March 2016
Tuesday 01- 84 to 54 mostly sunny.
I was doing my stretches and yoga when Sherry called to say her car still wasn’t working after a friend charged her battery last night. I asked her if I could come by and see if I can fix it. I checked her battery with my voltmeter and it registered at 12.24 VDC, but when I had her start the engine it dropped to 11 VDC and died. I brought my truck around and jumped start the battery and got her engine started. I wanted to see if she had a bad alternator so while the engine was still running I disconnected the battery and the engine kept running, meaning that the battery was bad and not the starter or the alternator, but I wasn’t sure that the alternator was actually charging the battery. This I did later when we put the new battery in and the alternator was charging the battery at 14.5 VDC.
We went and picked up the new battery, had breakfast/lunch/dinner at the all you can eat Chinese Restaurant and went shopping at WalMart while Cassie played with her friends Barney, Abby and Willy in Sherry’s backyard.
On the way back home I saw a large meteor streak across the sky 45 degrees overhead towards the northeast while I was headed north. It was a bright green in color leaving little puffs behind.
Wednesday 02- 86 to 56 and hazy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew a yin yang symbol.
I drove to the post office to pick up a package. Went to Stater Bros Market to get a few items I didn’t get yesterday at WalMart. I had lunch at Burger King.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I completed chapter 7 in the Geology book.
I played my guitar for a spell doing some new stuff I made up.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
Thursday 03- 82 to 55 with evening winds.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew a clock.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I started reading Chapter 8 of the Geology book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Friday 04- 81 to 54 with a bit of wind coming out of the northwest.
I got up and called Jimmy and Clarice who were in Yucca Valley and on their way to their cabin. I would meet them there and help unload the trailer full of furniture and nicknacks they were towing. Then me and Jimmy loaded the trailer up with old tires that their evicted renter, and probably their last renter, had been collecting on the property. When we were done we visited and jawed for a long spell catching up on our lives. Jimmy and Clarice will take the old tires to the community clean-up in Sunfair on Saturday.
I then left and worked on my yard tossing a whole bunch of junk away and cleaning up a pile of broken glass out of windows frames someone had brought over ten years ago without asking me if I wanted them. Kinda like, “Here’s some windows for you,” and just dropping them off.
I worked on Chapter five and posted Chapter two on FaceBook for my friends to read.
Saturday 05- 75 to 57
I went to Bonnie and Larry for dinner. Bonnie cooked up some mighty fine spaghetti with garlic bread that I consumed greedily.
Sunday 06- very windy!
Monday 07- 54 to 42 degrees, wind and rain
Tuesday 08- 67 to 43 with wind.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew a woman’s profile.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I read continued reading chapter 8 of the geology textbook.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Wednesday 09- 78 to 47
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew my bedroom.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
Around 11pm I saw some red flashing lights over by my neighbor’s house that I believed to be from emergency vehicles. By the time I got my paints on and jumped into the truck they must have left because there was nothing to be seen of them when I arrived.
I read more of chapter 8.
I did some editing of my book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Thursday 10- 81 to 57 very nice!
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I went to the post office in 29 Palms to pick up a package containing a rubberized cover for my Galaxy Tab 3 and then did a quick stop at Stater Bros to do some shopping. I brought home some chicken for me and Cassie to eat.
I drew a pyramid and some squares.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I read more of chapter 8...
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Friday 11- 76 46 wind and rain.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
And then the storm passed through.
I did my taxes... what a darn hassle!
Saturday 12- 71 to 42
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew a rocket to the Moon.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I’m almost done reading chapter 8 in the geology textbook.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell.
Sunday 13- 73 to 54 and hazy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew a guitar.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I finished reading Chapter 8 of the Geology book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Monday 14- very windy!
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes, but Cassie and me didn’t go for our one mile jog because of the high winds.
My friend from overseas called 5 minutes after I sent them a Skype message. So I thought they called because of the message, but they haven’t been on Skype for months and just happened to call me!
Tuesday 15- 73 to 46 degrees and hazy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew St. Peter's Cathedral in London (I did it from memory from when I was there in the late 70’s and what I drew don’t look nothing like it)
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I finished editing chapter 5 and started editing chapter 6. I also posted chapter 4 on FaceBook for my friends to read.
I started reading Chapter 9 of the Geology book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell.
Wednesday 16- 79 to 54 degrees and sunny.
I went shopping with Sherry while Cassie got to play with her friends while we were gone. We had lunch at the Chinese all you can eat place and we both got pretty stuffed.
Thursday 17- 80 to 50 sunny.
I worked on garage replacing the lattice panels that was damaged by the storms we been having with 4X8 plywood panels.
I drew a birthday cake.
Friday 18- 86 to 54 hazy
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew an eye.
I replaced another lattice panel with plywood.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I continued editing chapter 6 and posted chapter 5 on FaceBook for my friends to read.
I read a little of Chapter 9 of the Geology book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Saturday 19- 87 to 59
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew my hand.
I worked on getting chapter 6 and posted it to FaceBook when I was done editing it. I then began on Chapter 7.
Sunday 20- 82 to 57
Day off!
Monday 21- 72 to 48
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I went shopping at WalMart and Home Depot.
