July 2019
Monday 01- temps in the high ‘90s with lots of haze. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, hit the heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog.
I took Kelly to get her prescriptions filled and then stopped off at WalMart to get some supplies.
Went to movie night.
I took Cassie for a night jog up the hill and back.
Tuesday 02- temps still in the ‘90s. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog.
Wednesday 03- 105F. I did my stretches.
I drove to the post office in Twentynine to get my new computer, a Surface Go, and also a 2006 Britannica Concise Encyclopedia I purchased on Amazon in brand new condition for $13. I find I like real hold in your hands reference and textbooks. If I find a decent whole set of Encyclopedia Britannica I may purchase them. I remember as a kid I’d sit cross legged on the floor flipping through the set of Funk and Wagnalls dreaming of all things possible.
Thursday 04- 104F. I did my stretches and jogged a mile.
I painted 3 coats of paint on 8 2x4s for mounting the solar panels on the patio.
Used the BBQ for the first time and invited my trailer guest Kelly over for hamburgers.
Friday 05- temps around 100. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, hit the heavybag, and took Cassie for a mile jog.
I worked on getting the solar panels ready to mount on the patio.
I rode the scooter to the community BBQ and yammered on about nothing of importance.
The 6.4 quake hit while I was on my scooter on our bumpy road coming home from the BBQ and I didn't even feel it.
Saturday 06- temps in the lower ‘100s with light cloud cover. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog. Later in the evening we went for bike/run; lots of fun.
The 7.1 earthquake hit and I slept right through it. If it wasn't for FB I wouldn't even known there was a big quake. I really feel for those in Trona California
I mounted 4 panels onto the patio roof; no small feat doing it by myself.
I went for a cruise on my scooter just to get out and about.
Sunday 07- around 100 degrees with a bit of wind. I did my stretches.
Cleaned out the garage work table draws of pack rat nests; a nasty job.
Monday 08- nice weather today. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie, and hit at the heavy bag for a spell.
Movie night “Duel”
Cassie and I went for a night jog up the hill and back, and then I did my stretches.
Tuesday 09- high ‘90s. I did my stretches, yoga, and jogged a mile with Cassie.
Kjtel and Bodie house for dinner and a movie.
Wednesday 10- 106 degrees. I did my stretches.
Thursday 11- 110 degrees. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie, and hit at the heavy bag for a spell.
Friday 12- 111 degrees. I something I ate the day before gave me stomach pains and had a hard time sleeping... no exercise today.
I did go to the bbq at the community center. I didn’t eat much but had fun yapping away at the good folks there.
Saturday 13- hot. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie, and hit at the heavy bag for a spell.
Sunday 14- hotter. I did my stretches.
I went back to work on the patio hooking the solar panels on the roof. 20min outside, 20min inside for most of the day so I wouldn’t get too overheated.
Monday 15- hottest. I did my stretches. Took Kelly my guest to the DMV to get her licence and a few other errands she had to do. I went to the post office to pick up my whole set of Encyclopedia Britannica (1989). Though they may be old, they are in great condition and wasn’t very expensive at $200. I always wanted these. I remember sitting on the floor of the local library flipping through them when I was around ten to thirteen. The Encyclopedia Britannica sadly went out of print in 2012.
Tuesday 16- really hot. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile without Cassie, and hit the heavy bag for a spell.
I continued to work on the patio painting some rails to hold the panels to the roof.
Wednesday 17- a bit cooler. I did my stretches.
I went to work continuing installing solar panels on the patio. I will hook up the last of them tomorrow. I just need to wire them altogether.
Thursday 18- a bit cooler still around 104 degrees. I did my stretches.
UPS delivered my new 49” television I’m hooking up in my bedroom. Watched it tonight and boy it’s really nice watching movies on a bigger screen.
I got the last bit of wire connected in but all mickey moused until the parts come in I need to do a more professional job.
Friday 19- hot. I did my stretches, core trainer, and jogged a mile.
I went to movie night at the community center.
Saturday 20- 103F. I did my stretches and jogged a mile.
Sunday 21- 108F with a few clouds. I did my stretches.
I went to the poetry reading at Space Cowboy Books in JT to read my poem and listen to other’s read theirs. Took lots of pics I shared online with them all.
Monday 22- 103F and overcast. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag for a spell, and jogged a mile.
Movie night at the community center. The movie was called “Confidence” (2003) and everyone kinda got bored of it and went outside.
Tuesday 23- overcast. I did my stretches.
Wednesday 24- rain. I did my stretches
I went to Home Depot and then onto Walmart to gather supplies.
Thursday 25- more rain. I did my stretches.
I went to visit Bonnie and Larry.
