Welcome to the Month of May- I did my stretches, ran a mile, did the core trainer, lifted weights, punched the bag some, and rode my bike.
I did some wood work in the bathroom putting in a kinda shelve cubby hole to store stuff- lots of measuring, sawing, hammering, and screwing of screws.
Larry Carlock called just to say hi and yakked for over 30 minutes. I called Mike Long for a short chat.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 4.
I got caught up with my “365 Starry Nights” astronomy readings.
I read that our military had a firefight in Pakistan and had killed Osama bin Laden with a shot to the head and then buried him at sea (more like kicked his butt overboard) – I don’t like hearing about the death of anyone but in this case I’ll make an exception: good riddance to old garbage.
I read a few chapters of “Spinward Fringe Broadcast 4: Frontline” by Randolph Lalonde. I should finish the book tomorrow.
Monday 02- I did my stretches, ran a mile, did the core trainer, lifted weights, punched the bag some.
I went to town to buy mother’s day cards and mail them. I bought a hamburger and coffee at Jack in the Box. The bill should have been over $2 but it was only $1.84. I looked at the receipt and found that they gave me a senior discount without me even asking, dang I’m getting old! I sat down at a booth in the rear to fill out the cards. I found out that the cards I bought had pre-paid postage; never seen that before and I needn’t have bothered to bring the two stamps I brought from home.
I finished “Spinward Fringe Broadcast 4: Frontline” by Randolph Lalonde.
Tuesday 03- I did my stretches, yoga, and ran two miles. On my run there was a Mojave Green rattler lying across my running path. I sat down several feet away and talked to the rattler letting it know I intended no harm. I then walked around it staying in front so it could see what I was doing. The rattler was gone on my return run.
I did more work on the shop roof putting some bracing here and there.
Wednesday 04- I did my stretches, rode my bike, did the core trainer, and lifted dumbbells.
UPS delivered the two 125watt panels I ordered. I unboxed them and checked them both out with my volt meter; both passed inspection.
I did more work on the shop roof. Hopefully I’ll have it all done in a week or so.
I bought “Spinward Fringe Broadcast 5: Fracture” by Randolph Lalonde and started reading a few chapters.
Thursday 05- I did my stretches, yoga, ran a mile, core trainer, and lifted weights.
I finished what I could on the shop roof for now until I get more materials.
Kelly came by to pick up her packages I had for her from my mailbox (I let her receive packages there).
Friday 06- I did my stretches, rode my bike, and lifted dumbbells.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I need to get some Henry’s roofing tar before I can continue to work on the shop roof. So I started working on the patio roof to finish a few loose ends I left unfinished from five years ago or so.
I played my guitar. I haven’t felt like playing it since Ron passed on, but tonight it just felt right.
I went for a night run, punched the bag some, and did the core trainer.
I may not be the best but I can try to be the best I can be.
Saturday 07- I did my stretches.
I called friends and family throughout the day.
Sunday 08- I did my stretches, ran a mile, and lifted weights.
I watered Linda’s backyard and while I was over there I went across the street to Joan’s to have a look-see at her computer. I took pictures of Stoney’s roof to send to Judy and Denny. John had finished the roof a few days ago.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 4 and started lecture 5.
Monday 09- I did my stretches, yoga, ran two miles, and did the core trainer.
Topped off six 6volt deep cycle batteries which took a whole gallon of distilled water; they were mighty thirsty.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 5.
Kula called asking which laptop would be the best for her to purchase.
I watched a movie called “Skyline” (2010). It was a pretty good movie except for a few scenes. The film kept me entertained for an hour or so.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, went for a night run, and did the core trainer.
Tuesday 10- I did my stretches, rode my bike, and lifted weights.
I cleaned out the battery room. There’s a packrat in there, nasty thing, leaving its turds all over the place. I’m declaring war on this rat because it has been eating at the saddle bags on my Harley!
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 5 and the beginning of lecture 6.
