Thursday 01- welcome to the month of March 2007- did my stretches, lifted weights, rode my bike, and ran a mile, took blind dog with me- went over to Stoney’s for lunch (macaroni and cheese). Worked with him on his computer skills- Joel dropped off my mail- Andrew called to say that he saw a film crew filming some kind of race movie down on Lear and Poleline. There were two very expensive racecars and actors hanging about. He would have stopped to ask what the film was about but they didn’t look friendly, he said- went on my evening walk with blind dog-did my studies- started updating the website and sent out the newsletter.

Saturday 3- got woken up at the ungodly hour of 9am by the Verizon phone tech here to fix my line. I told him what was wrong and he checked the house and said that wasn't the problem (I knew that already) and said it must be the amplifier to this circuit and told me that he'd call me when it was fixed- did my stretches, lifted weights, and walked the blind dog. I would have did a run but wanted to be around in case the phone tech guy called- Ron D. came by to chat and had a soup bone for the blind dog and split pea soup for me. Blind dog lost the bone and I hunted around the yard for 45 minutes but couldn't find it- called Tom and Aki, then Called Mom and Dad using cell phone- did my studies- went for my evening walk with blind dog- phone tech guy never called me back to say he'd fixed the phone and I've been off it all day so I decided to call Stoney and say hi and while I was talking to him the line went dead. I guess that is why the phone tech guy never called to say it was fixed-Mike called and we yapped for a while- did some work on the computer and some blogging.
Sunday 04- a little breezy and cool but I did my stretches and ran a mile with blind dog- called Joel to come over and we updated his website- my Brother called and left a message. I called him later in the day but he was busy placing vending machines for his business and will try to call me back tomorrow (my Brother is a real entrepreneur)- did my studies- went for my evening walk with blind dog- called and talked to Barb and Jerry for a while- watched "60 Minutes" on CBS- Stoney called to say that Scott, his grandson who is staying with him for a few days with his girlfriend, saw flashing red lights down by my house. I went outside to take a look see and it looked like it was up on Saturn street over by Judith's home so Stoney called her and she checked it out and it turns out to be her next door neighbor. We will find out more later what happen from Judith cause she went over there right after she got off the phone with Stoney- worked and surf the web the rest of the night.
Monday 05- really nice and warm day- did my stretches and ran two miles with blind dog- studied most of the day to finish my two online courses, now I can start on something new. So far my phone has been working ok, but the phone tech never called back to say if it was fixed- went for my evening walk- Andrew dropped by on his evening run to checkout blind dog- watched “24” on FOX- started writing my column for the newspaper.
Tuesday 06- really gorgeous sunny day- did my stretches, lifted weights, took blind dog on a mile run, and rode my bike- Stuart dropped by to include this in my column: On Saturday 10, there will be a GIANT YARD SALE at the Community Center’s Old Fire Station from Noon till dusk, everything must go to make room. Come on down and enjoy Chuck’s famous hotdogs while you rummage through the bargains galore! I put it in my column and sent it to the newspaper- did my studies- went for my evening walk with blind dog- Ron D. came over with some leftovers and we jawed for a while- watched “NCIS” on CBS- Chuck and Joey stopped by with a turkey dinner from Bingo. They told me of a stolen late model Lincoln Navigator that some thief stripped and abandoned in a field near his home- wrapped up some loose ends on the computer and read the rest of the night.
Wednesday 07- did my stretches- went to Yucca with Stoney and did some shopping at WalMart. Saw Ron, a friend of Kern's, but he didn't have much to say. He was dressed for combat, thou he ain't in no army- did my studies- went for my evening walk with blind dog- called Roger T. for a jaw- called Stoney and my phone died again, so I guess it wasn't fixed- watched a video "Mouse Hunt" and it made me laugh.
Friday 09- did my stretches and ran a mile with blind dog- updated the website- worked in the yard watering plants- did the laundry- Stoney called to say he baked peanut butter cookies and to come get some- Dana, my neighbor who lives with his wife to the northwest dropped by to say hi. I’ve only talked to him a few times and he seems like a real nice guy. He’s retired from driving cement trucks. I showed him my solar panels- did my studies and finish the astronomy book I’ve been reading- watched “Numbers” on CBS- did some computer stuff.
Saturday 10- did my stretches, weights, ran a mile with blind dog, and rode my bike- Ron D. came by with some bones for blind dog and needed me to print some PDF for him- started changing the clocks on my computers to daylight savings time- called Mom and Dad and yakked at them for a while- called Nancy to talk to her about her Mother (my dear friend) Agnes. She told me that they will be having the memorial for Agnes on the 17th of this month. Tried to help Nancy get her bookmarks restored after her son fixed her computer, but they were gone for good- went for my evening walk with BD- called my Brother and jawed with him about his business. Sounds like he is really getting things done- did my studies- just messed around with the computer the rest of the night.
Sunday 11- did my stretches and ran a mile with blind dog- worked in the yard- called Audrey and left a message- called Paula and we chatted for a while and she emailed everyone’s birthday- Dale from Landers called and we traded insults for a while- went for my evening walk with BD- did my studies- watched “60Minutes” on CBS- Mike from Hermosa called and we talked about electric cars- worked on the computer the rest of the night trying to get a movie to play.
