Welcome to the Month of August- cloudy but no rain with temps into the high 80s.
I did my
stretches and went for a short walk.
I spent
the rest of the day editing and adding to the book.
02- very nice day, but a little muggy with temps into the low 90s.
I did my stretches
and went for a nice long walk.
I spent
the rest of the day editing and adding to the book. I think I got it almost
done, but I want to add to the characters a bit. Carolyn is helping me edit and
is a real help catching the little things I miss; and some big ones too.
Friday 03- mostly cloudy day with rain here
and there.
I woke up
early around 6am, did my stretches, and went for a morning walk.
Kelly has
a doctor’s appointment at 2:30pm, so I picked her up at noon and headed to
Twentynine Palms to get our packages at the post office. We stopped off at Bar
Lumber to get her propane tank filled. Before we left 29 we got drinks and two
chicken sandwiches at the AMPM Market at the ARCO. Then we were on our way to
Palm Desert. It rained as we went through Yucca Valley which slowed us down a
bit, but we made it to the doctor’s office with 5min to spare. I sat around
watching a BBC Earth documentary for over two hours while they adjusted the
settings on Kelly’s temporary electric doohickey she now has implanted in her
back. We got back on the road and went shopping at WalMart, then on to Rite Aid
to get her prescription fill, lunch at Burger King (we had coupons) and
shopping for supplies at Stater Bros. Again, I finally got home around 10:30pm.
04- clouds here and there with temps into the low 90.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, and punched the heavy bag.
I updated
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I called
my friend Larry Carlock to wish him a happy birthday and we jawed about old
times for over an hour.
I worked
on my book all day and into the night.
I went for
a night run.
Sunday 05-
a few clouds with the temps into the high 90s.
I did my
stretches and went for a short morning walk.
I was on
FaceBook for a spell and for some reason me and Carolyn decided to start a
FaceBook Page called ‘FaceBook Goes to Mars’ so we could watch the landing of
Curiosity on Mars with friends. We had a little over one hundred folks join in
only a few hours. Seemed like a lot of FaceBook folks came on in around 8:30pm
when NASA started their program, some called “7 minutes of terror”, and you
could see the technicians milling around their consoles getting ready to begin.
I thought it was really exciting to be with like mined folks commenting on FaceBook
and watching events unfold at JPL in Pasadena. We were altogether as those 7
minutes of terror came around 10:30PM PDT and were just as jubilant as anyone
at JPL when the first pictures came in from Mars! What a ride!
Monday 06-
it is hot and muggy today with a few sprinkles of the wet stuff.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and went for a short walk.
I picked
up Kelly at 1pm to take her to her doctor’s appointment where they will take
out the temporary device. It started to rain a bit once we hit hwy 62 but
seemed that we raced away from it. She got out of the doc’s around 3:30 and we
then went to the deli for dinner and stayed there until almost 7pm. We went
shopping at Staters Bros to get supplies. I got home around 9:30pm.
I went
back to work editing and adding to my book. Carolyn sent in an edited chapter
11. Tomorrow I’ll hope to spend most of the day on my book. I want to have it
done before the end of August, have a few copies printed for editing, and an
EBook up on Amazon later in September. This is my hope…
07- still hot and muggy.
I did my stretches
and went for a short walk.
I haven’t
started the Honda Scooter in three days. I try to start it every day so it won’t
get messed up and not start. Well to make a long story short; it didn’t start.
So after a long spell of trying, I got underneath and drained the float bowl.
It finally started. Also it started to rain and I couldn’t go drive it to
charge the battery.
now has all the rest of the chapters.
I spent
the rest of the day working on the book.
08- hot! 112 degrees, and really muggy!
I’ll have
to say that I stayed at home and inside because of the weather. That is okay,
because I spent the time replying to my happy birthday wishes on FaceBook and
phone calls from friends.
Jackson called and we had a nice long chat. She made me Baklava, I thought that
mighty nice, and sent it by UPS who arrived around 4:30. I ate two pieces it
was so good, but gave me a big honey rush, yum!
