September 2015
Tuesday 01- Wednesday 02- Mostly Grieving for the loss of my Sister Donna who passed on August 26. I spent the time between the 26th and now writing and editing my heart out to relieve my brain of the thought of her passing.
Thursday 03- Dentist appointment.
Friday 04- An email I sent to my Family in Tucson about the flowers we sent to Florida for our Sister Donna’s viewing:
As you can clearly see the arraignment wasn't even close to what we expected to be delivered. I call 1-800 flowers and told them this was unacceptable. They wanted to do an exchange and I told them not to do this because it could be upsetting to the Family and to just drop them off. They said they would do this and not ask for a return. They gave me 50% off, but I told them it wasn’t the money it is that they needed to get it right in the first place.
So tomorrow our Family in Florida should get what we wanted them to receive from us in the first place.
Love you all!
Your Brother Bob
This is what we ordered at $160:
this is what we were sent:
Email from Paula: Hello, You are quite right. There is a big difference between what we ordered... Everyone agreed with me.
Saturday 05- 1-800 Flowers still haven’t delivered the flowers to my Sister Donna. Spent. The Rep called the flower shop and told me he left a message to have the flowers done and delivered on Sunday.
Some nitwit left the front gate open when he rode to pick up his mail and forgot to close it when he came back. Later when he let Cassie outside for her nightly walk she ran through the open gate and off into the desert night before the nitwit could correct his mistake and close the darn gate. After trying to chase her down, the nitwit called for Cassie for over half an hour... Cassie, Cassie come home... Cassie. Then decided to ride the scooter down roads to try and find her. After riding around for quite a time the nitwit came back home with head and shoulders hung low for not finding his dog... then Cassie came up to him as he was putting his scooter in the garage. This nitwit is mighty happy to have his Cassie back <3 span="">
Sunday 06- Still no flowers sent to my Sister Donna. I called again and got the same reply that they were really sorry and will definitely have the flowers delivered on Monday morning. I call several times throughout the day to make sure; yes, yes they will be delivered.
Monday 07- 1-800 Flowers still haven’t delivered the flowers to my Sister Donna. I even called them at 2am in the morning my time to see if they were working on the flower arrangement to have it delivered by morning in Florida; no answer. Call them the first thing when I got up and the lady rep called the flower shop and got a recording that they would be closed Saturday through Monday. Now why didn’t they just tell me that to begin with! I am sure the other Reps I talked to got the same recording.
Tuesday 08- Flowers delivered for my sister Donna finally! Just in time for my her burial. Now I feel a little better and can move on to other things. I love you my Sister Donna....
Wednesday 09- 103 degrees.
Did my exercises and took Cassie for a run.
It is my friends Larry and Bonnie’s first Anniversary. Larry built a garden arbor in their backyard without Bonnie's knowledge and even had the bubble machine going at the time and husband and wife confirm their vows... I thought that was something really special a man would do for the woman he loves.
I was fortunate enough to be asked to join the two lovebirds at the Sizzler today for their first Anniversary Dinner... The manager came out to wish them the best and the waitress brought out a chocolate-sunday they had to finish before they could leave and then sang an anniversary song to them.
Thursday 10- cloudy and cooler.
I received a package from Judy for my birthday in August. I thought that mighty sweet of her.
I had to visit the dentist again.
Friday 11- 101 degrees.
I actually cleaned around the place and did some laundry in the teeny tiny washer I have.
Saturday 12- 103 degrees.
I got a call from Kelly that she has a big yellow scorpion she caught under a bowl and sprayed huge amounts Raid under the bowl. She is still afraid to lift it to see if it is dead and I volunteered to come over and toss the poor thing out into the desert.
It was inside late at night when Cassie started barking. I went outside to see what it was all about; probably a rabbit I thought. Then I heard this muffled crying and great heaving of breath on the other side of the fence. I was about to go get my .38 when a woman’s voice called out for help. She had gotten lost in the desert for the past four hours and was tired and thirsty. I got her water and lent her my cell phone for her to call her boyfriend. He came got her 20 minutes later and all he did was holler at her and was being very mean, but he drove off before I could say anything.