Monday 12- did my stretches, lifted weights, ran a mile (blind dog didn’t want to go), and rode my bike- Linda D. call to ask if I’d help her hook up her entertainment center as a surprise for Ron. Ron told me that there are some folks who had donated some money for blind dog to get him looked at by a Vet. I thought that was very nice- worked on my “Trusty” scooter: a line that provides oil to the engine had broke and it was a tight fit getting it back on- did my studies- went for my evening walk with blind dog- watched “24” on FOX- worked on my column and other computer stuff- took out the telescope for the first time this year- did some stretches, lifted weights, and went to bed.
Tuesday 13- did my stretches, lifted weights, ran a mile (and again blind dog didn’t want to go), and rode my bike- did some cleaning up of my living room- wrote my column and sent it to the newspaper- did my studies Sam from UPS dropped off the 512meg memory for Barb and Jerry’s computer but not the two SD cards, they will be here tomorrow. Sam wanted to see the pictures I took on my trip to Tucson. His family is doing fine: his Wife is going to college taking nursing and his oldest Daughter is taking some high level music classes- went for my evening walk with blind dog- Joel called to say hi- called Seimi and had a chat with him- Chuck and Joey came by with some leftovers and was yapping at them when Stuart and Lee’s Daughter and Granddaughter stopped to see blind dog- Mike from Hermosa called to say he may have found a kennel that takes in German Shepherds, but the lady there said only as a last resort- watched “NCIS” on CBS- Stoney stopped by on his way back home from Bingo- lately I have been taking my telescope out. I haven’t done so this year because of the cold and the wind. Last night and again tonight I trained my scope on the constellation Cancer and the Beehive open cluster. Further to the east on the Ecliptic is Leo, a backwards question mark in the sky, where I found Saturn, tilted just enough to make a nice display of its rings- did some stretches, lifted weights, and went to bed.

Friday 16- did my stretches, lifted weights, ran a mile, and rode my bike- sent out newsletter- drove the “banged up” Toyoda over to Ron and Linda’s to show it off and help Linda move some heavy cement blocks into a kind of mosaic walkway- Stoney called to say that he thinks he can use parts of the old Suzuki, especially the front grill where the headlights are. He needs me to leave it over at his house for a few days and I will drive it over later on after I help Linda D. setup her ISP on the new MacBook- drove my Toyoda truck over to Stoney’s. We both checked out the damage to come up with a plan to fix it, I left it there and walked home for my evening walk- did my studies- Stoney came by with Judith who’s car broke down on Lear Ave. and we got some rope and towed it to her home- updated the website- check to see if they got blind dog on the German Shepherd website and they did you can click here: Sullivan, the name they gave blind dog to see him.You Might have to reload the page to make it appear- did my studies, lifted weights, surfed the web and went to bed.
Sunday 18- did my stretches, lifted weights, ran a mile, and rode my bike- moved old “faithful” truck that took a dump out of the way to make room for the camper and new truck. And it weren’t easy doing it by myself, took about 2 hours of backbreaking work- went over to Stoney’s to take a “real” shower and then watched him play Spider Solitaire. He was tired too from working on Judith’s VW- went for my evening walk- watched “Rolling Stones Circus” on PBS- did my studies- lifted weights, surfed the web. Put in-house repair on my Verizon account so I won’t have to worry about them charging me when they come out to fix this problem that’s not in my house line but theirs, Verizon has been out here two times for the same problem already and have said it was their problem but never fixed it and I don’t want them billing me by mistake @ $87.00 an hour!
Monday 19- did my stretches- Joel came by with my mail and some sweet rolls- Andrew calls about a computer problem, he knows I like them- Jerry came by to give me a ride to his house so I can upgrade his computer with the 512Meg of RAM that I ordered last week. It took only a few minutes to upgrade the RAM and less than an hour to install, update, and run Spybot anti-spyware program. Barbara made some Mexican something or other out of ground beef, mushroom soup, and diced jalapeno on a tortilla with cheese for lunch. It was mighty good!- dropped by Andrew’s to checkout computer problem- did my studies- went for my evening walk- Andrew came by for a chat. I showed him my new truck and camper. It was getting dark so I took out the telescope and watched the crescent Moon set behind the mountains and then turned it on Saturn. Andrew saw a meteor shoot across the lens of the scope. We also tracked a satellite as it cross the sky- watched “24” on FOX but I kept switching it over to ”Deal or No Deal” to see how a girl that was plucked from a hotdog stand was doing, she ended up winning $67,000! Then watched “Secrets of the Dead” on PBS- worked on the computer.