I finished reading “Spinward Fringe Broadcast 5: Fracture” by Randolph Lalonde; great book!
I started reading a few other books and got caught up on my astronomy readings.
Chris stopped by after Bingo at the community center and we sat for a spell in his car and jawed.
I did my stretches, went for a night run, and did the core trainer. I sleep much better when I do some late night exercises.
Wednesday 11- I did my stretches, yoga, ran a mile, and hit the bag a bunch.
I did the Latin flashcards.
UPS delivered noise –cancelling ear buds so I won’t go deaf riding the Harley. I tested them out when I rode down to collect my mail. They cancel the sound from the motorbike’s pipes mighty good!
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 6.
I got caught up on watching my “Fringe” episodes.
Thursday 12- I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, and ran two miles.
I think it’s the first day in over a week that it isn’t windy!
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 6- they are long lectures.
I messed around cleaning up my computer room and I think I’ve made a dent in the mess in that tiny room.
I watched an episode of “Castle”.
I did my stretches, lifted dumbbells, did the core trainer, and went for a night run.
Friday 13- I did my stretches, yoga, rode my bike, and lifted weights.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I worked on the shop wall digging up the piers to even them out so they stand straight.
Kula called me from New York City where she is visiting a friend.
I went for my evening walk and listened to the rest of lecture 6 and started lecture 7 on Astro 7b.
I watched an episode of “Castle”.
I did my stretches, went for a night run, and did the core trainer.
Saturday 14- I did my stretches, ran a mile, and punched the bag some.
I called friends and family throughout the day.
I cooked dry beans (they were White Northern Beans) for the first time! 8 hours soak 3 cups of water to one beans- drain and rinse really good- 3 cups to one again and bring to a boil- then dump into the slow cooker on low for 4 hours. They’re done when you can crush them between your tong and the roof of your mouth; tasted mighty good.
I took my camera with me on my evening walk, took some pictures of cloud formations and listened to Astro 7b lecture 7.
I read from a short book on the laws of thermodynamics most of the night. Your weight in lbs x .45(converted to meters) x 9.8ms squared (gravity) = your weight in newtons x amount of work/time=Watts
My weight=185lbs x .45=83.25k x Gravity 9.8m/s squared=815.85newtons x (3meters climbing stairs) = 2447.55newtons/ 10seconds to climb stairs=244.755 Watts or 244.755 Joules a second used.
One Watt is equal to the production or use of one Joule per second.
One newton =.4475 lbs or one stick of butter….
One Joule=one newton moved one meter.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
Sunday 15- I did my stretches, rode my bike, and lifted weights.
I went over to the community center to help Chris set up the bags for the USD Food Distribution. Sherry was also there to help out and it was nice to see her again.
I watered Linda’s backyard.
I did my laundry over at Stoney’s house.
I went for my evening walk and listened to Astro 7b lecture 7 and the beginning of 8.
I did my stretches, core trainer, and went for a night run.
Monday 16- I did my stretches.
I watered my plants. There was a Red Racer snake drinking out of the cement pond. I stood quietly watching trying not to disturb the snake. It noticed me but turned back to drinking and when it was done went head first into the pond, up the other side, and then made its way into some chaparral.
I went to Twentynine Palms to get some supplies. I paid $50 to fill up two five gallon gas cans and put the rest into the wee little car. I went to Barr Lumber for some Henry’s roofing tar, then onto Rite Aid to pick up Kelly’s prescription. My last stop was at Staters to do my shopping.
Tuesday 17- I did my stretches, yoga, and ran two miles.
I worked on the roof putting Henry’s sealer on the joints.
I cleaned the insides of the house.
I went on my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 8.
I finished the short book on Thermodynamics.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
Wednesday 18- I did my stretches, ran a mile, punched the bag some, did the core trainer, and lifted weights.
Dang cold and windy today! Been like that most of the week. Very unseasonable weather we’ve been having this spring.