Monday 14- 95 degrees with a few clouds.
I did my morning exercises and took Cassie for a mile jog.
I went to Burrtec waste services in Yucca to sign a waver so I can have a dumpster delivered to my home. I decided it is time to clean up the place after over 16 years of junk accumulating on my property. While I was out that way I went to the animal shelter not more than a mile away to get Cassie’s dog license. It was closed on Mondays but the kind lady saw me and said she’d handle it. I paid for three years so I won’t have to worry about that. Then I went down into Yucca, the waste place and shelter are up the hill aways, and went to a few car lots looking for a truck. I think I found a really nice one too, a 1999 Ford F150 6cyl with 140k miles on it. I talked to the sales guy and he had one of his mechanics go with me for a test drive. Drove mighty fine it did. When I got back home I went online to review other F150s and this one was priced about right compared to others I found. I called the sales guy and told him I wanted it. I might get it on Wednesday and they’ll come pick me up at home.
I took Cassie for her evening walk and for her nightly run after I did my exercises.
Tuesday 15- it rained all day long.
I stayed inside. I decided I didn’t want a tablet from AT&T that FedEx was going to deliver today and the AT&T Reps I catted with last night told me just to refuse the package and I will get a refund. Since it was raining I called FedEx and told them I refuse the package so the driver wouldn’t have to drive all the way out here if the roads became impassable.
Wednesday 16- nice cool day.
Jeff showed up around 12pm to pick me up and take me to the bank and then to the auto dealership. I paid and everything went well and I turned the key, the engine started, I drove it off the lot and immediately the battery light came on and off again and the dashboard controls went wacky. I drove it around the corner and back into the lot. We all had a look-see under the hood and found that the cable to the alternator may have come loose. We securely plugged that in and then the truck wouldn’t start at all. I spent another hour there with them; I figured it was a bad fuel pump. They gave me a loaner car and I drove over to Sherry’s house and we then we out to the Mexican restaurant for lunch. I drove back to the lot and they said it looks like a bad fuel pump and they’d have to order one. So I drove the loaner car home and a little shaken about the truck I had just purchased. It may be a blessing in disguise that it went out when it did right at the lot. Now it will be fixed.
Thursday 17- 91/66 degrees.
I did my exercises and took Cassie for a mile run.
The dumpster was delivered to my home. Now I can start cleaning up the place and remove the junk I’ve accumulated here since 1997.
I went to my 2pm appointment with my Dentist. All went well as expected.
I did my evening exercises and too Cassie for her walk.
Friday 18- 94/69 degrees.
Had to wait for a call from the auto dealer to see if my truck was fixed. It was an electrical problem where you can start the truck remotely had been disconnected wrongly by one of the previous owners and finally shorted out and burned out the fuel pump. I drove to Yucca in loaner car to pick it up. Drives nicely again.
Took Cassie for her evening walk.
Saturday 19- 100/84 degrees.
ARRRRR ya seafaring scurvy crew of misfits, it be the day we all been waiting fer... TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!!!! Keelhaul ya and hang ya from the mizzen mast... ARRRRR!!!!!
I had a hard time sleeping and slept in later than I usually do.
I started cleaning up the yard and dumping trash into the dumpster. Moved the Harley from the garage to the battery room with the little scooter. Now I can kinda park both my Cougar and part of the truck under the roof of the garage.
Me and Cassie went to Movie Night at the community center to see “Hot Rods From Hell” (1967).... very bad acting is what made this film fun to watch with friends. The young 17 years old girl Tina Phillips was played by Laurie Mock who was born in Sept 1944, making her 23 at the time of the filming.
Very funny was the scene when "young" Tina was in bed getting horny (we all laughed), got up and stood at the open door to her bedroom to look at the bar across the parking lot where a band was playing and young people dancing and making out. Tina got dressed and then climbed out the window; why didn't she just walk out the door. We all wondered about that one.
