Wednesday, August 14, 2024

2024 January to July


                 ******* Unedited ******

July 2024

Monday 01- 108/74F 

Tuesday 02- 108/79F

How do you/I/we respond to a friend who has lost a loved one? It's hard for me and a lot of folks. Sometimes, we feel inadequate with our words, and most times, those words can sound phony when they are not meant to be.

Trust the sincerity of your friends in situations such as this. 

Love you, my BFF <3

Wednesday 03- 109/84F

Larry Carlock 7:07 PM

You being a writer I thought you might appreciate the right usage of the different spelling of the weather. proper

11:06 AM Mes sage from you, 

I try to be accurate even on simple communiqués with friends, but I'm not without fault. Sometimes I have to fight the spell checker when it changes words on me without my knowledge; I did mean weather. I don't want this to sound pretentious but: I took a college class in Meteorology back in the '80s, not that I remember much, and it doesn't have anything to do with my spelling skills, but I passed with an A. It's nice to have a friend to share my life experiences. So, I have to ask you; do you want to be my editor of my books and short stories? 😇 Some day I would like to come visit you... maybe this fall if the planets align., Wednesday, July 3 2024, 11:06 AM.

I try to be accurate even on simple communiqués with friends, but I'm not without fault. Sometimes I have to fight the spell checker when it changes words on me without my knowledge; I did mean weather. 

I don't want this to sound pretentious but: I took a college class in Meteorology back in the '80s, not that I remember much, and it doesn't have anything to do with my spelling skills, but I passed with an A. It's nice to have a friend to share my life experiences. 

So, I have to ask you; do you want to be my editor of my books and short stories?  


Some day I would like to come visit you... maybe this fall if the planets align.

Thursday 04- 113/85F 

Friday 05- 114/85F 

Saturday 06- 117F 

Sunday 07- 118

Monday 08- 118/85F

I’ll agree with you on one point: the hate between the two groups has existed for many centuries. But, I rather stick with recent history and events because this is the here and now; this is the world in which we live now, not someplace in the distant past: Israel was invaded by a foreign country on October 7th, resulting in many innocent deaths (think of the 7th like Pearl Harbor). 

This is what really got me pissed: The videos and photos of the attack at the Supernova music festival, where the young concert-goers ran up to greet the invader's gliders as they were landing, thinking the gliders were part of the festivities. These young folks got gunned down without remorse or pity. 

This resulted in 346 young people from all parts of the world getting murdered as they tried to flee, with dozens kidnapped.

Tuesday 09- 116/84F 

Long story short: The Mini-Split was working fine. I switched to my swamp cooler because Kelly's system was overwhelmed by the excessive heat. So, she is running off my bank of batteries that I was using for the mini-split; first year she needed help; that's how bad it is. 

Swamp cooler= 200-300 watts 

Mini-split= 900-1200 watts

That's a very long story... Here's the short of it:

Kelly is a disabled Army Vet. She was in an IED blast in Iraq that shattered her teeth and spine. Kelly needed a place to park her trailer for a short time, which ended up being 5 to 6 years.

It has nothing to do with sex or a relationship... It was just me helping a fellow Veteran get things together. I have helped other Vets in the same manner.

Unfortunately, Kelly's illness gradually became worse as time wore on. 

I am not the type of person who would kick someone in a condition such as hers off my property. But I hope she moves soon... she's even talking more about moving to her 2.5 acres across the street.

Here's the kicker... She was in the California National Guard when 911 happened, and they federalized her into the Army; she gets blown up in Iraq, and the government unfederalized her and sent her back home; she gets no benefits from the VA, only state disability... the illegals get way more than she's getting.

Thursday 10- 117/86F Kelly and I drove to JT to get our meds and then went shopping at Aldi. They have low prices there, and their brand usually tastes pretty good. 

Friday 11- 112/84

Saturday 12- 106/83 It was a little bit cooler today. I did my exercises, but it was still too hot for a run.

Somebody just tried to assassinate President Trump. I am following the news.

Sunday 14 89/81F- cloudy with rain. 

Monday 15- 101/82F I did my stretches and exercises.

Tuesday 16- 107/83F I did my stretches. I babysat Kelly’s huge puppy while she went to the doctor. Because of the horrible heat outside, I had to keep the dogs inside. I took Cassie for a walk after Kelly picked up her dog call Gob.

Answer to a question as to which Palm Device is a good eReader:

I used my SJ22 for a few years reading ebooks; it was good until something happened to the Palm Reader, and I couldn't log on anymore. I didn't look into it because I purchased the first Kindel, and there was no going back from there...

That being said, I just checked my Dana, and it has a built-in Palm Reader, so you don't need to download the program. I didn't need to log into the reader. PDB is an e-book format for Palm OS devices. The reader takes up the whole screen, which is very large and easy to read. You can replace the old battery with 3 AAs; I put rechargeables in mine. Plus, it has a very nice keyboard. Now I'll find some .PDB eBooks to read. :) Yes, I'd check out the Dana for sure.

Wednesday 17- 107/82F I did my stretches.

Optimistically, I always try to remain optimistic, we could all come together someplace in the middle and have peace and discussions between the two groups. 

Oh, I didn't vote for either candidate for president in 2016 because I felt both lacked the right stuff. I did vote for Trump in 2020 after seeing his performance; no one ever mentions the Abraham Accords. Look it up.

I am a Republican. I don't hate Democrats; some of my good friends are Democrats, and somehow, we get along; I have voted Democrat in the past when I thought the person running was more suitable for the job. I will not vilify people because of their political beliefs or unfriend them; that's stupid and un-American. 

Right now, I have 469 friends on FaceBook when I came out and made it perfectly clear how I felt about the haters after the assassination attempt. Let me stress that the majority of Democrats are not haters; most are pleasantly reasonable.

 I want to see how many haters unfriend me because I spoke my mind. It's their right to do so, and it's my right to share my opinions. This is still America, where we share a common history and the freedom to speak our minds and share our opinions without being prosecuted.


Bob DeLoyd

Thursday 18- 108/83F I did my stretches. 

After days of study and weeks of worry, I took my DMV test and passed. Yay!!!!

Friday 19- 109/84F I did my all my stretches, pullup bars,  punched the heavybag, and worked on the weightbench. Still too hot, and I’m too old to go for a jog in this heat. I honestly miss my daily jogs.

Saturday 111/85F I did my all my stretches, pullup bars,  punched the heavybag, and worked on the weightbench.

