloaded our canons with yellow cherry cake.
Finally our antagonists retreated and Cal Mayers and his daughter Tina planted our flag in their fruit salad plate.
We here at Copper Mountain Mesa wish y'all a very wonderful and reflective Independence Day.
Sunday 30- dang it I forgot to write down what I did today, but it must have been really important ;)
****************** Poems June 2019 *****************
If you rely only on actors for your political views and opinions you’re living in a bigger fantasy world than I.
Bullies come in groups of two, three, or more, but hardly ever alone and never on even ground.
Remember: Seek out that special reality fitting to your beautiful nature and go out and live it.
At this particular moment in my life when friends and lovers become distant memories and the future grows ever present. When violent discord rips through our great nation brought on by a biased news media infected with their own self-righteous indignation and complacency. When social media giants have become our censors banning those with opposing views. As our elected officials sit high on their moral asses promoting character assassination based upon vacuous unfounded claims. I find I have no need to impress anyone anymore but myself.
We should not be so selfish as to keep all life contained here on Earth. Instead, let the universe drink deeply upon our planet’s sweet biological nectar and share our most precious rare commodity out there among the stars...