I believed the actor who played the Dad was drunk half the time slurring his words, but then again in the movie he was taking medication for a bad back and overplayed it a little?
Had lots of fun there with my desert friends. Mary Helen gave me a Dalmatian scarf she found while cleaning up a 5th wheeler she and Steve acquired; I thought that mighty kind of her.
The hotdogs wrapped in bacon was a hit, along with other munchies. I spent $7 for all this; what a deal! :)
Sunday 20- 103/80
Cleaned the yard up some more and I almost have the dumpster filled already.
Talked to family and friends.
Took Cassie for an evening and night run.
Monday 21- heavy layer of clouds (Stratocumulus) and 95/74 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
Talked to my brother Kevin like I do everyday. He is also reading the Geology book that I have.
I went to work on cleaning my garage out so I can get the Cougar and truck even further inside and under the roof. I moved a whole lot of junk that needs to be sorted through; keep, giveaway, throwaway.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie. I did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Physical Geology: still working on chapter 4, about Plate Tectonics: Divergent & Transform Boundaries. Convergent Plate Boundaries; ocean to ocean, ocean to continent, and continent to continent Convergence. Backarc Spreading. The Motion of plates. Plate size. The attractiveness of Plate Tectonics (why is it a better theory that matches nature better) I remember when I was a child being taught the old static theory and always wondered why South America and Africa fit like a jigsaw puzzle.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell playing my old songs.
I worked on editing my “Thought of the Week” book... Finally :)
Tuesday 22- 95/69 degrees clear skies.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
Turkey Vultures: I saw one just early this morning gliding up high over my home. Magnificent birds in flight to watch! Later, on my morning jog I saw a bunch of them off in the distance circling around something; maybe a dead jackrabbit.
I did more work in the yard and filled the dumpster some more.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie. I did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I read one of my study books: Physical Geology: still working on chapter 4, about Plate Tectonics: what causes plate motion, mantle plumes and hotspots.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
Wednesday 23- 98/74 degrees.. heating up a bit.
Kick back day! The First Day of Autumn (Autumnal Equinox) 2015
And Cassie's 2nd Birthday today!!!!!!!
We celebrated with hot dogs and a nice evening walk together :)
I called the Automobile Club and had them put the truck on my insurance; I almost forgotten all about it and thought I’d better get it done while I still had it in memory.
Thursday 24- 102/81 degrees.
I drove my new truck (1999) to the dentist and I think this will be it for a spell... finally! I went to the post office to pick a replacement for the badly worn out copy of “365 Starry Nights” that I’ve been reading for many years. I ordered the new copy because the pages have all fallen out of the old and it was getting almost impossible to comfortably read, handle and sort through its scattered pages. I stopped by Staters Bros to get some supplies. When I went back to my truck I couldn’t get the dang key thingy to open the door. I tried different buttons on it, but still didn’t work. Interesting to me was every time I pressed the open button I would hear a chirp off in the distance; hummm. I then tried the key in the door but it wouldn't work. It turns out I was at the wrong Ford F150 when I noticed the sweater sitting there in the passenger seat; I don’t own a pink sweater. A lady walked by and I lamely explained to her what stupid thing I have done. So it was the chirp I heard in the distance which turned out to be my truck. I walked over to it and noticed the rear tail lights were on; I figured it was to show me where the truck was parked at night. Hearing what sounded like someone left their engine idling nearby while putting the groceries away I looked around to the nearby cars and saw no one. I only realized after getting into the driver’s side and looking at the RPM gage it was my truck that was idling. I had started the dang truck remotely by messing with the key thingy at while trying to get into the wrong truck. I kinda had the same thing happen when I first bought my Cougar and confronted a man who was getting into what I thought was my car which was actually parked five cars down; I kinda had to really apologize to the man for that one.
Friday 25- 104/76 degrees.
