A lot of this is cut and paste because I wanted to try doing a new routine with my exercises and studies... around the 25th I kinda burned out on this but continued on until the end of the month.
January 2020
My last run of 2019 and my first run of 2020
I held the camera sideways and upside down by mistake, I was so cold all you get is me huffing and puffing and mumbling on and on trying to come up with something to say so there wouldn't be any dead air; I couldn't remember the names of my own books I spent many hours writing and editing. Even when midnight hit there weren't any fireworks to show. At least I did what I said I was going to do.
my midnight run
my midnight run
Wednesday 01- 52/41F sunny with evening clouds. I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, and jogged a mile with Cassie. I didn't need my jacket and gloves for this sunny day.
I did my studies; astronomy, biology, anatomy.
I went to Kjtel’s New Year's dinner. Jeff, Nancy, Pat, and Charles were there. Mostly it was leftovers from New Year’s Eve party but it was mighty yummy.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Astronomy Cast Episode 527: Ancient astronomy of the American Southwest.
Thursday 02- 62/41F and sunny, but a bit windy later in the day. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did a load of laundry, but too cold and wind to hang out to dry, I’ll try again tomorrow.
I swept the floors to the bedroom and bathroom.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy (reading 365 Starry Nights again), reading aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I started doing afternoon exercises, we’ll see how long that lasts, I did yoga, exercised with the 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 528: Modern astronomy in America’s southwest.
I did the poop patrol. I fixed my truck’s door where the rubber came off by using silicon glue.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent an hour or so working to put all four of my Copper Mountain series into one paperback.
Friday 03- 66/38F a bit hazy. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I cleaned up around the house emptying the ashes from the woodstove.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy (reading 365 Starry Nights again), reading aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I started doing afternoon exercises, we’ll see how long that lasts, I did yoga, exercised with the 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Special Episode: Star Party.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar.
I spent an hour or so working to put all four of my Copper Mountain series into one paperback.
Saturday 04- 64/38F sunny and warm. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I mopped the floors to the bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. It was all by accident. I went to only clean the shower in my 20min clean the house routine, but spilled the bowl of water containing Lysol all over the bathroom. So I grabbed the mop to soak it up. I thought while I was at it, I might as well clean the bathroom floor, which led to the bedroom and the rest of the house being mopped. Two hours later into my 20min only clean the house routine I was done
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 529: ancient astronomy of the Andes.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent 2 hours and finished editing book one of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Sunday 05- 66/40F sunny with gusts of winds up to 20mph. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 530: modern astronomy of the Andes.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Monday 06- 63/37F. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I took my guest to Yucca Valley to rent a car. I got gas and then went to Stater Bros. to pick up a few supplies. I then went to see my Friend Mack who is in a continuing care facility. We had a great chat and jawed about the community center’s problems.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast 531: Australian Indigenous Astronomy.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Tuesday 07- 65/40F hazy. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I picked up my guest in Yucca Valley when she returned her rental car. We went to Applebee's for lunch. Before going home, I stopped to get two propane tanks filled.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 532: modern astronomy of the Andes.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent 3 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Wednesday 08- 63/38F with a cold wind with gusts up to 15mph. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 533: ancient astronomy of South Africa.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Thursday 09- 56/39F cold and windy with gusts over 25mph. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 534: Modern astronomy of South Africa.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
Practiced my guitar. I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback finishing book 3 for formating.
Friday 10- 58/34F. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, yoga and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Episode 535: what to watch out for in the summer skies.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
I spent 3 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Saturday 11- 61/36 sunny and breezy at times. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer (thought I’d throw that into the afternoon exercises), yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast 536: Everyday Relativity.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Sunday 12- 59/36F sunny. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast 537: Reusable Rocket Revolution.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I’m writing a new song and it on playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Monday 13- 61/35F mostly sunny. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie. Some bad people littered the road near my home and I went out there and cleaned it all up.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did the poop patrol. I moved stuff into storage in my trailer; I had to make some living room in the house... it was getting to confining.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 538: Asteroids: Rubble Piles of the Solar System.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I’m still figuring out the new song on my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Tuesday 14- 64/36F. Kjtel dropped by with Bodie to say howdy. Bodie is feeling much better after having an infected tooth pulled. Cassie ran to him instead of Kjtel like she always does; my guess is she knew he was hurting. Jeff stopped by with my USDA distribution food bag; lots of canned corn...
I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 539: Weird Issues: Why We Don't Know the Age of Saturn's Rings.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Wednesday 15- 61/33F and overcast.I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I got fed up with going to haircutting shops and asking them how long until they can cut my hair, and their reply is always an hour or so. I have more important things to do than wait in a chemical-smelling place waiting, so I have an electric hair trimmer at home and I did it myself. I may have cut it too low because my head gets really cold when I go outside.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 540: Weird Issues: How Do (or Don't) Planets Form?