Writing stories and poems, you eventually arrive at some deep awareness and flow that has been hidden from your conscious reality. This cerebral arrival sets free those creative ideas into the greater universe of thoughts and conceptions permeating the world of words.


Sunday 21- 111/85F I did my all my stretches, pullup bars,  punched the heavybag, and worked on the weightbench.

Saturday 20- 111/85F

While I was in the Army stationed in Germany, I remember seeing the Apolo 11 Astronauts for the first time while walking through the town of Ulm in my Army uniform. There was a little television shop, and people were gathered outside the window where a television was always on. I remember Hoss from Bonanza speaking German with a really deep voice on one visit to the city. I wanted to see what they were watching. I inched my way through the crowd to the front, and to my surprise, there was an Astronaut jumping around like a kangaroo on the surface of the Moon. What was strange to me was I didn’t even know we launched and landed on the Moon. I guess being in a foreign nation and not speaking their language, and also being on bivouac and away from any communications or news for a month in the Black Forest.

A few Germans shook my hand, and one lady gave me a big hug. I was mighty proud to be an American and serving my country.

Angela, you're damn straight it is hot. It has been hot for a month or two. Days and weeks without relief. I lived here for over 20 years and don't remember it being this hot for this long. I've been putting water stations around my property for the coyotes and other critters to drink out of... Hopefully, I saved a few of our high-desert friends.

I don’t want to win and I don’t want to lose. What I want is for everybody worked out together so both parties have a say.

we all live in retrospect of our youth

This be true, what be said, of lovely blossoms on the road that led, down the desert's rugged path, to smiling faces in the sand.

you know what cracks me up about the naysayers: They say it was fake because there are no stars in the dark sky...

Well, as you know, you won't see stars in daylight on the Moon, just as you won't see the stars in daylight on Earth. Silly people saying silly things they know nothing about.

I agree with you about the media dividing us. If we can not talk about the issues with one another, we will remain divided and doomed as a nation.

Several years ago, I posted my opinion on a political subject and was unfriended by six or seven people and canceled by a few others; that’s why I posted the number of FB friends, 469, in my post.

I am a Republican, and to some people, that's a hideous crime.

Back when Trump was President, we were telling our poems at Space Cowboy Books; I had to sit and listen to a myriad of anti-Trump poems if you can call them poems. I didn’t do one damn thing about it but sit there and take it; I was totally outnumbered.

Now, after the assassination attempt, I feel more emboldened to speak out.

I don’t care if people are Republican or Democrat; we all need to have a little respect for people and their feelings.

Sunday 21- 112/85F

Monday 22- 112/86F

Tuesday 23- 109/86F Kelly and I went to the DMV so I could get my drivers license. We barely missed main part of a big storm cell on our way. I had to slow the car and come to a hault a few times when the dust from the storm made it so I couldn't see the car or the road in front of us. The car’s A/C went out when we went through a big puddle of muddy water, but worked once we lefe Burger King for home.

After the hassle of the DMV, we wen’t to collect our mail and went shopping at Staters and ate lunch at Burger King. We got back later than we hoped and the batteries were drained because we left the swamp coolers on to cool the dogs.  

I know many of us stand on opposite sides of the political spectrum. This doesn't mean we can't remain as friends and colleagues. This is America, and we all must try to get along somehow in this age of distrust and division in our country. If we can only come together and discuss our differences, ignore the hate propagated by the media and others leading up to this election, and vote as Americans have done for over two hundred years, I believe we can hold our country together in the dangerous world in which we live.



Wednesday 24- 108/87F My system's voltage fell very low and I woke up to no fan and every thing was turned off when the inverter shut down sometime last night, probably early morning. Right now all I'm on to keep me cool is the fan while I let the batteries charge up. One of my controller's positive wires fell out... probably the copper expanded in the heat and when it got cooler it shrunk and then fell out.

I'm doing my best to keep both Kelly’s trailer and my home’s power going.

I can't remember it being this hot and maintaining the heat over this long a period. We went to 90F in the beginning of May and it just gets worse since.

Thursday 25- 110/85F I did all my stretches and most of exercises except jogging, way too hot for me. I had to break up my exercises into small bite size pieces over a period of several hours because of the heat.

I try not get involved in politics. I don’t like to debate because your opponent has already made up their mind. Sharing opinions is okay with me, but I optimistically wished they would do their research first before they post.

Happy Birthday Ami Ven!

I've been really busy of late. I am writing a couple of books, working on building my garden, and getting ready to move a trailer to the property I bought in Arizona. This should occur sometime in early August.

I stopped writing the column for our community that appeared in the Hi-Desert Star newspaper after a whole year. I had other things to do, and it didn't look like I was getting the support I needed from the community leaders. I have written the column in the past for 11 years, and the lady I passed it to wrote it for 10 years and just quit; that's when I took it over last year. I said to myself I'd do it for one year and then evaluate if I wanted to continue, which I didn't.

I'll get back to Livejournal once I get the trailer moved and return to Joshua Tree, CA.

It's been so hot here. In May, the heat started with temps over 90F and then climbed up to 118F or more during June and July. I can't even go outside in the daytime which hampers getting things done. The vegetables I planted all died a horrible death being toasted and cooked alive!

I hope you are doing well.


Coalesced: come together to form one mass or whole.

"the puddles had coalesced into shallow streams"

Cathartic: providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis. "crying is a cathartic release"

I’m always trying to improve myself on different subjects. I love astronomy. I love writing words for songs I play on guitar. I love arranging words into stories for the books I am writing.

Public speaking scares me to death; my self-esteem is lacking in this area, and I don't know how to overcome this yet. Otherwise, I am good to go.

Very nicely written, Seema!

I am just hearing about Ora's passing today. I have known Ora for many years since I first moved up here in '97. She was very active at that time with the Copper Mountain Mesa Community Association and the Copperetts doing the bingo dinners.

I remember one time she was driving on Winters Road when a storm hit. The road wasn't paved at the time. She got swept away by a wave of water, and her car floated down the river the wave created. The fire department rescued her and towed her to safety. 

Yes, I have some memorable memories of Ora, and she will be missed by our little desert community she loved so much.

We unboarded the train at the station where we parted ways. I went my way and he went his never to be seen again.

Friday 26- 109/81F I did my stretches.

Saturday 27- 106/72F  I did my stretches. 

I’m getting my car ready for the trip to AZ. I rigged up a CB radio for my little car, but not sure I want to drill holes to mount it. I fixed an 12 volt Coleman lantern by taking out the broken fluorescence light and installing a very bright LED one.