I was working on the shop walls getting ready to bury the piers after straightening them when I heard the kaw… kaw… kaw of a raven as it flew by. I kinda pride myself on my bird calls; I can do a pretty dang good mallard when I lived on a boat in Redondo Beach Harbor. I was partially hidden under the shop’s roof when I let out with my own kaw… kaw… kaw. The raven circled back kawing and came right over where I was concealed, searching. Could the raven be looking for a lost mate? Maybe I sounded like a wounded raven? I do not know but more ravens quickly followed, there must have been five or six of these big black beautiful birds kawing over my house. I fell silent and made my way inside to my bedroom. I felt a dread for redirecting their flight to wherever ravens go. They stayed kawing over my house for the better part of an hour while I cowered inside. I was relieved when they finally flew off. Nevermore will I be doing such kawing at ravens, Nevermore…
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 8. I also took pics with the iPod Touch while still listening to the lecture on it; I was wondering if I could do that with the Touch.
I did a bunch of studying: Astronomy, Entomology, and Electronics.
I did my stretches, core trainer, and went for a night run.
Thursday 19- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, and rode my bike.
I went to paint Snow Coat on the shop roof. I got everything together and lifted it onto the roof. The container for the Snow Coat must have weighed fifty pounds or more! Anyways to make a long story short the Henry’s roofing tar didn’t harden yet so I’ll have to wait to paint it in another couple of days or so; I left the heavy Snow Coat container up there.
In the meantime I did some more bracing of the shop’s walls measuring two by fours, cutting them, and hammering nails. This is all stuff I should have completed a few years ago when I build the dang thing! In fact I go around the house completing this and that which I’ve put off for many years.
I went for my evening walk and finished lecture 8 of Astro 7b.
I read aloud from “Astronomy today” (I haven’t done that in a while). It was about the hydrogen 21cm emission. Now I heard about it before and kinda understood it but I didn’t know the actual process. I knew that the electron flipped its spin and produced energy in the form of a photon, but I didn’t know that at a high energy level the proton and the electron have parallel spin, meaning they spin in the same direction. But when the electron flips the hydrogen atom is at a low energy level and its spin is in the opposite direction of the proton and releases a photon which is the energy difference between the high and low states. Now I know.
I did my stretches, did the core trainer, went for a night run, punched the bag a bunch, and lifted dumbbells.
Friday 20- I did my stretches, core trainer, ran two miles, and lifted weights.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
The roofing tar still hasn’t dried yet so I shoveled a few wheelbarrows of dirt from the shop area and moved it elsewhere.
I went on my evening walk listening to lecture 9 of the Astro 7b.
I got some bad news from Arizona but we’ll have to wait-see what happens.
I did my stretches, went for a night run, and did the core trainer.
I shoveled two wheelbarrows full of dirt out of the shop area trying to level it all out.
I called friends and family throughout the day.
I took Kelly to town and fixed her electric when we got back.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
Sunday 22- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, lifted weights, and ran a mile.
Rode electric bike to Linda’s and watered her backyard.
I went for an evening walk listening to Astro 7b lectures 9 and 10.
I read aloud from the textbook “Astronomy Today” about Interstellar Molecules and ended chapter 18 with the chapter review.
I did my stretches, core trainer, punched the bag a bunch, and went for a night run.
I finally got the shop roof painted with Snow Coat and decided to paint the other porch roofs, too.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lectures 10 and the beginning of 11.
I read aloud from the textbook “Astronomy Today” beginning chapter 19 about the seven phases of star formation starting from a dust cloud, cloud fragmentation, protostar, to main sequence star.
I did my stretches, punched the bag some, and went for a night run.
Tuesday 24- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, and went for a mile run.
Kelly and I went to town.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 11 and the beginning of 12.
I read from the textbook “Astronomy Today” about shockwaves through dust clouds causing them to contract.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
Wednesday 25- I did my stretches, yoga, and went for a two mile run.
