Wednesday, May 06, 2015

April 2015

Wednesday 01- 86/55
I did my stretches.
Cassie and I went to help Sherry with setting up her swamp coolers. Later Sherry and I went to Del Taco while Cassie played with Barney and Abby.

Thursday 02- 77/53
I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk.
I went to the dentist to have a checkup.
I took Cassie for an evening walk.

Friday 03- 77/54 windy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
Kelly is sick again and needs for me to pick up her prescriptions at Star Pharmacy; took about an hour and a half altogether.
I took Cassie for an evening walk.

Saturday 04- 86/54 hazy with wind.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I planted the cactus that has been sitting in buckets since Roger gave me them the day before I had to leave for Tampa Florida.
I finally got the Dell Laptop with Win10 to update to Build 10049; heard others were having that problem too.
I took Cassie for an evening walk.
I practiced my guitar.
I updated all my online journals and now I am up to date with everything.
Tomorrow I will start being more consistent with my workouts and get back into my routine. I will also finish those three books I got to edit.

Sunday 05- 80/47 high clouds and lots of wind.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I put all the garbage I had collected from the yard into the Gross Polluter (my truck) to take to the trash dumpster over at Stoney’s.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook”, and I drew something: a strange face....
I installed Microsoft Office 11 (part of Office 365) on my MacBook along with Outlook and OneNote.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started editing the first chapter of “The Scalloped Edge” but I really should be editing “The Girl in the Cellar” which comes second in the series where “The Scalloped Edge” comes third.

Monday 06- 71/47 degrees and windy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: another strange face.... I guess I am into strange faces now.
I collected all the glass jars (maybe 100s of them) and put them in the trash. I was going to make a glass garden out of them all which never materialized after ten or more years of storms and broken shards of glass poking out here and there- it was time to get rid of the whole mess.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I cleaned the kitchen counter which isn’t no small feat; I get lazy at times and the grime builds up... I need a maid.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing the first chapter of “The Scalloped Edge” but will start editing “The Girl in the Cellar” which is second in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home”.

Tuesday 07- 69/47 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: Cassie.
I did my laundry in the tiny washing machine.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I have these books stacked up on a table by my bed which I will call my study books. I started reading each where I left off earlier in the year when I had gotten distracted by events more important to me. I hope to read a little of each every night. I read two of my study books: Astronomy (Pallax), and Molecular Biology (molecular composition of cells).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started editing chapter one of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home”.

Wednesday 08- 70/49 degrees with wind.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a sad face.
UPS arrived with my 32Gig SD drive and a battery pack for charging cell phones and tablets I bought on Amazon.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: history (Greek civilization around 500 BCE).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapter one of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home”.

Thursday 09- 73/47 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a sad face.
I stopped off and got gas at the Arco in 29 before I went to the dentist for my 3pm appointment. Then when all that was done I went to Staters to get a few supplies and some fried chicken that I shared with Kelly when I dropped by her house. She is still a little sick from the flu but is feeling better now.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Geology (Plate Tectonics).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started and finished editing chapter two of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home”.
I watched “Elementary”.

Friday 10- 79/58 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a coffee cup and spoon.
I did some cleaning up outside... lotsa work to do out there.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (Spartan society) kinda where I left off listening to it on the bus. I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read two of my study books: Molecular Biology (carbohydrates, and lipids) and Astronomy (measuring distances by geometry, and chapter review).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar and also working on a new song called “Riding in the Rain”.
I started and finished editing chapter three of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home”.

Saturday 11- 80/58 degrees.
Sherry dropped by to say hi to me and Cassie.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a flower with the sun shining above...
Jimmy and Clarice are at their cabin this weekend so I moseyed on over to say hi and yap with them a short spell.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (Greek religion and their gods). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read two of my study books: Geology (history of the theory of plate tectonics), and History (the Peloponnesian War 431-404 BCE, decline of the City-States 404-336 BCE, Macedonian conquest of Greece).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started and finished editing chapter four of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is the second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home” the third is “The Scalloped Edge”.

Sunday 12- 86/61 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a flower in a vase...
Called Family and Friends.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (Greek culture). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read two of my study books: Desert Survival chapter one, and Molecular Biology (nucleic acids- DNA and RNA are part of the nucleic acids).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started and finished editing chapter five of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is the second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home” the third is “The Scalloped Edge”.
Watched the season 5 episode 1 of “Game of Thrones”: the wars to come.