 Sunday 28- 103/82F I did my laundry.

Monday 29- 105/74F 

Tuesday 30- 105/ 76F I did my stretches.

I posted on FaceBook the prologue to my new book, Rogue Encounter Sea of Storms.

My integrity has been called into question about a disturbing email I received from a Democratic Party-run PAC (political action committee). You can read the email from Nancy Pelosi in my original post somewhere below on my FB page. 

If you want to take a look-see at the email, Message me with your email address, and I will forward it to you.

I did my research, and here are the links with a brief explanation of each, showing the email was not fake:

The email was originally sent from PAC TO THE FUTURE:

When you click on a link in the email to donate, you are taken to:

Link to Wikipedia for Act Blue:

If you’d like to contribute to Nancy Pelosi, that’s up to you; I really don’t care. I just wanted to show you the disturbing email I received and let you all know what was said in it.

With this post, I will be taking some time off to finish a book I am writing soon to be published. 

I'm done with politics for a while... it makes me feel dirty.

I love you all. I mean it. I say this because without you, my friends, whatever your political party, I would be lost in a violent world. We all need each other. We must relearn how to love one another.


Wednesday 31- 106/81F: I woke up early to do my stretches, workout with weights, and jogged a mile. I haven’t jogged for a few weeks because of the extreme heat. I got pretty winded and had to stop a couple of times to catch my breath.

I posted chapter one of Rogue Encounter Sea of Storms, on FaceBook.

June 2024

Saturday 01- 99/70F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile with Cassie.

What makes me wonder about Universe 25 is the wars we have fought throughout human history. Over and over again, we get into wars, killing off millions... is this built into us? Is this a sociology trend on large groups of people that the individual person cannot see the forest through the trees? I'd say there is absolutely something going on in relation to U25 and human civilizations...

Humans and mice derive from a common mammalian ancestor.

Sunday 02- 97/70F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

Monday 03- 98/71F 

Tuesday 04- 101/78F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

Wednesday 05- 105/79F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked on the large sitting tub. She’s all cleaned up and full of water now.

Thursday 06- 107/78F: I watched the SpaceX StarShip number 4 blast off from its launch site in Texas. The first stage landed safely, and so did the Starship in the ocean.

I finished filling up the tub. I connected electricity to the water pump, and it fired right up; I wasn’t expecting that. I went for my first dunk at 4 pm, the hottest part of the day.

Friday 07- I did all my exercises and jogged a mile. 

Kelly and I went to JT and Yucca to pick up our meds and do some shopping at Aldi. We had lunch at Applebee’s, and it was worth it—almost cheaper than McDonald’s. Kelly paid a little under $30 for two big Macs and extra fries, while I paid $36 for the whole sit-down meal and left a tip at Applebee’s.

Saturday 08- I did all my exercises and jogged a mile. 

Cassie is getting old  having a hard time jumping on the bed. So, I took the frame out and put the whole bed on the floor. Now, all she has to do is walk onto the bed, no jumping.

Sunday 09- I did my stretches and jogged a mile. I had to stop lifting weights because I woke up with pain on my right side, and I think I may have pulled a muscle. Once it feels better, I will continue with the weights but at fewer pounds.

Monday 10- I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

Tuesday 11- 104/72F I decided taking a day off from exercising is a good idea.

David came by in the afternoon, and we played a little guitar. David also came over in the late evening and we played more guitar.

Wednesday 12- 103/71F I did all my exercises.

Thursday 13-  105/74F I did all my exercises.

Friday 14- 104/71F I did all my exercises.

Saturday 15- 103/72F I did all my exercises. About two hours before sunset I saw a column of smoke snaking its way across the northern desert from the northwest going east. Looks like a big one!

Sunday 16- 110/72F I decided to take the day off due to the particulates in the air from the Post Fire, which originated in Gorman on Saturday afternoon. 

Monday 17- I did all my exercises. It was cool enough for Cassie to accompany me on my jog.


I finished cleaning the bathroom.

It suddenly occurred to me that I need to get myself grounded. Sometimes I feel that I am not of this world. Perhaps, it is because I am drifting slowly towards a world of my own making, separate from what drives those who seek riches... I am lost in thought. 

The conservation of energy

Let’s say by accident, a bomb with just enough kinetic energy to destroy your home and all your belongings you worked so hard through your life is all gone in a flash.  So, my question is, does the energy the bomb creates equal to all the kinetic energy you spent through your life to acquire your property? 

Example: say you carry a bowling ball up a few flights of stairs. As you ascend the stairs, you and the bowling ball gain kinetic energy. Once at the top, you toss the bowling ball out the window. As the bowling ball falls, it loses its kinetic energy, and also, as you walk down the steps to the ground floor, losing all the kinetic energy you had gained.

Now, some will ask, won't one match destroy the house without using as much of the bomb's kinetic energy? In my mind, I would ask how much energy it takes for the tree to grow big enough to be harvested, the digging of raw material and processing, plus the machinery and labor to make the match stick that lit the spark that burned the house down.

Let the dream end.

Tuesday 18- 95/68F It was a good day to run, and I was tempted; unfortunately, I ran early yesterday, but it quickly turned hot as I ran, and the heat burned me out, so I'm taking the day off.

Because of the heat building to higher temps every day, my running and exercising with weights every day only lasted a little over a week. I said to myself, look, you'll be 73 in August; you'll have to push a bit but not too hard that they find your half-eaten body on some desert trail because I pushed too much. A little bit more every day, but not till it's harmful. I can mostly do runs every day but the weight training and heat got to me.

Did some work in the garden

Wednesday 19- 95/68F

Michelle Blitz, I laughed at the last part: " Oops, I said that out loud, but it's true."

Maybe we all should stand up and say it aloud,, because those in the White House have totally failed, and they are bringing our country to its knees. We are the laughingstock of the whole world. We have an illegitimate President who wanders about the world stage like he is lost and can't stay on topic and poops his pants in public.

I'll say it, vote Republican or lose your freedoms.

There, that's done! I did it. I hope the woke folk wake up and realize WTF is going on!

The last time I said something like this, I lost four or 5 Facebook friends. Well, I guess they weren't very good friends after all.

Machelle, we should not be afraid anymore. The future of the nation and the world relies on all of us to have a voice and not be intimidated by those unknowledgeable people who would unwittingly destroy our great nation by usurping parents' rights to their children and using the legal system to bring false charges against their political rivals. They should all be in jail; these elites in Washington who dismiss our Constitution with an upturned nose!

