Monday, November 04, 2013

November 2013

Well again I must apologize for the tiny little itzy bitzy journal I am writing. This is the month of the National Novel Writing Month, where we try to write 50,000 words in a month. It started November first and ends on the 30th. There is nothing to win except knowing you wrote 50,000 words... sounds crazy huh!
Then I got the flu that really knocked me for a loop...

Friday 01- very nice day indeed.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for five minutes.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I went for an evening walk.
I completed 3167 words of the National Novel Writing Month.
I watched season 2 episode 5 of “Elementary”

Saturday 02- nice sunny day.
I did my stretches and ran a mile and a half with 1.5lbs around each wrists.
On my run I met some folks looking to buy Biker Ron’s old place. I yapped with them and the realtor for a spell. I noticed a dog in the yard and asked if it was theirs, but they said no. I asked them for water to give the dog and they had a few plastic bottle with them that I poured into a dish I found. I went back later with my car to see if the dog needed any help and was prepared to take it to my home, but the dog was already gone.
I went for my evening walk.
I completed 6206 words of the National Novel Writing Month.

Well again I must apologize for the tiny little itzy bitzy journal I am writing. This is the month of the National Novel Writing Month, where we try to write 50,000 words in a month. I am over halfway there now!

Sunday 03- nice day.
I did my stretches.
I went for an evening walk.
I completed 3283 words today for 9489 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.
My old childhood friend Larry Carlock called me at 2am in the morning returning my call I made to him in the afternoon.

Monday 04- mostly cloudy all day long with a cool breeze.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, ran a mile and a half with 1.5lbs around each wrists., core trainer, and punched the heavybag for five minutes.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with my backpack.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run.
I completed 3383 words today for 12872 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.
I went outside around 1:30am to watch the Taurid Meteor Shower but it was too dang cold and windy so I didn’t stay out there too long.
I did get to watch India launch their first Mars probe tonight! My friends from India on FaceBook are mighty proud of their country right now and so am I.

Tuesday 05- no clouds but cold wind.
I did my stretches, jumping jacks and deep knee bends, ran up and down the hill carrying 5lbs in each hand, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for five minutes.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with my backpack.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run.
I completed 4404 words today for 17276 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Wednesday 06- very nice sunny day!
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for two minutes.
I went for a short evening walk.
I completed 4788 words today for 22064 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Thursday 07- nice and warm but overcast.
I did my stretches and went for a couple of walks today. Also watered the plants.
I completed 2991 words today for 25055 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Friday 08- another nice day.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for a short spell.
I completed 2220 words today for 27275 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Saturday 09- cloudy day and got very cold at night.
I did my stretches.
I took the day off writing for the National Novel Writing Month.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
I took Kelly shopping to the pet store, Vons, and WalMart. Bought some roasted chicken and other vittles to her house and ate them while we watched a bunch of episodes of Merlin.

***** Stuff I Wrote this Week******

In bed alone I toss and turn, past the curtains a starry night brightens, the sun to burn, I cannot sleep, I cannot rest, I hug my pillow against my chest, then I am whisked away, by dream, by magic to fly and stay, in yonder bed to sleep with thee.


Well again I must apologize for the tiny little itzy bitzy journal I am writing. This is the month of the National Novel Writing Month. I have only 7,455 of the 50,000 words left to do!

Sunday 10- nice day.
I did my stretches.
I called Family and Friends.
I completed 2485 words today for 29760 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Monday 11- another sunny day.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, and ran a mile and a half with 1.5lbs around each wrists, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for five minutes.
I completed 3068 words today for 32828 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Tuesday 12- very overcast but warm.
I did my stretches.
I drove over to Yucca Valley to help Sherry dig a hole to be ready in case her sick dog passes on. The hole was four feet deep. Then we went to John’s Place where I had a cheese omelet and Sherry had a pastrami sandwich.
I got home around 5pm and fed the quail and doves. I was might tired digging that hole and spent the night writing.
I completed 3114 words today for 35942 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Wednesday 13- cloudy but warm.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for two minutes.
I completed 3122 words today for 39064 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Thursday 14- cloudy and cooling down some.
I did my stretches.
I completed 2035 words today for 40199 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Friday 15- windy today but clear skies.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, ran up and down the hill carrying 5lbs in each hand, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for five minutes.
I took Kelly to Rite Aid to get her prescriptions filled, stopped off at Staters and got some fried chicken and ate it at her house watching Melin.

Saturday 16- very windy day.
I did my stretches.
I completed 2346 words today for 42545 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

***** Stuff I Wrote this Week******

May the Milky Way shine down upon you with brilliant rays of love and fill your mind and heart with happiness and awe...

There are times when the river flows freely and swiftly to the sea, and the stars shine brightly in the heavens for mortals like me. Cause life is so wonderful and truly a gift, on blue velvet carpets our thoughts kindly drift, to realms full of laughter and singing of songs, these feeling of love that we shall bring along. May your spirit find peace when you take your last breath as your soul makes its journey to the oceans beyond. ~Robert DeLoyd


Well again I must apologize for the tiny little itzy bitzy journal I am writing. I have been sick in bed all week since Tuesday. This is the month of the National Novel Writing Month. But I have completed the 50,000 words with a bunch left to over!

Sunday 17- nice day.
I did my stretches.
I updated the Copper Mountain Mesa Website and sent out the Newsletter.
Sherry came by to say hi and drop off some lemon pudding cups.
I called Family and Friends.
I completed 1766 words today for 44311 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month. 5689 words left to do.

Monday 18- cloudy and cooler.
I woke up feeling ill, but I did my stretches.
Took Kelly shopping at Vons and WalMart. We had dinner at Carrols restaurant.
We watched a few episodes of Merlin at her house.