Monday 13- 89/59 degrees with wind.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: Saturn, stars and a telescope...
Ruben the scraper dropped by to see if I had any scrape for him. There was quite a bit and I helped him get it all in his truck. He showed me pictures of his family who live on a ranch in Guatemala. He still wants to buy my old truck and maybe I’ll sell it to him this time I told him but I still need to think about it.  
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (the Peloponnesian War and the rise of Macedonian 431-338 BCE). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Western Garden Book (how plants grow).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I’ve been going outside with my binoculars lately and watching bright Venus grow near the Pleiades as the winter constellations drift down into the western horizon. Jupiter is in Cancer right now and I saw the open cluster M44 the Beehive.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started and finished editing chapter six of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is the second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home” the third is “The Scalloped Edge”.

Watched a Netflix movie “Collateral Damage”(2002) Arnold Schwarzenegger. is a fireman whose wife and child are killed by Colombian terrorist and he seeks revenge.

Tuesday 14- 75/49 degrees and very windy.
I did my stretches. I was too windy and I needed a day off of exercising anyways so I just gave Cassie morning and evening walks.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a plant in a pot.
UPS delivered my new HP Stream laptop..
I read one of my study books: Astronomy (ancient astronomy).
I started and finished editing chapters seven and eight of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is the second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home” the third is “The Scalloped Edge”.
I watched season 5 episode 2 “Game of Thrones”...

Wednesday 15- 67/50 degrees with winds.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a man pointing at a flying saucer...
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (Hellenic society). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: History (Daily Life in Greece).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I started and finished editing chapter nine of “The Girl in the Cellar” which is the second book in the series; the first is “A Little Desert Home” the third is “The Scalloped Edge”.
I watched season 4 episode 20 of “Person of Interest”.

Thursday 16- 73/45 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I went to Yucca Humane Society to get Cassie her dog license only to find out that her rabies shot was only good for one year and had expired last month. I’ll have to get her shots and license later. I went to back to cash a check and then did some shopping for supplies at Stater Bros, Home Depot and WalMart. On the way back I ran into a swarm of bees on HWY 62 peppering my windshield with their innards.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a racing car...
I read one of my study books: Composting (Introduction).
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (Alexander the Great). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapters ten and eleven of “The Girl in the Cellar” finishing the book. Tomorrow I’ll start editing  the third book in the series “The Scalloped Edge”.
Watched season 3 episode 20 of “Elementary”.

Friday 18- 81/52 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: another woman’s face; I’m really bad at drawing faces.
Spent an hour or two on the phone with Microsoft trying to get the new Office 365 on my new HP Stream. The product code only updates the ones I already have for my MacBook Air and a tablet for another year. I have to use the new product code for the HP Stream on another email account the rep says to me. (so much for having everything in one place like they advertize). So they canceled the Office I have for the Mac and the Tablet and I have to start all over again but with two accounts.... hmmmm. I finally got the email they sent with a link to redo everything and now I have Office 365 on my MacBook Air on one account that isn’t linked to my Office 365 on the HP Stream and iPad account.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (The Romans). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
Cassie was barking at something and I went out with my flashlight and it turned out to be a big yellow scorpion she was holding at bay on the other side of the fence. I decided to bring Cassie inside and let the scorpion go its own way.
I read one of my study books: Astronomy (the geocentric universe)
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing “The Girl in the Cellar” which is the second book in the series. Now I’ll start editing  the third is “The Scalloped Edge”.
I watched a Dutch film called “App”(2013) on Netflix.. three out of five stars.

Saturday 18- 86/61 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
Sherry came by with doggie biscuits for Cassie. I told her about the tortoise we saw on our walk. I believe it was the first one I’ve seen in years.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a jet plane.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (conquering the Mediterranean). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Biology (proteins- made up of chains of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids and can fold up to give proteins their unique 3D shape).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapter two of the third book in the series “The Scalloped Edge”.
I Watched the movie “Unforgettable”(1996). I didn’t like the ending...

Sunday 19- 90/61 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a bird flying over a city.
I called Family and Friends.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (Roman political structure). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read two of my study books: History (Impact of empire on culture and politics in the mid-republic to 62 BCE), and Scats and Tracks (intro, taking field notes and preserving tracks).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapter three of the third book in the series “The Scalloped Edge”.
I heard what sounded like heavy drops of rain on my roof but don’t remember there being any clouds. It turns out it was these big moths that were doing some kind of mating ritual, This happens every year but this year seems they are out in spades.