I heard it will probably get worse for the East Coast. You're probably doing this anyways, but Stay hydrated, Michelle. Be prepared for power outages. Collect and store as much water as you can... fill the tub, and stuff like that.

I live in the desert, where it gets mighty hot and, at times, very humid and dangerous. When I first moved there, all I had to keep cool was a wet beach towel to cover me and a small fan to blow on the towel, but it worked somehow.

Stay Safe kid!

We have to escape this hollow world that we created to enable us to survive and live out our lives. There is no escape from this world of insensitivity and intolerance. As we speak, some say the tentacles of an evil society are spreading like cancerous cells to the far reaches of the globe. You can see these dark regions, but first, you must become aware of their existence and their blatant lies. They ignore the Constitution.

 But there is a secret universe we can visit that no human has seen before, which we made all for ourselves.

but though

Cassie not being Cassie no more would ruin me. Yes, I would get over it in time, but the heartfelt emptiness of a hole will remain until I fill it back up with happiness, virtue, and direction.

Thursday 20- 102/72 I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

Kjtel dropped by with her doggies. She wanted to show me her car cover structure, so we ended up at her house. We also checked the sundial at sunset to make sure it was aligned with the solstice; it was. 

 I try to be thrifty. Sometimes, I succeed, and sometimes, I falter. I have too many projects and must start to focus on getting one done and moving on to another, but it never seems to work out that way. Something or other breaks, and a friend comes over... I try to be thrifty. Sometimes, I succeed, and sometimes, I falter. I have too many projects and must start to focus on getting one done and moving on to another, but it never seems to work out that way. Something or other breaks, a friend comes over and wants to chat, or I have to help somebody out.

Friday 21- 104/79F 

Saturday 22- 106/81F HOT I jogged 1/2 a mile. Too hot for anything else.

I suppose sometimes you have to plan really big so you can get the little things done.

Hi, Annelies

I had somewhat the same alcohol problem... really bad. Lots of drinking stories to tell. I had been drinking since I was 13. Later in my adult life, I lived on a sailboat on the moorings, and we all were drunken sailors, as the song goes. 

​I woke up one morning with a wicked hangover and the spins on a moving boat... I had thoughts of doing myself in, but I rallied and made it through the day. I quit drinking then and there and started going to a health spa. I was sitting in the Jacuzzi there, mesmerized by the bubbles, meditating, deeply focused on my future when I remembered I was supposed to go to college. I enrolled at my community college and graduated sometime later. That was in 79.

When I moved here in 97, I hadn't had a drop. I thought I could social drink and tried it at a party the community center was having for Frederickson, a neighbor. I can't recall his first name; I think it was Fred, this was two decades ago. You probably know who I'm talking about... Well, I tried to social drink, but I didn't find it all that pleasing, and I was afraid that I'd fall into the drinking routine again. I haven't touched a drop since. 

I'm writing this for you. There are many folks like us who fell into the alcohol trap that kills and ruins people's lives. I believe they should remove all advertising for all types of alcohol from the media, but that's a fight for another day. People should have a choice to drink, to drink responsibly, or to consume copious amounts: That's up to the individual. But it shouldn't be promoted like it's some soft drink with happy party times ahead, which is far from reality.  

Unfortunately, you'll probably lose a couple of drinking friends as I did- it's for the best, believe me. Hey, maybe they'll follow your example and quit, too!

Good luck on your new adventure in the world of the sober.

If you like to use any part or none in your newsletter, that's okay with me; maybe it will help someone.

Sunday 23- 105/81F HOT! I jogged 1/2 a mile. Too hot for anything else.

Monday 24- 109/83F HOT. I only did my stretches. 

Tuesday 25- 106/81F HOT.  I did my stretches.

Wednesday 26- 107/83F HOT. I did my stretches. I went to my doctor's appointment at 3:45. I stopped at Little Cerers and grabbed a pizza and then went to Vons for a little bit of shopping before my appointment. After the doctor, I went to Home Depot to purchase a few items for the garden.  

Thursday 27- 108/76F HOT. 

Friday 28- 106/74F HOT and Windy. Kelly and I went to 29 to pick up our mail and do some shopping.

I went to JT to pick up our meds and 

Well, I'll go against the grain here.

I have tried most, if not all, of the free word processors and have always gone back to MS Office. I am a writer of books and stories and need a word processor I am familiar with that doesn't have any "rough edges" like some of the "Free" ones. MS Word is worth the $69 I pay yearly for a subscription to 365, and I believe it is a small price to pay if you are a professional writer and your livelihood depends on it. There are also other benefits I won't go into here.

I use Google Docs for the small stuff but not for heavy manuscripts.

If Microsoft starts raising their prices or screws it up, or as they did on Windows 8 and Windows RT, I'll probably switch to LibreOffice or something similar.

Saturday 29- 108/78F

Sunday 30- 108/78F 

My reply to Larry about how my writing has been doing.

It's been a little slow. I find myself wandering off, working on the property, the new garden I've been building, writing songs, painting walls, digging post holes... shit like that. The weather has been so extremely hot lately, which began in early May, and has hindered my efforts of completing many projects I would of liked to get done.

In early August, I'll be headed out to AZ to move a large travel trailer out to the 1.6 acres of land I have in Three Points, AZ.

yeah... I don't know if I told you I quit writing the column for the newspaper. I only agreed to write it for one year unless someone came forward to take over; no one did. I had eleven years under my belt, from 1999 to 2011, and over 500 weekly columns written when I turned it over to Annelies. Well, she quit this time last year, and I decided to write it to give our little community a voice. I don't know what they'll do now, but I put in my time. I'll have more time now to focus on my own writings :)

We can vote and protest, but we don’t make the rules and laws; that is left to someone’s hidden agenda.

Mark Evans I know. I just want all the BS to stop, but I guess it never really has. I truly try to stay out of politics but when I look around and see all these wars and other scary things going on in the world, I just have to wonder why we all just can't get along.

I posted "Final Warning" to get some kind of reaction; see what people have to say about it, good or bad. At least, we can have a conversation about something as important as this.

I probably likely won't post another one.

I am trying to get other people's opnions

May 2024

Tuesday 01- 

Wednesday 02- I did all my exercises and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Friday 03-  Kelly and I went to 29 to do some shopping and pick up our mail.

Saturday 04- 87/57F High winds!

Sunday 05-  70/46F Windy still!