I did my stretches and took Cassie for her walks.
I spent a few hours trying to straighten out a billing problem with AT&T that I created by refusing a package that contained a tablet I decided I didn’t want.
I worked on my book for a long spell.
Saturday 26- 102/74 degrees.
I did my stretches and took Cassie for her walks.
Potluck: great food, great friends, good times!
Sunday 27- 102/71 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I called family and friends throughout the day.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie I did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I got out into the backyard to watch the Lunar Eclipse around 6:40pm as the Moon rose over my hill. It had already was at a crescent and as it climbed higher above the horizon the crescent slowly became smaller and smaller until at 7:12pm it had totally disappeared and the Moon was a blood red.
Monday 28- 103/72 degrees.
I got up really late and was unable to take Cassie for a jog or do my exercises because it was too dang hot.
I read one of my study books: Physical Geology: still working on chapter 4, about Plate Tectonics: the relationship between plate tectonics and ore deposits.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I practiced my guitar.
Tuesday 29- 102/71 degrees.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a mile run, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
The dump truck came and dumped my full dumpster and I started loading it up.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening walk with Cassie and did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I worked on my “Thought of the Week” book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells and went for a night run with Cassie, did some pullups and punched the heavybag for a round.
I practiced my guitar for a spell.
Wednesday 30- 101/70 degrees.
I did my stretches and took Cassie for a morning walk.
UPS delivered my new $49.99 Amazon Fire Tablet.
Me and Cassie went for a night run up and down the hill.
***** Stuff I Wrote this Month******
It has been my experience and has always amazed me that the majority of those who really desire to march our troops off to war have never been in the military.
If you forgotten what you can’t remember then did you really forget it?
You are the universe, so you already have everything you need. The choices you make of what you want and the person you become is up to you.
Death.... Always knocking, always stalking, collecting weary souls at each and every door, and yet we live until that knock, like that of a broken heart, knocks no more...
My motto: listen more, see beyond, and write like hell ;)
A box I received was awaiting for me, carefully wrapped with birthday wishes, ribbons and bows neatly tied. A pixie I see has taken a fancy to me, I open her gifts with love and respect, not even a rip, I gaze upon them with delightful joy. Behold me lie upon my bed the loving gifts of a woman in her prime; unraveled, unburdened, unbounded, unfettered and beckoning for my needs. I shout who am I to receive such bounty that cometh into my life, for such a fair beauty to see through a humble facade and still desire a convoluted soul as I.
My Reply:
Excellent story and writing! Yes, I have had some strange going ons with Alexa. Sometimes she makes a loud low noise like a burp in the middle of the night. When I try to watch reviews and videos on how to use Alexa and they ask their Alexa a question, my Alexa comes back with the same answer... Well the same goes with "Hey Google" too :) What I'd really like to see is to change the name from Alexa to something more personal, like "Computer" in Star Trek, now that would be cool. I expect that in the next reincarnation of Alexa or update there'll be a way to store important info like turning on and off lights and the such... maybe hooking her up to your own home cloud as a backup would resolve the problem :)
Again, Love your writings!
When we find the courage to write and put it forth for the public to read and ponder, we dare climb out on that limb of life alone to dangle at the whims of others. The more we write and the more feelings we put into our words the farther out on that limb we go. We can sense the limb growing weak, but we continue to write and create because that's what we do and who we are. And when we climb too far out and the limb snaps it will be our real friends who will be waiting down there at the base of the tree we grew and the limb we broke to catch us falling.
You are the earth, I the moon, my love evolves around you.
Like the plow that turns the land that brings forth the life, you bring the best out of me. Among the stars in the sky you caught my eye, you are the light of my life.
I say hey ya, say hey ya, you are the light in my life.
I say hey ya, say hey ya, you bring the best out of me.
I’d climb the highest mountain just to call out your name, cause you're the girl that I love. You're the wind in my sails, the star that guides my way, you are the one that I adore.