Monday 20- 88/60 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a girl and stars at night.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (violence and civil war: fall of the republic). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read two of my study books: Geology (plate tectonics: how do we know that plates move), and a field guide to desert holes (introduction).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapters four and five of the third book in the series “The Scalloped Edge”.
Tuesday 21- 70/61 degrees with rain, lightning and thunder.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a two mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes. There were dark clouds coming in and it started sprinkling on our run.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a jet plane.
A heavy storm cell passed through our area with lots of lightning. The breaker to my AC inverter clicked off and I lost electric power right (If you didn't know already I am on solar panels and batteries to power everything) I went to the battery room and disconnected it from the batteries because the lightning was so intense around our area I didn't want it to blow out another inverter. Thank goodness the inverter still worked after I turned it on later. My friends Larry and Bonnie who live ten miles away didn’t hear any thunder or get any rain, that’s just how it is out here in the desert I guess.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (monarchy at Rome- the age of Augustus). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Biology (the central role of enzymes as biological catalysts).
My Internet went out and wasn’t able to get it back up until 3pm Wednesday.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapters six, seven and eight of the third book in the series “The Scalloped Edge”.

Wednesday 22- 77/51 degrees.
Happy Earth Day!
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: Earth Day.
I finally got my Internet connection back. When we had the lightning storm my provider’s nodes went down and had to be reset and somehow mine wasn’t sent the reset; at least that’s how I understand what the gal said when they called me. No problem... it was kinda nice to be off the “Grid” for a spell.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (monarchy and empire). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Humanure (crap happens).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
I finished editing chapter nine of the third book in the series “The Scalloped Edge”.
I watched season 5 episode 3 “Game of Thrones”...

Thursday 23- 75/54 with a little rain, lightning and thunder.
I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk.
I dressed and got ready for the dentist appointment; I wanted to get out of here early to beat the storm that may flood our dirt roads and miss my appointment.
I went to Staters to get a few supplies and waste a little time. I got to the dentist an hour early but they took me right in and we were done with what they had to do in about half an hour.
I drove home in the rain but it stopped a mile from my house. I had disconnected my inverter just in case lightning struck near my home. I connected it all back up only to find that my Internet is down again, dang. I got my T-Mobile hotspot up and running after paying ten dollars for one Gig of data for a week so I’ll have some kinda Internet until I get my regular one up and running again.
Took Cassie for a walk when I got home.

Friday 24- 77/51 degrees with lots of wind.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a windy day.
I went to WalMart to get a few supplies and a pool cover I hope is big enough.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (State and society in the high Roman empire). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read one of my study books: History (Greek religion).
Too windy for a night run.
I watched season 3 episode 21 of “Elementary”...

Saturday 25- 62/51 degrees with clouds and rain.
Sherry came by on her rounds and said howdy to Cassie and me.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I started cooking up my Chili Supreme Surprise Casserole.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: the Internet.
I went to potluck and was there with my friends feasting away at the succulent food everyone brought.
It was just too windy with sprinkles and just too stuffed from all the great food at potluck to do my exercises but I did take a short evening walk with Cassie.
I watched season 5 episode 4 of “Game of Thrones”...

Sunday 26- 76/56 degrees no rain, just windy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: a happy laptop.
I was sweeping up the floor and sat on my glasses that I had left on the bed. Spent the next 45 minutes soldering them back together.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie while listening to a history lecture (crisis and recovery of the Roman Empire). I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I read two of my study books: Astronomy (the Copernican Revolution), and Brady Emergency Care (module 1 chapter 1: introduction to emergency medical care).
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.

Monday 27- 83/57 degrees.
I woke up with a slight sore throat and thought I’d be okay and pushed through the day... almost...
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I did my studies; a lesson in “1100 words you need to know workbook” and I drew something: sick in bed.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie. I did some pullups and punched the heavy bag for a round.
After a while I started feeling badly and just watched “Tracks”(2013) about a woman in 1977 who walks across the vast deserts of Australia to the Indian Ocean, 1,700 mile trek. A very wonderful movie.

Tuesday 28 through Thursday 30-  82/56 degrees.
                                Sick in bed....
Not feeling well I decided to lie down for a little while and went to sleep and not waking up except to use the bathroom until 1pm the next day. I tried to work on my books and my studies but found it hard to concentrate because of a bad headache and gave it up for the rest of the week.

***** Stuff I Wrote this Week******

You'll never create something new and original by following others. Walk a new path and surrender yourself to its magnificence...

Life is not about collecting shiny trinkets and selfish desires or being subservient to someone else's dogma. Life is about friendships, loved ones and the interesting people we meet along our journey through life. If it wasn’t for our compassion, our creativeness, our curiosity, to have loved and to have mourned, the planet would be just another lonely rock adrift in the cosmos.

Yup it's spring alright with all it’s colorful hues of reds and yellows and greens, the smell dirt being worked, of fresh cut grass and the fragrance of flowers lingering in the clean spring air.

I believe currency is the intrinsic value you yourself place on a 'thing' and what you are willing to give up to acquire it.


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