Monday 06- 70/54 It was a very fine day. I did my stretches. I got a lot of work done outside because the wind had died down to nothing. I spray-painted the two wicker chairs, so they are done; I just have to fix the seats. I nailed the wire fence to the doorways I have made; now, I have to build three gates. I also painted the wooden slates for the bench; I just have to put it all together now. 

Tuesday 07- 90/60F I did my stretches. Then, David, my neighbor, and I went to Home Depot to buy stuff. My allergies kicked in as soon as we drove into the parking lot.

Wednesday 08- 79/54F yup, dang allergies. I did a bunch of little things outside.

Thursday 09- 80/56F 

Kelly Lowry, 5:22 PM

so?  I BEG YOU im in so much pain I almost cant move my hip PRETTY PLEASE it will get rig of it and open space plus I REALLY NEED IT lol it cleans it up AND I have the option to get 1 mattress removed free of charge and a 2 inch topperwhen I purchase a matress protector &  SO I'll take the mattress off your hands AND get rid of your old mattress ?? This one im putting n motor home for Goblin so in 2025 I be on my property hopefully

Friday 10- 85/62F 

Saturday 11- 85/60F I did my stretches. I got right to work getting a whole lot done in the garden. I’m in the process of putting the old bench together. I need shorter screws and replacements for a few of those carriage bolts that gone missing.

Kelly Lowry, Yesterday 10:13 PM

i split my order so I can get rid of that full mattress over by the motor home (we do this first as its the largest ?) ill get the new protector and other thing so I can also get rid of this one over here ....OMG when you spoke of that add on to the shed my mind went crazy

Kelly Lowry, Yesterday 10:19 PM

I would love to have 4th o July or latest your birthday at MY place I had lots started you know how I am I just have to connect a few dots....I already owe you so much, now even more ......I'm looking for a Mechanic get that started maybe the mechanic will take BOTH to get the shit I need  WHEN ON SAE fMothers Day Fathers Day 4th of July and presidents day IDK but if you need $$$$ purchased 10% is $120.00 doubled 20% off$240.00 BIG purchased BIG sales but you know that ll

Sunday 12- 95/62F It got a little hot today. I did all my stretches, exercised with weights, and all the other stuff, plus I jogged a mile.

Self-destruction of cells, when they get to a certain age, continues up the food chain, from cell to the human lifespan, and then to species, all make room for something new, somehow and in different ways than we could think. Ours may be by our own hands.

There once lived a creature on earth many eons ago whose waste product they excreted was the poisonous gas oxygen. The atmosphere became so saturated by this gas it killed off the creatures whose only crime was farting. This made way for oxygen-breathing creatures to evolve, to which we belong.

Tuesday 14- 92/66F I did my stretches.

Wednesday 15- 

Thursday 16- 

Friday 17- 

Saturday 18- 92/64F I did all my stretches, exercised with weights, and did all the other stuff, plus I jogged a mile.

Sunday 19- 92/65F a little windy. I did all my stretches, exercised with weights, and did all the other stuff, plus I jogged a mile.

When you take a look around at the real world, it really doesn't match the rosy perspective they are trying to portray

Monday 20- 87/60F and really windy. 

Consumed by a multitude of interests I have and avenues I must choose from and leave the others behind, to fade away like a dream not quite remembering upon waking and all but lost moments later. The paths I must take going forward into the future.

Tuesday 21- 87/64F I painted the seats that I cut out yesterday for wicker chairs. I also screwed the overhead 4x4x8 to its appropriate position.

Wednesday 22- 92/65F Kelly and I went to 29 to get our mail and packages and made a fast stop at Ace Hardware. We then went to Grocery Outlet and Staters to do our shopping. We ended up at Burger King for lunch and then home.

Thursday 23- 95/62F

Friday 24- 89/62F

I need to take better care of my body. I don’t want to feel like I’m on a sinking ship that’s about to be abandoned with all hands lost at sea. This is the only vessel that matters. I need it to get me here and there. I need it to hold my consciousness. I’ll have to admit, I’ve been abusing it lately.

So, tomorrow, I will start with the weights.   

Saturday 25 90/64F 

Sunday 26- 92/66F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

Monday 27- 97/68F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

Tuesday 98/67F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

WhaT? Well, that’s all I had typed just before my dog Cassie took my attention away, wanting to go outside. By the time I came back to write down my thoughts, they had all but vanished in a thick cloud of grey. I am sure my words would inspire you and the world to greater heights and world peace, and possibly cure all diseases and wipe out famine. Unfortunately, I forgot what I was planning to say, so none of the above will occur.  

Kern was the first to walk into the old castle. He hesitated; before him were shadows cast long, disheveled images by flickering sconce lanterns hung on the opposite wall.

“Never in my life have I seen a city and its castle abandoned as this city is now.”

Wednesday 29- 98/69F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

Don’t keep trying to find out what is wrong with you; it’s only the negative way of the environment you were brought up in that gives you those thoughts. Say nay to all those woolly bastards

Thursday 30- 99/72F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

Friday 31- 102/71F I did all my exercises and jogged a mile.

I worked in the garden.

April 2024

Monday 01- 74/42F There was a bit of wind, but it was nice. I wasn’t feeling well because of my allergies, so I just stayed inside and didn’t do much.

Tuesday 02- 74/ 42 I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag.

I wrote the column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 03- 75/45F I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog.

David locked himself out and called me to help. I took my drill up there and drilled the keyhole out of one of his locks. I also lent him one of my controllers because his failed.

Thursday 04- 70/40F really windy. David bought one of my new controllers for a $100 and I ordered a new one for the same amount.

Friday 05- 60/39F another windy day. Kelly got badly sick last night. She woke me up at 7 a.m. After a while, she seemed to be getting better, but that didn’t last, so we called an ambulance to take her to the ER. They came a little after 11 a.m. and took her to the ER. They stabilized her, and I picked her up around 4 p.m. She is better now but still kind of sick.

So we're both down with that bug...

Saturday 06- 65/41F windy sick.

Sunday 07- 70/45F windy sick.

Monday 08- 65/46 windy sick.

Tuesday 09- 72/45F a windy day but not as bad as it has been. I did my stretches, worked out on the weight bench, situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag.

I wrote the column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 10- 75/45F no wind! I drove to Joshua Tree to pick up our meds. They only had Kelly’s ready, so I’ll have to come back another day.

Thursday 11- 77/50F Kelly and I drove to 29 to get our mail, do some shopping, and ate dinner at Burger King. We left late and got home after dark because Kelly had to wait for UPS who had her EBT card replacement. She had it skimmed at the High Desert Hospital waiting room food and drink machine last Friday.  