Say hey ya, I say hey ya, you are the one that I love.
Say hey ya, I say hey ya, you are the one that I adore.
When we were young and so much in love, you were the girl of my dreams. When I grow old, to my final day, you’ll be my girl, my life.
I say hey ya, I say hey ya, you are the one that I love.
Say hey ya, I say hey ya, you are my girl, my life.
A Question of Race:
When the census worker interviewed me and asked what race I was I told her to leave it blank because I believe it really shouldn't matter to the government what race I was... Then a few weeks later another census worker came to do a follow up and read off my replies I gave to the other. When it came to race the other one put down white even though I told her not to. I told this worker and she reported it to her supervisor... Nobody needs to know what race you are and it should be forbidden to have that question, among others, on any employment application or government record... People are people so get over the race thingy I say!
I have fallen... I have taken a deep plunge into the darkest chasms where all light and hope is swallowed up whole and hidden, never to grace the green pastures again with my presences or lie in the tall grass to gaze at the clouds above, for I am forbidden... As I fall farther and deeper into this void I see reflections of my youth and of choices I've made, but I am forbidden to intervene... faster I plunge, I fall gaining much speed, all hope is now lost, all hope is gone, for I am forbidden... But who is this "who" who has forbidden me and taken away my right to be who I am, to fail or succeed, to make those choices of right or wrong? To hell with this I say and spread my arms become wings and soar up through the darkness and out of deepest chasm and into the brilliant light of actualization, for I am not forbidden to think for myself, because all along that "who" who decides and has held me back was in reality me, myself, and I.
Lost at Sea (a short story)
Lightning gathers upon the horizon, seagulls take flight and race away, dark clouds begin to roll with thunder, a great storm is now coming our way.
The storm be quick falls upon our sailing ship, a once blue sky has turned to gray, giant waves in sets they are ah building, the Captain commands us to hold fast and stay the course.
Not seek comfort or shelter in just left harbor, but sail beyond to distant shore, we advance through wild seas with awe and wonder, working the ship to its destination without remorse.
Be brave me lads, he shouts as the seas grow taller, praise those so hearty and so bold, for they be fearless and courageous to see what lies out yonder beyond the shore.
Bow crashing through humongous swells so steep, that quake and shudder timbers and tremble my feet. Where I’m stationed at the helm, I can feel vibrations from the down below, the sounds of the hull giving way to let in the sea, a sound so sickening it overwhelmed me.
A loud crack resounds throughout the ship, the main mast has splintered and shattered onto the deck, held now by rigging as it punches through the planking that used to be where I was standing, I am tossed to and fro and hit my head on the ship’s binnacle, I had fallen and bled, but now have risen.
Take heed I say as I shook my skull, to regain what senses if I had any left at all, and took command as I saw our Captain laid before me, or what had been the remains of him.
Man the pumps we’re taking on water, before the keel drags and weights us under, to the bottom we shall surely go.
Relentless waves now be pounding fore and aft decks sweeping helpless men over by the score, they drift away with other flotsam and jetsam, to vanish in the sea to be seen no more.
Useless now the rudder, no steerage to stay the course. The pumps have been taken over, not by men but by the sea, it fills the ship with cold gray water, abandon ship, I give the order as the deck sinks out from under me.
My thoughts now drift to a young maiden, in whose sweet soft hot loins my seed I planted while misbehaving, in a hayloft above the stables, by a cliff overlooking the sea, on one clear night when the moon was shining, she had asked me not to go sailing, but instead to stay and start a family.
The world holds many gifts and many sorrows... it's how you choose to view the world that makes all the difference... in you :)
Dreams of love are only a heartbeat, a word, a world away.
Knowing he would never see her again, he sat on the folding chair he had brought down to their favorite beach to stare at nothing as the sun crossed the brilliant blue sky above. He stood one last time to look back at the shore where they had first met, happy tears came to his eyes. He faced the ocean's breaking waves and walked into the sunset never to be seen again.
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