I met Troy, John and Gary when I stopped to check out little car they had to see if they wanted to buy Jimmy’s little car.
Tuesday 22- very windy!
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew two people looking at each other.
Because of the wind I stayed inside the rest of the day editing and then posting on FB Chapter 7 of “Desolation”
Wednesday 23- still windy.
I did my stretches.
I worked most of the day finishing my Federal and State Taxes. The IRS kept rejecting my 1040 six times because of errors I made on the form 8962... and a few others here and there, but I got them all filed electronically...
Worked on Chapter 8...
Thursday 24- 78 to 49
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew the man in the Moon.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I am still reading Chapter 9 of the Geology book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Friday 25- 81 to 56
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew a spaceship going to the Moon.
I replaced another lattice panel with plywood.
Watered all the outside plants.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie.
I rode my scooter down to Lear Ave to pick up a package left there. I got down to the mail box and noticed that the back tire was a little squirrely and was low on air. I rode it back home very slowly and will filled it up with air on Saturday.
I edited chapter 8 and posted it on FaceBook for my friends to read.
I continued reading Chapter 9 of the Geology book. Got caught up on my astronomy book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Saturday 26- 82 to 49
I did my stretches.
I drew a UPS truck driving on our dirt roads.

Sunday 27- 81 to 50 wind is starting to blow.
I did my stretches.
I worked of the garage getting it ready for the high winds predicted tomorrow.
I rode the scooter down to collect my mail at Lear Ave. to pick up another package. This time the scooter’s tire held air.
Monday 28- 71 to 46 and very windy!
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I had just gotten done with my exercises when the winds started to really blow.
I drew my bedroom.
UPS delivered the Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit--Clear Case Edition.
Tuesday 29- windy with rain.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, and took Cassie for a one mile jog. This is all the exercises I did today because of the rain.
I hopped on the scooter to go down to my mail box on Lear Ave to pick up the
book “Programming Arduino Getting Started with Sketches” I had ordered.
I drew me riding my little scooter to the mailbox.
Finished reading chapter 9 atoms, elements and minerals of the geology book.
I hooked up the Raspberry Pi 3 and booted it to Noobs and got online, but I couldn’t get the Bluetooth keyboard working. I’ll have to check into that later.
Wednesday 30- 65 to 46 still windy.
I did my stretches, lifted weights, yoga, took Cassie for a one mile jog, core trainer, and punched the heavybag for three minutes.
I drew some cactus flowers.
I did my stretches, lifted 10lb dumbbells and went for my evening one mile jog with Cassie. On my jog I saw some kinda smoke way down on Winters road near Lear Ave… but before I got over the hill and saw the smoke I heard some loud booms…
Because I am on solar I wouldn’t have known unless someone told me later in the evening that all the electric went down in our area and in 29 Palms.
I started reading chapter 10 about volcanos of the geology book.
I did my stretches, lifted 20lb dumbbells, and went night jog with Cassie.
I played my guitar for a spell
Thursday 31- 73 to 53 windy.
Not feeling well today... must be my allergies kicking in because of all the wind.
I drove to the post office to pick up a package and then went to Burger King and had a double cheese burger. After I pigged out I went to Stater Bros and got a few supplies.
I drew a person wearing glasses.
I continued reading chapter 10 about volcanos of the geology book. I started reading “Programing Arduino: Getting started with sketches” by Simon Monk.
I played my guitar for a spell
***** Stuff I Wrote this Month******
Oh sweet child my Amberlyn, pouty lips ride above dimpled chin... rosy cheeks that grace the day, that’s my bonny Amberlyn.
She wears no makeup painted upon her face, why conceal such beauty that would hide beneath, she’s as genuine and fresh as a mountain stream that runs its course into the raging seas.
Yellow threadbare dress hangs down to her skinny knees, it flutters in the summer breeze, plain and simple for all to see, that’s my bonny Amberlyn...
A tattered felt hat reigns up high on pixie ears where flowers rest, patches adorn old denim vest, a small gold chain holds a peace sign between modest breasts, the calming smell of jasmine completes her scent.
She masters each obstacle that stands in her way, to save the Earth she likes to say, with all her effort she’ll embrace that day, cause that’s how I’ll always remember my sweet sweet bonny Amberlyn.
Brittle leaves once green and glittered with shine, now colored to golden reds and yellows have now fallen away, to float so lightly to the ground on a harsh winter’s day. Hedgehogs nestle in nests built of twigs and leafs cuddling their young, waiting through winter’s fury for the warmth of the sun.
The creek is now frozen, there’s snow on the ground, the night has grown silent, cause the snow dampens the sounds.
An owl swoops in searching the night, upon barren branch it perched in the haloed moon light, alert is heighten as wide eyes seek, small prey that stay hidden and not wanting to be eat, to starve off hunger and last through the cold of another winter’s day, the owl moves on, the hedgehogs are safe.
The sun makes its appearance, the air begins to warm, white snow has melted that once covered the ground, is finding its way to the creek that now babbles on. The wait for spring is not far away, as sprouts crack through once frozen earth to give birth to a new day.
That day has arrived, spring has appeared, with chirping of birds and buzzing bees, life has arisen and flourishes in the trees, that are now covered in their new shiny green dress, and the hedgehogs with their young have come safely out from their nests.
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