Friday 12- 86/51F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, did situps, pushups, and pullups, and punched the heavybag.

I did my laundry.

I told her they could wait until Tuesday to save on gas, but nay... she said you paid for the service, and it will make sure there weren't any problems with the driver if they are new to the area.

Saturday 13- 63/45F windy today. I did my stretches. 

Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel

Monday 14- went to JT to pick up my meds at Rocky’s.

Tuesday 15- I did my stretches.

Wednesday 16- I did my stretches.

Thursday 17- I did my stretches.

Friday 18- I did my stretches. My allergies have got me down the last couple of days

Saturday 20- 91/64F I'm gradually getting my energy back. I did all my exercises today and a little painting. I have one or two more coats to put on, and I'll be done for the day and probably back in bed. Yes, the allergies got to me this spring.

David came by to chat, and I showed him my new song. We both played it on the guitar. He said he liked my song. 


Sunday 21- 94/62F I did my stretches. When I went on my morning walk with my dog Cassie, I noticed that most of the fragile little flowers had turned brown. This made me contemplate life and the impermanence that all things must come to an end.


Monday, 22- 92/61: I did my stretches. Then, I went to work outside on the two gates for the garden and hooked up the water to the swamp cooler. 

Tuesday 23- 89/56F It was a very nice day. I did all my exercises. I went to work outside, continuing my work on the gate for the garden and hooking up the water to 

Wednesday, 24- 80/50F, I did my stretches. Kelly woke me up at the ungodly hour of 8 AM. She was immensely sick with stomach pains. We almost had to call an ambulance to come take her to the ER.

I worked on the swamp cooler and got it all hooked up, but it wasn’t without some glitches along the way, with the hose fitting breaking from the main water connection coming stuck and breaking off. Nothing was going right. I did find a replacement for the hose fitting and other parts I had on hand just in case something like this happens again, so I was able to fix part of the system that feeds the dog bowl, the shower, and Kelly’s trailer.

Jimmy called, and we yapped for an hour, catching up on this and that.

Thursday 25- 79/50F with high winds. I went to Twentynine Palms to pick up our mail, I did shopping, bought pizza, and had lunch at Burger King.

Kjtel had her heavy packages delivered to my house for the last three days.

Friday 26- 76/52F Batten down the hatches! It's going to be mighty windy today. Winds will be 10 to 20 mph, increasing to 25 to 35 mph, and could occasionally gust over 60 mph.

I really couldn’t work outside, so I messed around inside. I drove to Star Pharmacy in JT to pick up Kelly’s meds, which she desperately needs (antibacterial). I set up my cell phone with Vision, which is on the Verizon network, and it works. The other provider didn’t, and that was on the T-Mobile network. I’d only get one bar and couldn’t make calls.

Saturday 27- 80/53F High winds again. I did all my exercises except jog; it was too windy for that.

I drove Kelly down the the corner to pick up her delivery she ordered.

Sunday 28- 84/56F I got to sleep around 4:30 a.m. last night and woke up a little after noon. I ate breakfast, did all my exercises, and even jogged a mile.

Monday 29- 85/52F I did my stretches, setups, and hung from the pullup bars.

I worked outside pouring concrete into the holes holding the 2x4s that are the frame for the two doors.

Tuesday 30- 91/59F 

In the past few months, I caught the flu or something, which kept me down for a couple of weeks or more. Kelly's big dog knocked me down twice, which took a week or so each time, and then my ongoing allergies are finally going away (I have bad allergies) I'm feeling much better since all the flowers died off and blown away :)

Today, I'm feeling great.

A writer writes words, but a storyteller paints images 

Don’t forget to write up introduction letters for Markus and CJ

March 2024

Friday 01- 65/48F windy. I am sick, but I did my stretches and workout with weights...

Saturday 02- 64/44F High winds. 

Sunday 03- 64/44F High winds.

Monday 04- 64/44F with winds.

Tuesday 05- 70/43F Ketel’s roll roofing peeled off in a large spot. David came by with his flat tire. We tried to plug it, but it didn’t hold and blew out when he was just halfway to JT.

I did all my studies.

Wednesday 06- 70/47F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag. I’m slowly working my way back to where I was before the dog tripped me again.

I did all my studies. 

Started my garden by planting some tomatoes.

Thursday 07- 64/49F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

I spent most of the day sorting out the shop area.

Friday 08- 68/44F I took Cassie for a walk, went back to sorting stuff, and I installed electric sockets by the computer desk in the shop.

I drove to JT to pick up our meds at Rocky’s. I discovered it was Roz’s birthday, but she took the day off to celebrate, so I didn’t get to wish her a happy one. 

I drove Kelly to the corner to meet her delivery guy.  

I did all my studies.

Saturday 09- 72/45F woke up with a sore throat and feeling extremely tired. I emailed Greg to tell him I won’t make the meeting today. I did a few things today, like almost completing the kitchen table/cabinet.

I did all my studies.

Sunday 10- nice day I did all my studies.

Monday 11- Windy. I did my stretches, hung from the pullup bars, and did 30 crunches.

I did all my studies.

Tuesday 12- Windy. I did my stretches, hung from the pullup bars, and did 30 crunches.

I did all my studies.

Wednesday 13- 64/48F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag. 

I completed my column for the Star newspaper that I started yesterday.

I did all my studies and finished “Nature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements” by John Emsley, which I started reading back in September. It is a very thick and heavy book.

Thursday 14- 59/47F, wind and heavy clouds, with rain later in the early evening. I took Kelly with me when I went to town to get my mail and supplies. Post Office, filled my car with gas, got Kelly’s two propane tanks filled, shopped at Staters, Burger King for lunch, gummy place, and then home.

Friday: 15- 55/37F, rain and drizzle all day long, with chilly winds. I jogged a mile with Cassie. I did all my studies.

Saturday 16- 55/39F 

Sunday 17- 64/40F 

Monday 18- 69/53F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag. 

I did all my studies.

Tuesday 19- 71/52F Spring has sprung! Very nice day.

Wednesday 20- 78/54F I went right to work on the garden fence. This is gonna take a couple of days. I put the wire fencing around the garden. I’ll have to dig a trench around the garden to bury the first few inches of fence.

Thursday 21- 74/53F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag. 

I did all my studies.

I'm still working on the garden fence. I had to clear out the back part of the garage and move all the bikes and the Harley.

Friday 22- 80/55F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie. 