I wanted
until 8pm to ride my little scooter to my mailboxes, about an 18 mile round
trip to both boxes, and collected lots of birthday cards. I feel much loved.
I was
working on the books when I heard thunder and stepped outside to see what was
going on. There were lots of storm cells coming my way, but after a spell they
either petered out or went off to the north as usual. I went back inside for a
spell until I smelled smoke. It was coming from the Joshua Tree National Park
where lightning had sparked a fire. I grabbed my camera and took pictures and
videos of fire in park. I uploaded them to FaceBook where I’ve been hanging out
off and on all day. I got some mighty fine friend there!
09- very hot with temps into the teens and muggy.
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
I did a
little work on the book. I suppose I should get started editing book two, the
Sci-Fi one, pretty soon.
I checked my
batteries that run my little home. They were a little low and I filled them up
with distilled water.
I watched
two episodes of “Warehouse 13” and messed around on FaceBook here and there
throughout the day.
Friday 10-
a little cooler with temps around 112.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, and lifted weights.
I started all my vehicles
and let them run for a bit. I really need to take the Harley out for a run.
It was just too dang hot to
do anything else today.
Being so
hot, I decided to hook up the swamp cooler. I had it running but it wasn’t
putting out enough cold air. I took the old electric car radiator fan I had
installed inside and mounted to a piece of plywood that fit to the front of the
cooler. Now it’s like a hurricane inside my bedroom!
I started
editing book 2, the Sci-Fi book. It’s going to take much longer being it’s over
50,000 words.
11- very hot, 113, with clouds.
I did my
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
Worked on
both books.
I watched the
Perseid Meteor Shower and chatting with my friends in our group “FaceBook Goes
to Mars”. We have dark skies where I live. Usually when people hear Shower they
think of lots and lots of meteors, which isn't the case. On a good night during
a meteor shower you may see 1 or 2 a minute, but what you really want to see is
the Earthgrazers that makes for the WOW you hear at meteor parties
From 10 to
11pm I counted in 45 minutes 11 dim, 8 medium, 4 bright, and 2 very bright
meteors. I tried the NASA counter on my phone and it died twice and when I did
get it running it would ruin my night vision... I should have tested it before
11:30 to
midnight I saw
2 dim, 3 med, and 2 bright...
2 to 3am I
counted over 40 and gave up. Most were bright; a few were dim but not many
because of the Moon. The Moon really looked special tonight having Jupiter,
Venus as close neighbors in the eastern skies. I went to bed shortly after and
fell right to sleep.
Sunday 12-
hot, cloudy, thunder and lightning, but no rain.
I went
outside around 10pm to check for meteors, but the sky was overcast.
Monday 13-
hot, cloudy, thunder and lightning, but this time it did rain!
I did my stretches, core
trainer, yoga, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and
back carrying 5lbs in each hand. I’m back at it now!
The charge
controller to my 12 volt system went out. I happened to have a spare charger
and hooked it up, but the batteries were so low I had to connect and run off my
emergency 12 volt battery system, until the other batteries charge up.
I went for
an evening walk with my backpack with only 15 pounds in it this time. I think I
better drop it down to ten next walk.
I worked
on my book and chatted with some friends on FaceBook. I need a name for my
book, the working title “A little Desert Home” sounds too much like “Little
Home on the Prairie” to some folks, and now I find myself thinking that.
I went for
a night run.
I loaded
all chapter of “A little Desert Home” onto a website that prints books. I will
format it for printing there.
14- temps around 112 degrees, with some cloudiness with smoke from the fires
added to the mix.
I did my
stretches, just too much smoke.
I went for
an evening walk with my backpack.
The sky
was much clouded with smoke off to the western skies. I could smell the smoke.
I took some pictures and video.
I took the
night off from working on my two books to watch an episode of “Warehouse 13”
and then watched “The Relic” (1996?) until the 10:47 to the end of the movie
when my internet connection went down right at the most suspenseful part when
the monster was climbing the stairs to eat the girl, bummer! I do believe she
gets away :)
Wednesday 15- dang hot, muggy, and too smoky!