I shoveled about three wheelbarrows full of dirt and moved it to where I’m doing some filling of uneven spots around the house.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 12.
I read aloud from the textbook “Astronomy Today” about the CNO (Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen) fusion cycle; interesting, I didn’t know this also takes place during the proton-proton fusion phase. All this fusion using CNO as catalysts and you end up with only helium 4! Ended chapter 19 and began 20.
I did my stretches, punched the bag a bunch, and went for a night run.
I trimmed the dead fronds off of both my palm trees and then I watered the trees really well.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the newsletter.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 12 and the beginning of 13.
I read aloud from the “Astronomy Today” textbook about the death of stars like our Sun.
I did my stretches, core trainer, and went for a night run.
Friday 27- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, lifted weights, and ran a mile.
I played around with my computers doing some updates on the MacBook.
I worked out in the yard digging a trench around the shop’s outer wall.
I was on FaceBook for most of the day. I found a few friends from Newton Elementary School in Torrance Ca. where I went there back in the middle 60s.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 13.
I read aloud from the “Astronomy Today” textbook about white dwarfs.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
I called friends and family throughout the day.
I went shooting over at Stoney’s with Jimmy and Clarice who drove all the way up here to get away from it all. Jim brought up his hi-powered 30cal Saga which really packs a wallop and his Marlin 9mm rifle. I brought over my two 22 rifles.
We went to Potluck over at the community center where almost 30 hungry folks showed up. I told Chris that this is more than we’ve had in many years. Lots of good food and good vibes!
We went shooting some more.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 13.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
Sunday 29- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted weights, and ran a mile.
We went shooting again over at Stoney’s until we ran out of ammo and Jimmy and Clarice had to drive back home. We’re getting mighty good at shooting rocks!
I went for an evening walk listening to Astro 7b lectures 13 and 14.
I read aloud from the textbook “Astronomy Today” about Interstellar Molecules and ended chapter 18 with the chapter review.
I did my stretches and went for a night run.
Monday 30- I did my stretches, yoga, lifted dumbbells, did the core trainer, and ran two miles.
I’ve been spending a lot of time this weekend on FaceBook at “You know you’re from Torrance if…”
I read aloud from “Astronomy Today” about Novae- where a white dwarf that is in a binary system with a main sequence star pulling matter to form an accretion disk around the white dwarf. Once this disk heats up to 10 million Kelvin, where hydrogen ignites, it fuses into helium at a very fast rate.
I went for my evening walk listening to Astro 7b lecture 14.
I did my stretches, core trainer, and went for a night run.
Tuesday 31- I did my stretches, yoga, core trainer, rode my bike, and lifted weights.
For the past three days I’ve been posting on this FaceBook page called “You know you’re from Torrance if…” which has gone viral during the weekend with many folks from Torrance posting stuff from the past and commenting on those posts (Me being one of them). I grew up in Torrance and know many of the old places that are no longer there; lots of fun! Click on the link (you need FaceBook login) and see what I mean :)
I went on my evening walk listening to lecture 14 and the beginning of 15.
I read aloud from the text book “Astronomy Today” about Nova and Supernova, the difference between them, and the difference between type I and type II Supernova.
I did my stretches, went for a night run, and punched the bag a bunch.
Goodbye to May you've been a very windy month!
Dear Bob,
ReplyDeleteAfter being dreadfully disapointed that you were no longer blogging on the copper mountain mesa web site, I found you here! I was delighted!
I just wanted to comment on your blog of the 18th, about the ravens. I thought that was so interesting how the birds reacted to your call. Maybe they thought you were one of their own! You must have some call to fool the ravens!
Thanks for sharing.
Gosh, thanks Karen!
ReplyDeleteI still write a little now and then on the Copper Mountain Mesa website; I'll be putting this short story of the ravens on there. I was fortunate to have talked Annelies into taking over writing the column for the newspaper- after over eleven years I kinda got worn out :)