Tuesday 20- did my stretches, called Verizon, I got fed up with the line cutting out every few minutes. I got cutoff when I was telling my problem to a phone person. He called back and said he ran a test on my line and it was a problem with the inside line. I told him, how could that be since I’m calling from the outside box with the house line disconnected; but he insisted and I hung up. I called Stoney and he brought me over a brand new phone and I connected it to the outside box and called Verizon again and got a friendlier and reasonable person and was telling him the problem when it went dead again. He said he would put in the log that it went dead while he was talking to me when I was using the outside box with the house line disconnected. The repair person will be here Thursday- did my studies- John M. and I went to the DMV to register the truck- went for my evening walk- Seimi came over for the 50 lbs of dog food I have leftover- watched “Nova” on PBS- wrote my column and set it to the newspaper.
Wednesday 21- did my stretches and ran a mile- Andrew picked me up and we went over to Roger T.'s home to get a Windows XP disk to repair Andrew's laptop- installed the XP on my desktop to see if it was functioning, and it was- phone repair guy shows up and tries to fix it but it still cuts out. He will have some other repair folks replace some sort of amplifier tomorrow or the next day, until then my phone is worthless- Chuck dropped by for a chat- did my studies- watched "Bones" on CBS, then "Through Deaf Eyes" on PBS- worked on the computer the rest of the night.
Thursday 22- did my stretches, lifted weights, ran a mile, and rode my bike- cleaned out the camper and found where the 12 volt gets connected- did my studies- watched "Insomnia" on KCOP- worked on the computer- my phone line is still messed up.
Friday 23- did my stretches and ran a mile- called Martin from Verizon to tell him that my phone still isn’t working. He will have some tech guy come out and change something somewhere that sounds like a piece of equipment from a particle accelerator- dropped by Stoney’s to move his welding rig over to the old Suzuki he uses for parts and we’re going to take the front end off to put it on my Toyota- went for my evening walk- did my studies and worked on the computer the rest of the night- my longtime friend, Lenore, from long ago when I worked as a security guard at Harbor Cove called. We chatted for only a few minutes because my phone would keep dieing.
Sunday 25- forgot to tell you about a couple I met yesterday when I was riding my bike. Their names were Abner and Anna Marie, they have a church down in El Monte and are looking to build a retreat for their church goers over on Mars and 5 acres down from Borland Pass. They seemed like nice folks and asked if there were any parcels of land around here for $2000, I told them not anymore and not for a long, long time- did my stretches and ran a mile- did a systems cleanup and defrag on my Toshiba laptop- removed the towing eyes from Toyota that John M. called me last night at 1:30 to tell me his son-in-law had left on the truck and needed back- Stoney called to tell me he made some cookies, so I rushed on over there. We checked out how we were going to install the front end from the Suzuki onto the Toyota and watched some “Gun Smoke” on TV- went for my evening walk- did my studies- watched “60 Minutes” on CBS- messed around with the computer.
Tuesday 26- really windy so I just did my stretches- Stoney called to say he’s going to Bar Lumber in 29 to pickup tubing to fix the water pipes in Sue’s trailer and wanted to know if I wanted to go. I needed a 5 gallon tank of propane so I went along. After Bar we got cheeseburgers at Burger King- John M. came by with some items that Roger T. wants to buy and Roger came over and picked them up- did my studies- too cold and windy for an evening walk today- Chuck and Joseph dropped off some BBQ sausage and beans, mighty good stuff- watched “NCIS” on CBS- wrote column and sent it to the newspaper- phone is working good today!
Wednesday 28- not feeling well (something I ate) so I just did my stretches- called Stoney to see if we were going to Sue's to fix water pipes, but he couldn't get a hold of her so we'll do it tomorrow- just did my studies and went for my evening walk- watched "Bones" on FOX- surfed the web the rest of the night.
Thursday 29- did my stretches and ran a mile- Stoney called to go over to Sue’s trailer and we spent over 5 hours trying to fix leaks. We would fix one and then another would burst squirting a stream of water. We finally found one that we couldn’t get to easily and because it was getting late will have to continue it tomorrow and we hope that Sue will clean up some of the rubbish around where we have to work- went for my evening walk from Stoney’s after I took a shower there to remove some of the crud and threw my grimy work clothes in his washer- someone (Joel?) left a box of “Chips Ahoy” cookies in my mailbox- did my studies- Chuck and Joseph brought me by some bbq pork and chicken that they are preparing for Bingo dinner next week: it was mighty good- watched “CSI” on CBS- updated the website and sent out the newsletter.
Friday 30- did my stretches, lifted weights, ran a mile and rode my bike- Stoney came by to barrow my wet-vac for Sue to clean her trailer- Andrew came by(it was he who left the "Chips Ahoy" cookies in my mailbox yesterday) to get a DMV form printed off the web for Chuck, then Chuck shows up and we all sat around and jawed- started working on my taxes but couldn't finish them cause I'm missing one 1099-DIV- went for my evening walk and jawed with Biker Ron and his Mother- did my studies and finished the Meteorology textbook, last week I finished the Astronomy textbook. I am getting most of what I am studying out of the way for when I begin the programming course. I am still trying to decide which language to learn: C++, Java, C#, or Ruby- watched "Numbers" on CBS- Mike from Hermosa called but my phone died.
Bob, you didn' say you sang Happy Birthday to my mom over the phone. Oh, you were a little pitchy. LOL