I did my stretches.
I stayed inside out of the smokey haze and heat to worked on my book all day and into the night. I put a notice of FaceBook that I would be in hiding for a few days to get work done.
16- very hot and humid and the air was filled with smoke just like yesterday.
I did
three loads of laundry over at Stoney’s and checked my mail on Lear Ave.
Around 9pm
I drove the scooter down to get my mail down on Border Ave.
I watched
a movie called “XXX” (2002) starring
Vin Diesel. I’ve seen it before; it was exciting to watch again. I can’t find
any movies I really interest me on Netflix….
Friday 17-
temps in the high 90s with clouds.
I had to
go to my doctor to get a prescription filled. Kelly said she wanted to tag
along and I picked her up at 10:15am.
We spent
two hours at the doc’s waiting. We spent one hour at Rite Aid waiting to get
Kelly’s prescription filled (they lost the scrip and had to call her doctor),
we spent another hour at Star Pharmacy waiting for my prescription to be filled
(Doc didn’t fax the scrip). Lots of waiting for these ‘professionals’…
We arrived
at the Sizzler for lunch somewhere around 4pm and ate like pigs; we haven’t had
breakfast or lunch. We did our shopping at WalMart and then Staters. After I
dropped Kelly and her supplies off at her house and was about to drive away, she comes running out telling me to come back. I got out and walked back and sat down outside while she was inside searching for something. That something was a nice Timex watch that she had bought me for my birthday. She also bought another watch she said was just for show because none of the fancy dials and gauges are real, just for show. I thought that mighty sweet of her!
I drove to my mailbox on Border Ave. to send out some letters I had written that I forgot to mail earlier.
I drove to my mailbox on Border Ave. to send out some letters I had written that I forgot to mail earlier.
I watched
three episodes of Ally McBeal (1997-2001) on Netflix. I’ve never seen it
before, not even an episode, so I thought I’d check it out; pretty dang good
I cooked
up some rice with chili beans went to potluck. Chris Jonas made his famous world renowned macaroni salad. Marie
Morrison slipped us a red velvet cake. Tim Atzei scalloped some potatoes. Ruth Malton ambrosia salad
was fit for the classical gods. Cal Myers fruit plate was picked over quite a
bit until the plate was exposed. Dyan Carroll worked her fingers to the bone
preparing enchiladas, lime truffle and crab salad for our enjoyment. Dorothy Jacobsen made her wonderful corn mac
and cheese, and her fig bars were mighty fine. Dave Royer’s Italian roasted
chicken with lemon and rosemary seasonings stood up and saluted shouting “howdy
y’all come and get it”. Mary Koval and Chris cooked up a storm with spaghetti,
garlic toast, and jello. Their carrot fig cake dessert just about flew off the
table and unto your plate it was so good. Now to tell the truth we were
expecting the Garden Committee to come and everyone made more than usual, much
more; last potluck we bout run out of food when their committee held a meeting.
This time only one Garden member showed up and he was a vegetarian and could
only gnaw at what was left of Cal’s fruit plate. There was a lot of food
leftover. Chris and me stuck around till 6pm to see if the Garden Committee showed,
but none did…
18- hot and muggy.
I did my exercises; stretches,
yoga, core trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill
and back carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I updated the Copper
Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I called
family and friends.
My Toshiba
laptop’s screen went blank…..
I did my stretches, went for a night run
I watched
one episode of “Ally McBeal”
Sunday 19-
hot and muggy again.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran a mile and a half.
I worked on my book.
I went for a night run.
Monday 20-
still hot and muggy.
I did my stretches, yoga, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
All day I worked on my book
getting it ready to print.
I went for
an evening walk with my backpack
I did my
stretches, went for a night run, and lifted dumbbells.
I showed the girls on FaceBook my guardian spider: "Here is my Spider guard who sits by my front door and protects the house from little intruders :)"
21- yucky but cooler with temps of 103.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran a mile and a half.