My car sent me an email at 10:44 telling me my left-rear tire was flat. I went to check it out and sure enough it was flat.
Friday 26- 106 degrees. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag for a spell, and jogged a mile.
I spent most of the day hunting down parts to fix the flat. The cheap floor jack from WalMart didn’t work; it only worked once before.
Had ribs at the Community BBQ and jawed with friends and some new folks who showed up.
Saturday 27- 108 degrees. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog.
I’ll have to wing it on this potluck story folks because I had forgotten to pick up the list of people who contributed when I left for home stuffed happy as a pig in slop.
I want to thank those who worked so hard cooking in this desert heat, taking the time to drive on our bumpy dirt roads to our little community center and carry inside container after container of homemade yummies. All the regulars showed up, some first timers living in our area, and a few more arrived I’ve never met. They were well received by us desert denizens and mighty happy to share our little part of the desert with them. The serving table was cram packed with all kinds of wonderful dishes of meats, casseroles, and yummy desserts we all pigged out on. What a wonderful bunch of folks we have living up here. I feel mighty blessed to be one among them.
Sunday 28- 110 degrees. Rest day.
The computer I picked up at Bonnie and Larry’s to work on was a complete loss. I dismantled the iMac G5 to take out the harddrive and found the graphic and processor cooling fans were so stopped up with dirt and hair that they wouldn’t spin up; the system was fried, toast, bricked. I applied power to the harddrive with my own data transferring equipment, but the drive was as dead as a fossil. I put the computer all back together and called Bonnie I wasn’t going to waste anymore time than the three hours I already wasted on a machine someone had badly neglected and had not taken the time to backup their precious pictures I was trying to recover for them.
Monday 29- 103 degrees. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag for a spell, and jogged a mile with Cassie.
Tuesday 30- I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.
Wednesday 31- 102 degrees. Rest day!
******************** Poems for July 2019 **************
Remember: interesting people with their misadventures are what makes life interesting for the rest of us :)
It's the quality of friendships we hold close to our hearts and those wonderful memories of old friends that surface in our minds from time to time which create the wholeness we all share together <3 span="">
Sometimes those born out of adversity glow the brightest <3 span="">
The Dream
I was following a steep trail making my way very carefully climbing over boulders, scaling ridges, traversing gullies and cobbly streams of icy-cold glacial melt.
Ever so slowly I climbed higher through the pass as billowing dark clouds grew towering before me. Ominous in their vast glory of turbulent foreboding warning me away. With much arduous effort I finally reached the summit of the great mountain I fought.
I saw a man standing alone before me, immobile, right knee bent at the edge of the precipice, looking casually out at the grand expanse of snow enshrouded mountain ranges.
Cold thin dry air forced its way down nostrils and lungs from my panic upon seeing this unholy aberration who stood before me. My nose began to bleed. I could feel its warmth as it oozed down against my numbing cheek.
The mysterious man seemed oblivious to this extreme environment as he stood glowing brightly against the dark ambiance of the surrounding storm. Wind-blown hail pelted him as his long black cloak rippled in the winds like the sounds of a gale flapping through untrimmed sails of a mighty clipper ship rounding Cape Horn.
Weakened by my climb, I clung to rocks and crevices as I slowly crawled to the foot of the man. Fighting the bitter icy winds, frost formed encrusting my beard, teeth chattering, and I could no longer feel my stiff icy fingers. Both hands felt heavy like cast iron claws connected to my arms. I reached out in a feeble effort to grab onto this omniscient man’s ankle.
He finally took notice of me and bent ever so slightly to peer questionably into my face. What I saw shocked me to my core. Like a mirror, it was my own image staring back! Now I became that man standing immobile, right knee bent at the precipice, looking casually out at the wide expanse of mountain ranges.
Stunned by what I saw of this lowly creature who dared to climb up to the precipice where I stood to grab at my pant leg, I swiftly kicked the weakling of my former self back down the mountain trail far from the raging madness where I now stood at the edge of forever.
A blast of brilliant light so intense it seared deep into the tendrils of my soul and I awoke from this dream a different man. I felt empowered by this vision I have dreamt many times before with different endings with me always falling down that tall mountain. Now I am that man standing on the precipice at the edge of forever. I am now in control of my own destiny.
Treat everyday as if it is your birthday. Awaken to a fresh renewal of self-awareness and reflect upon life and all its wondrous diversity. Go out and find a new adventure to undertake. Dance barefoot through a field of grass. Stand in awe like a little child beneath the glistening stars and become whole again at peace with yourself and the universe.
So, Happy Birthday to you!
Her passing was to me as if a tornado ripped a deep chasm into my chest and tried to suck away at her existence, but my heart prevailed <3 span="">
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