I trenched all around the perimeter of the garden so I can bury 3 to 4 inches of fence covered in ground. I totally burned myself out doing this. Tomorrow is going to be very windy, so I can feel good about taking tomorrow off.

Saturday 23- 60/39F windy all day. I jogged a mile with Cassie. 

Sunday 24- 56/35F It was very windy again today, and it was also colder. I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, did situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag. 

Monday 25- 66/41F Still windy. I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, did situps and pullups, and punched the heavybag. 

I did my studies.

I worked filling in the trench around the garden.

Tuesday 26- 71/46F Windy, but not too much like the last few days. I did my stretches, but feeling sick. It’s probably my allergies flaring up again.

Wednesday 27- 70/50F Nice day, but I am still feeling tired.

I helped David with the new batteries he had delivered here yesterday.

I finished the newsletter and sent it to the newspaper.

Thursday 28- 77/47F I took Kelly to the store with me to pick up our packages and mail. We also did a bunch of shopping.

Friday 29- 72/46F windy. I felt sick and very weak, so I didn’t do anything worth mentioning. 

Saturday 30- 58/41F windy, cold, and rainy. I did my stretches, situps and hung from the pullup bar for a 30 count, and jogged a mile with Cassie; we made it back in just before the rain started to fall.

Sunday 31- 60/42F overcast, windy, with a few sprinkles here and there. Cassy and I went for a mile jog this morning.

earthquake proof my TV against the wall

Name for books: Demon Harvest: Pull of the Sea: 

Impermanence, everything comes to an end. Knowing this, we still move on in life, working for something more permanent to build, as if life has meaning. Or to search for meaning and never come across what you believed was the ultimate meaning that you perceived it to be in your own mind just moments ago. The truth is dynamic, always moving, changing, lying, evolving, and challenging. We may find ourselves in the depths of a dilemma, but we always do what’s needed, and somehow, in some way, we evolve with the truth as the hands of time tick ever so close to midnight.

We can only use the fusion drives for decelerating once we arrive at Proxima Centauri. We’ll have to reprogram the flight computer. That means we’ll have to wake the whole IT staff. We have to slow down, or we’re in a million-year or two journey and a slow death way before we come to that ending. 

Superfluous means more than is needed, useful, or wanted. It can also mean unnecessary, redundant, or excessive. For example, "The textbook includes so much superfluous information that students often overlook key points".

Maybe virtual particles do not exist all at once, popping in and out as they do, and this would cut in half their calculations? And maybe VPs are bound together near fields of gravity? Maybe scientists only calculated the visual universe, leaving out the unvisual universe in their calculations, and shorted themselves. How big is the Universe anyways?  Who knows. I certainly don't 🤗

February 2024

Thursday 01- 56/41F the skies were overcast most of the day. I’m not feeling well. I think it’s an allergy or a cold, so I only did my stretches.

I did my studies. 

Friday 02- 60/40F with fewer clouds blocking the Sun. I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chinup bar. 

I made a bunch of spaghetti. Kelly said I did really well on it. 

Steven, the botanist, was standing at the gate when I went to feed the coyotes their nightly meal. He kind of took me by surprise, standing in the dark like that. He said he was hungry. So, I invited him in for a plate of spaghetti and a few other edibles. He sure can talk a lot about botany and the work he has done. I suspect he might be a recovering tweaker, but I didn’t ask. 

I did my studies, practiced my guitar, and did my nightly stretches. 

Saturday 03- 61/41F 

Sunday 04- 56/41F 

Steven, the botanist, stopped by with a plant to give me and thank me for feeding him on Friday.

Monday 05- 56/43F We were told to expect a downpour but only got a few drops. The day was overcast with thick dark clouds heavy with water moisture. I did my stretches and situps, and worked out with weights.

Tuesday 06- 57/45F finally rained a little last night and a bit today... mostly drizzles, though.

Wednesday 07- 58/43F 

Thursday 08- 52/39F I did my stretches and situps, pushups, heavybag, worked out with dumbbells, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

Friday 09- 49/32F I did my stretches.

Saturday 10- 45/31F I did my stretches.

I received a email on Thursday for the Copper Mountain Mesa General Meeting at 11:30AM on Saturday. I was a little late getting to the there. Unfortunately, when I drove up there were only two cars in the parking lot. So, I drove on to my next meeting in Yucca Valley of the Writers of the Purple Sage that was well attended.

Sunday 11- 48/32F I did my stretches.


Belonging to this world as contrasted with a better or more spiritual one.

Monday 12- 58/38F I did my stretches and situps, worked out with weights, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

I installed four more solar panels onto the solar structure I’ve been building.

Tuesday 13- 67/42F I painted more railing for the four remaining panels.

Wednesday 14- 69/38F I went to the doctor’s in Yucca Valley for my appointment. While there, I filled the car and three 5-gallon cans with gas; I also did a small bit of shopping.

 Thursday 15- 62/40F I did my stretches and situps, worked out with weights, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

I did all my studies! I started reading the novel “In The Joshua Sea” by M. Stillman.

I painted a few 2x4x10 lumber for the solar panel scaffolding. 

 Friday 16- 64/48F I did my stretches and situps, worked out with dumbbells, pushups, and heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog. 

I installed four solar panels in my solar structure. I also painted the first coat on two 4x4x8 posts. 

David came by to say hi, and we chatted for a short spell.

I did all my studies.

Saturday 17- 70/50F sunny. I did my stretches. I worked on the solar system.

Sunday 18- 70/49F fair, damp. I did my stretches. I did the laundry and hung them up to dry. Unfortunately, I had to leave them outside overnight because they were still moist. I did some of my studies.

Monday 19- 64/52F windy! I did my stretches, situps, pushups, heavybag, worked out on the weight bench, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

I did some of my studies.

I piddled around the property doing little things.

Tuesday 20- 63/49F ideology over practicality

Wednesday 21- 67/43F 

Thursday 22- 67/48F I did my stretches. Went to Twentynine Palms to collect mail and do some shopping.

Friday 23- 68/49F I did my stretches and situps, hit the heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog. 

I did a whole lot of work in the yard moving and sorting 2x4s and 4’x8’ plywood; most of it is scrap for the wood stove. 

Saturday 24- 70/50F Kelly’s dog tripped me. I was in awful pain. I will be laid up for a couple of days.

Sunday 25- 69/49F 

Monday 26- 68/48F 

Tuesday 27- 68/49F I did some stretches but can’t do leg lifts or squats.