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Thursday 16- 67/38F and hazy. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast episode 541. Weird issues: The expansion rate of the universe.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Friday 17- 58/35F and again hazy skies. My good friend Bob Vandenburg called to chat for a long spell. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a bike/run while listening to Ep. 543: Weird Issues: The Habitable Zone of different solar systems in our galaxy.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Saturday 18- 62/39F a few high clouds.
I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I called my good friend Larry Carlock and we chatted for a spell about when we took a scuba class back in the early ‘70s and went to Catalina Island on the Westerly out of San Pedro. Our class dove down to 90 feet! Larry and me dove out at the coves in Palos Verde. We must have hit every cove there. One time we heard an underwater earthquake!
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Ep. 544: Weird Issues: Biosignatures...
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Sunday 19- 67/45F cloudy. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I went to the poetry reading at Space Cowboy Books in JT and read one of my poems. What a wonderful time we all had at the poetry reading today. Lots of fantastic folks reading poems with such immense feeling from the heart that makes us all remember we are together on this tiny planet and possibly unique in this vast Cosmos we call home. I met Carol who runs a boutique, I also met Supinda a very good poet and it was her first time on stage. I finally found Taira’s boutique; she had moved some time ago from her original place by the stage. She saw me and gave me a big hug and also remembered my name!
Once I got home, I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a bike/run while listening to Ep. 545: Weird Issues: Are comets asteroids or are asteroids comets?
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Monday 20- 63/43 with clouds. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Ep. 546: Weird Issues: Planetary Migration.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Tuesday 21- I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I went to the post office to pick up a package. Then I went to Stater Bros for supplies. I met a guy called Dan sitting out front collecting signatures for petitions and I signed a few. I thought he was from around here because he knew so much about our issues here; no he’s from New Mexico and gets paid from a company that makes money collecting signatures.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Ep. 547: Why Astronomy Still Needs Humans.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Wednesday 22- 64/44F. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
Kirk, Shawn, and Randy from the Jahowa Witnesses came by.
Kjtel and Bodie dropped by in the evening for a chat and a walk.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 548: Stellar nucleosynthesis revisited: In stellar cores & atmospheres.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 4 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Thursday 23- I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 549: Stellar nucleosynthesis revisited: In and on and around dead stars.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Friday 24- 71/44F sunny. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 550: Missing Epochs – Observing the Cosmic Dark Ages.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Saturday 25- 71/44F sunny. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 552: Boyajian’s star (and other strange stars).
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Ripped off the metal part of the garage roof.
Our Little Community’s Potluck; I feel like I have done died and went to heaven the food was so scrumptious. We celebrated Valentine’s Day early just like WalMart and the rest of them retail shops do.
Let me tell you what y'all missed: Dyan Caroll brought in these two large pork roasts so cooked to perfection that just the aroma made this poor soul drool, and so tender the meat fell off my fork. Elizabeth West cooked up a mighty tasty spaghetti, but her garlic bread left me wanting more! Pretty Patti Huges makes a dang good meatloaf we all gobbled down along with her yummy lemon cupcakes. Mary Rider and Amiyah delighted us with their world-famous potato salad. Chris VanNortrick and her mom Mary stuffed us all with their egg, cheese, and noodle casseroles. We were all happy to see Yvonne Francis arrived with her banana pudding and sauerkraut casserole. Now I can’t tell you all what was brought in by these Masters of the Palate because I could go on and on, we tend to do this in the desert, but just to let you know we filled up two large tables and everyone took home plenty. Oh, and we hired this old man to mop the floors and paid him in food.
Sunday 26- 70/48F cloudy with high evening winds. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 553: What To Look Forward To In 2020.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Monday 27- 68/44F and windy. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 554: Big Telescope Controversy in Hawai’i...
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 6 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Tuesday 28- 72/47 sunny and nice. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Astronomy Cast Ep. 555: Satellite Constellations and the Future of Astronomy.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 7 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Wednesday 29- 63/42F with wind to 35mph. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Ep. 556: Multi-Messenger Astronomy.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I’m playing my guitar.
I spent 6 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Thursday 30- 67/42F. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 4 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
Friday 31- 71/45F sunny. I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my studies throughout the day: anatomy, biology, astronomy, read aloud out of the “Molecular & Cell Biology” book.
I did my afternoon exercised, core trainer, yoga, and exercised with 10lbs dumbbells, and took Cassie for a walk while listening to Ep. 557: Red Dwarfs: Friend or Foe.
I did my nightly stretches and worked out with the 20lbs dumbbells. I practiced playing my guitar.
I spent 2 hours editing book two of my Copper Mountain series in paperback.
****************** Poems for January **************
Accept your impermanence and go about life as if you’ll live forever.
Don't let naysayers drag you down into a world of self-doubt and self-pity... just stand up, laugh in their face, and go prove them wrong... that should shut the little assholes up <3 span="">
There’s nothing wrong with being right and nothing right about being wrong... Unless you are wrong about being right and right about being wrong.
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