I finally got everything
together on my book along with the front and back covers. These first ten I
ordered will be used for editing and given away to friends. This book is “A Little Desert Home” I'm
having printed. I had trouble uploading the cover to that, but I got it done
sorta kinda. Anyways it's 10 copies I can handout for editing. It wasn't that
I went for
an evening walk with my backpack
I did my
stretches, went for a night run, and lifted dumbbells.
Gosh, I felt so good about
getting the book printed I even played my guitar tonight.
Wednesday 22- it finally
rained really good!!!
I did my stretches, but
couldn’t do much more because of the heavy downpour. It came down so hard that
it even got into the porch and soaked my exercising equipment. So I just kicked
back inside, did a little work around the house, messed with the computers and
In the evening I
watched two episodes of “Ally McBeal”, and “The Expendables” (2010) Starring Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts,
Randy Couture, Steve Austin, David Zayas, and a very beautiful Giselle Itié. It was a darn good
action movie that kept me interested. About mercenaries sent to an island
nation to kill a rouge CIA Agent who has taken over by force the island and its
military dictator to produce cocaine.
Thursday 23- it was actually
nice out.
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
Harley wouldn’t startup. I
had to jump it with an emergency battery I have for purposes as such. I drove
to mailboxes. Bad road!!!!
Friday 24-
another nice day with the temps around 95.
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
I updated
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
running a new tank of gas through and still having the same trouble, I finally
had enough with the Honda scooter not starting if left idle for a few days. I
called the dealership and told them that it wasn’t right, that there was
something seriously wrong with the bike; they will come pick it up on Tuesday
to have a look see at it.
started reading the second book I wrote and will edit it at her leisure.
I did my
stretches, core trainer, lifted weights, and punched the heavy bag.
I went to
visit my neighbors Mark and Gloria who are down for the weekend, but they were
not there. I left them a solar light.
Sunday 26-
nice day temps in the 90s…
I did my
I went for
a walk over to Mark and Gloria’s cabin and they were home this time.
I worked
on editing three chapters
Monday 27-
got hot again 105…
did my stretches, yoga, ran one and a half miles, and lifted dumbbells.
I updated
my online journal.
My books
arrived by UPS.
I went for
my evening walk with the backpack.
28- still hot!
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, but didn’t go for a run because
I had to stick around for the Honda guy to call.
Smith came by to yap for a spell; nice to have visitors once in a great while.
The Honda
guy called Aston came in a truck and trailer to pick up my little scooter.
I went for
a walk with my backpack.
I went
right to work on editing and proofing my second book. Carolyn keeps sending me
chapters she has read and edited and has been a great help.
29- it was cloudy all day long!
I did my
stretches, lifted dumbbells, and ran a mile and a half.
I was
working on the book when it started raining very hard. I went outside with my
camera to video it and walked right out into it; the rain was really cold and I
ran back undercover.
30- lots of cloud cover, but very nice outside today!
I did my stretches, core
trainer, lifted weights, punched the heavy bag, and ran up the hill and back
carrying 5lbs in each hand.
I went for
my evening walk with my backpack.
I went for
a night run.
Friday 31-
a little warmer with a few clouds.
I did my
stretches, lifted dumbbells, and ran a mile and a half.
called and they are having Aston bring the scooter back to me. It was the bad
gas they put into it when I first got it. In fact they say you have to add some
stuff that keeps the gas fresh or else it’ll get clogged up again. Also if I’m
going to store it for any length of time I’m supposed to drain the float bowl.
I’m going to talk to Larry the parts guy down there to see if he has a cutoff
valve I can install between the tank and the carb.
I rode the
scooter over to Linda and Blake’s for a short visit. It seems like we have some
French folks who moved into the neighborhood. They left a business card on
Blake’s fence, but we have no idea where the address of their house is.
I updated
the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the newsletter.
I went for
my evening walk with my backpack.
I went for
a night run.
Sorry if
my journal posts have been short these last few week, months… I’ve been really
been working hard editing, proofing, and writing new stories.
Goodbye to
August; one busy and happy month!
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