Wednesday 28- 70/48F 

Thursday 29- 68/50F I am sick but did my stretches.

no light before CBR


0 seconds ago

Maybe the Big Bang was a slower process than we are led to believe? You just need to know or remember what time actually is.

Artificial intelligence does not experience flow as humans do

kinda interesting... they don't talk about manufacturing regular cars and their effects on the environment.  They mention it would take the first 60 thousand miles to make up what EVs take from our environment but do not mention that gas cars always increase their bad impacts on our environment. 

I think it is too soon to make mandates on gas cars; there just isn't the infrastructure for EVs just yet, and we, as consumers, shouldn't be forced into buying them until we have to get a horse to hook up to them.

Whisked away by some current, that ripples its way through our lives, but not a whisper or work has bee spoken of the dismal world we live. I don’t promote any religion, I don’t take sides for those politicians, 

as I ride the blue ocean’s depths; it’s all but milky waters. I will search for you at your request. I see hazel eyes that glow in the darkness of night. and 


noun: senescence

the condition or process of deterioration with age.

loss of a cell's power of division and growth.

January 2024

Monday 01- 55/39F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chinup bar.

I put together the aluminum planters, two of them, 8’ by 3’ and a foot high. The first one went really slow, but I got the hang of it, and the second one was done quickly.

I did my studies, practiced my guitar, and did my nightly stretches.

Tuesday 02- 58/35F I did my stretches and situps, worked out with weights, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

Cassie and I went on a five-mile hike up to the water tank in Twentynine Palms.

We were both pretty tired afterwards. I had a hard time getting to sleep because my legs were hurting. 

Spent a few hours getting my column ready and sent to the newspaper. I think I’ll start posting them on Blogger along with this blog.

I did my studies and my nightly stretches. Dang, I forgot about practicing my guitar.

Wednesday 03- 55/42 I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chinup bar.

I did my studies, practiced my guitar, and did my nightly stretches. 

Cassie and I drove to my mailbox on Border Ave to pick up my mail and Christmas cars friends have sent.

Thursday 04- 53/34F I did my stretches and situps, hung on the chin-up bar, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

Kelly and I went to 29 to get our mail, do some shopping, and had burgers at BK.

If I say you are just like family to me, you might want to re-examine your idea of what I meant by Family; you really don't know my family...

I did my studies, practiced my guitar, and did my nightly stretches. 

Friday 05- 61/35 I did my stretches and situps, worked out with weights, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

I did my studies, practiced my guitar, and did my nightly stretches. 

I ordered a 1200-gallon water tank from Home Depot tonight.

Saturday 06- 52/43F I did my stretches and situps, hung on the chin-up bar, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

What I was going to do today didn’t happen because I spent most of the day looking for two doggies who escaped from the yard. Kelly and I looked all over the desert for them... They came home all on their own; it was feeding time!

Sunday 07- 52/34F I did my stretches and situps, hung on the chin-up bar, and left Cassie home when I went for a mile jog; she was limping on her right rear leg, hurt it on her day of running wild, no doubt.

Monday 08- 50/32F I did my stretches, situps and pushups, weightbench, punched on the heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

Tuesday 09- 52/31F I did my stretches and situps, hung on the chin-up bar, and took Cassie for a mile jog. Refugio is the trash truck driver's name; I gave him a Christmas card containing a $10 gift. 

Wednesday 10- 60/42F, very windy! I did my stretches and situps and hung on the chin-up bar, but it was too windy for a mile jog. I have a few GTD projects to get done myself! 

I hope the winds stay reasonable for a while, not like last Wednesday, where the winds must have been gusting over 60 MPH or more!!!!  It scoured the desert floor bare to the bone and erased much of our footpaths we've made over the years.

Thursday 11- 49/29F, still very windy. I did my stretches and situps and hung on the chin-up bar, but it was too windy for a mile jog.

Friday 12- 57/35F dug holes for posts that will hold solar panels.

Saturday 13 61/41F I did my stretches and situps and hung on the chin-up bar, but it was too windy for a mile jog.

I attended a meeting in Yucca Valley of Writers of the Purple Sage. It was our first meeting, and things went well The meeting was excellent, with 10 of us showing up. Greg was worried no one would show. 

I believe we decided to have it once a month and promote our writers in the high desert.

Sunday 14- 65/40F I did my stretches and situps and hung on the chin-up bar, but it was too windy for a mile jog.

Monday 15- 66/42F I did my stretches and situps and hung on the chin-up bar, but it was too windy for a mile jog.

I worked outside on the solar. I ordered a 58X 21” refrigerator last night, and I am working on placing it in the area where the freezer was after I moved it into the pantry. I had to remove part of the table where the microwave sat. It looks like I’m getting into remodeling.

Tuesday 16- 68/47F I did my stretches. Just not feeling all that great today.

The new refrigerator arrived, replacing the little one that stopped working a couple of days ago. This one is a Frigidaire 7.5 Cu. ft. Refrigerator, Platinum Series, Stainless Look! I got it all inside and ready to turn on tomorrow morning.

I worked some on the structure for the solar panels.

Wednesday 17- 68/45F I did my stretches, situps, hung on the chin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie. We met David along the way. He was working on his fire pit. We stopped to chat for a short spell.

Thursday 18- 68/45F I did my stretches. Display should be 1024x768 resolution

Friday 19- 62/50F 1200 gallon water tank due here today

Saturday 20- 61/49F I’m feeling better today. I did my stretches, situps and pushups, weightbench, punched on the heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

Sunday 21- 60/46F Lots of rain! I did my stretches.

Monday 22- 59/48F Lots more rain! I did my stretches.

Tuesday 23- 57/45F I walked outside, not expecting to see the 1200-gallon water tank until tomorrow after 5pm. There it was, behind a large truck sitting in the middle of the road. 

Wednesday 24- 55/44F I did my stretches.

Thursday 25- 60/41F with a damp breeze blowing cold. I did my stretches, situps, punched heavybag, and hung from the bar.

I got up the courage to drive my truck over to Home Dept to get a bunch of lumber to complete the solar array framework.

Friday 26- 58/41F I did my stretches, situps and pushups, weight bench, and punched on the heavybag.

Unloaded all the lumber and pavers from the truck. Started putting feet on the panels.

Saturday 27- 64/40F I did my stretches, setups, and hung from the chinup bar.

Sunday 28- 64/40F I did my stretches. 

Monday 29- 65/41F I did my stretches, situps and pushups, weightbench, punched on the heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

Tuesday 30- 66/43F I did my stretches.

Wednesday 31- 74/51F pick up mail and shop at store