Tuesday 19- very overcast but warm.
I am definitely sick. I slept most of the day.
I am finding it hard to concentrate, but still managed to complete 784 words today for 45095 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month.

Wednesday 20- sunny I think; I didn’t venture outside.
I am completely bedridden I feeling so sick.
I completed 1831 words today for 46926 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month. I have 3074 words to go.

Thursday 21- cloudy with some sprinkles.
I am still sick and slept most of the day.
I completed 1199 words today for 48125 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month. I have 1875 words left!

Friday 22- it rained all last night and all today.
I am still sick in bed.
I completed 756 words today for 48881 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month. I have 1119 words left!

Saturday 23- very cloudy with some rain all day.
I am still sick. I believe, with a few exceptions, that women handle being sick better than men. When I get sick I don’t want to be bothered by anyone, my IQ gets cut in half; just look at how my word count dropped this week, I let all my calls go to the answering machine, and I’m a big baby complaining about how sick I am. Yup, women handle being sick better than men, with a few exceptions of course...
I completed 1410 words today for 50291 words written so far for the National Novel Writing Month. So I have finished! Yay for me!
I missed going to our monthly potluck, but the wonderful folks there sent me a care package; they put it in my mailbox outside my home and yelled my name so loudly it woke me up: Over ten folks showed up: Chris Jonas brought his fabulous macaroni salad, Dorothy Jacobsen made a great macaroni corn and carrot salad, Dyan Carroll whipped up a salmon platter and tasty calico truffle, Mary and Chris Koval cooked up a tuscan chili with cup cakes and pea salad, Yevona Frances surprised everyone with two pumpkin pies!

***** Stuff I Wrote this Week******

I like creativity, I like originality, I like the way you sing your song, I like the way you carry on, you fill the void between my heart, with songs of joy and works of art, you are the brightest star in my sky, even brighter than the moon up high, Saturn's rings become your lips, stars on black satin your fingertips, and the Milky way is your hair, for eternity I shall see you there. ~Robert DeLoyd


Sunday 24- cloudy day.
I did my stretches. I am still sick but feeling better.
I tried to get caught up on some house chores that have went undone for a week.
I mostly watched a few movies “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” subtitles but I don’t mind. I saw it before but liked it so much I’ll probably watch all three of them. I watched two episodes of “Inspector Lynley” (I like Sharon Small) and one episode of “Enterprise”.

Monday 25- sunny but cooler.
I am still sick dang it.
I forgot what I did this day; I found this blank on the Saturday 30th when I do an update. I need to keep better track and write down what I do every day, but then I ought to do a lot of things.

Tuesday 26- very overcast but warm.
I did my stretches, but still feeling ill.
I rode my scooter to collect my mail on Lear Ave but it looks like someone stuck their hand in there to remove anything that was in there because the safety lip was bent really wide... BUMMER... A good friend had sent me a video and now it is gone.

Wednesday 27- cloudy with sprinkles and lite rain.
I did my stretches.
Kelly and I went shopping and to pick up pre-cooked turkey dinner I decided to order last week from Von’s instead of cooking it all day.

Thursday 28- cloudy with some sprinkles here and there.
I did my stretches.
I went over to my good desert friend Kelly’s house to have Thanksgiving dinner. She still found something to cook up besides the pre-cooked dinner (long story). We ended up eating at 11pm; I was very hungry. We did had a great time and watched more episodes of “Merlin”, I am really liking the show.

Friday 29- it rained a small itty bitty teeny tiny weeny bit last night on my way to Kelly’s at 6pm.
I called Bonnie about the sample of a cover she is doing for book two; she is very talented.
Woke up late and cleaned up some around the house before I left to have leftovers from Thanksgiving at Kelly’s. We watched several episodes of “Merlin”.

Saturday 30- sunny and warm.
I did my stretches; can’t wait to get feeling better and going for my runs and doing my exercises again. I guess I needed to rest for a spell and get feeling better.
I just was kicking back around the house catching up on my FaceBook Friends and writing a few things. I started on Christmas cards which is really a thrill... but hey it is once a year and it is nice to touch base with friends and family.

***** Stuff I Wrote this Week******

I don't have pets; I have fur folk who show up from time to time at my doorstep to live with me. I don't go looking for them, they just come into my life and stay for a spell. I treat them as family and not something to be owned or mistreated. They are much more intelligent than some humans give them credit for. They are to be shown the respect and trust that they give to us. I know many of you feel the same as I; this is only for those who have forgotten. ~Robert DeLoyd

There's a big house at the end of the road all painted white and covered in snow. Multicolored Christmas lights hang from the eaves. You can see where the snow has melted around a chimney smoking a gray stream of  fumes from the roof above. The closer we get the smell of burning logs gets bolder and fills the cold air we breathe with the warmth that awaits us inside. A red barn in the back with four feet of snow on the ground barely covers the tractor and other farm equipment lying there. From inside the barn there’s a horse's whinny and the sounds of stirring animals as we approach. This alerts a collie who on guard runs down the road to greet us. It’s not a road to nowhere if you have an imagination.  ~Robert DeLoyd

Pack lite but carry lots of good memories on your journey. ~Robert DeLoyd

Remnants of great love resonates across our minds in waves reflecting voices, touching, feeling, longing for, losing to and winning of. These, our memories left to us, drawn together like multicolored threads woven into a tapestry of our existence, brings a smile, tears of joy to a life lived and a love shared. ~Robert DeLoyd

It has always bugged me how some folks can preach and believe in one thing and then totally turn around and do something different to what they preach and believe in; it's better they be left alone and not to be trusted. ~Robert DeLoyd


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