September 2018
Saturday 01- Clear 99° | 71°
I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag, and jogged a mile with Cassie.
I did my stretches, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag, and jogged a mile with Cassie.
Sunday 02- Clear 96° | 73°
I did my stretches, yoga, and went for a mile jog with Cassie.
I got the very bad news this evening that my dear friend Judy Jackson had passed away on Saturday at 4:30PM. I had talked to my friend Saturday evening about Judy and her hedgehog about the same time. I thought this kinda interesting how these things happen. My friend brought up the subject about these little monkeys being pets. I said I doubt you could bring them into California being it is illegal and how I believe my friend Judy had to travel outside of California to get her hedgehog. I will dearly miss my free spirited Friend Judy and wrote a poem for her.
I got the very bad news this evening that my dear friend Judy Jackson had passed away on Saturday at 4:30PM. I had talked to my friend Saturday evening about Judy and her hedgehog about the same time. I thought this kinda interesting how these things happen. My friend brought up the subject about these little monkeys being pets. I said I doubt you could bring them into California being it is illegal and how I believe my friend Judy had to travel outside of California to get her hedgehog. I will dearly miss my free spirited Friend Judy and wrote a poem for her.
Monday 03- Clear 95° | 76°
I did my stretches...
Tuesday 04- Clear 96° | 73°
I did my stretches, worked out the the 10 and 20 pound dumbbells, and went for a mile jog.
I went to the Star Pharmacy in JT to get my prescription fill and then went to WalMart to get a few supplies like dog food.
Me and Cassie went to Kjtel’s house to watch a two part series about Mark Twain.
Wednesday 05- Clear 99° | 70°
I did my stretches, yoga, and jogged a mile.
Worked around the house cleaning up some stuff.
Kjtel came by with Bodie and we all went for a nice walk.
Thursday 06- Clear 100° | 68°
I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, pounded on the heavybag for a spell, and went for a mile jog.
I wait for two deliveries that came later in the day. One was a new iPad 6 with pen, and the other was a Secura 9100MC 1800W Portable Induction Cooktop Countertop Burner.
I found mouse dropping in my house, so there’s a mouse in the house, bummer. I am borrowing my trailer guest’s two cats for a while to catch the little bandit.
Friday 07- Clear 104° | 78°
I did my stretches and went for a mile jog.
I tested out the induction stove and it didn’t work with my square-wave inverter, just to make sure it wasn’t a bad unit I connected it to my generator and it worked really good! I will have to get a sine-wave inverter now because I want to run everything off of solar electric. Prices have come down on those pure sine-wave inverter and the high price is one reason I never bought one before until now.
I played my guitar for a spell... I need to keep this up.
Saturday 08- Clear 107° | 78°
I did my stretches. Not feeling well. I think my allergies are flaring up and my right knee hurts.
Cleaned out the pool of dead insects that seem to commit mass suicide there lately.
Sunday 09- Clear 105° | 72°
I did my stretches, but still not feeling well.
I did my stretches, but still not feeling well.
I worked on my book getting a few chapters edited.
Called up Bonnie and Larry to wish them a happy anniversary.
Monday 10- Clear 102° | 72°
Still not feeling well and now my knee hurts, but I did my stretches.
Still not feeling well and now my knee hurts, but I did my stretches.
We're having Monday Night Football at our community center. All are welcome to come. This Monday there will be 2 games being played otherwise we start at 5pm for the rest of the season. There will be hotdogs, chips & Dips, popcorn... bring whatever snacks you want to share. We have a pool room setup with a pinball machine, new pool sticks, and a very nice dartboard with a wall full of holes behind.
Tuesday 11- Clear 100° | 70°
Tuesday 11- Clear 100° | 70°
I feel about the same as I did yesterday. I did my stretches.
I think I’ll have to layoff jogging for a short spell until my knee feels better.
I called my brother Kevin to wish him a happy birthday.
Wednesday 12- Clear 100° | 73°
I did my stretches, core trainer, worked out on the weight bench, and punched the heavybag for a spell.
I did my stretches, core trainer, worked out on the weight bench, and punched the heavybag for a spell.
Thursday 13- Clear 98° | 64°
I did my stretches.
I did my stretches.
Game Night!
Friday 14- Clear 102° | 71°
I did my stretches, exercised with the 10 and 20 LBS dumbbells, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag and went for a short jog and walk with Cassie.
I did my stretches, exercised with the 10 and 20 LBS dumbbells, core trainer, weight bench, punched the heavybag and went for a short jog and walk with Cassie.
Saturday 15- Clear 100° | 66°
I did my stretches.
I did my stretches.
Sunday 16- Clear 100° | 73°
I did my stretches.
I did my stretches.
Monday 17- Clear 100° | 69°
I did my stretches and took Cassie for a morning walk.
I did my stretches and took Cassie for a morning walk.
LabCorp WalMart haircut gas Stater Bros Subway CERT Meeting
Tuesday 18- Clear 98° | 66°
I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised with the 10 and 20 LBS dumbbells and on the weight bench, punched the heavybag, and jogged half a mile and walked the other half with Cassie.
Wednesday 19- Clear 97° | 66°
I did my stretches and went for a walk with Cassie.
I finished chapter 34 in the history book.
Thursday 20- Clear 95 | 70°
I did my stretches.
I went to the community’s Family Game Night.
Friday 21- Clear 99 | 70°
I did my stretches, core trainer, exercised on the weight bench, punched the heavybag, and jogged a mile.
I did my laundry.
Saturday 22- Clear 98° | 70°
I did my stretches.
Sunday 23- Mostly sunny 99° | 73°
I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.
It’s Cassie’s Birthday... she is five years old today. She is my little princess <3 span="">
I took Cassie on her leash with me for a bike ride. Halfway into our ride she decided to go chase after a rabbit and I went the other way tumbling to the ground hard almost knocking the wind out of me. I scraped my right forearm, banged up my knee, and pulled a few muscles. I’ll probably be taking a rest for awhile before doing any exercises.
Monday 24 through Wednesday 26
Down for the count and resting after yesterday’s fall.
Thursday 27- Clear 100° | 68°
I did my stretches and walked Cassie.
I went to Thursday Family Night at our community center. We sat around jawing and watching the football game... I didn’t know the Ram came back to LA!
Friday 28- Clear 99° | 70°
I did my stretches.
I went to Staters in Twentynine to get some supplies because I was running mighty low on them.
Saturday 29- Clear 93° | 75°
I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk.
I went to potluck last Saturday. It was Chris’s birthday and we sang the Happy BirthDay song to her. I was handed a list at the end of potluck that was five pages long packed full of the most wonderfully delicious foods made by the most precious folks I know, so I’ll just narrow it down for ya: Chris baked cornbread and spicy meatballs, John Jacobsen squeezed some squash, Mack stirred some stir fry, Jeff slow cooked a sausage, Charles Lange and Cal Mayers brought their appetites and money, Yvonne Frances simmered almond green beans, Jennifer Decker shake up some snack mix, Dyan Carroll out did herself with Banana Split truffle- Kailua pork- corny macaroni- peach crisp- cauliflower with cheese, and snuck a banana bread loaf into my take home bag. Now that’s a thoughtful yummy surprise when I arrived home!
Sunday 30- Thunderstorms 93 | 73°
I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie. I am feeling much better after the fall that knocked me out of commision for a week.
I hooked up the new sinewave inverter to see if it would power the Secura Portable Induction Cooktop Countertop Burner I bought earlier this month. It worked and I made my first cup of coffee on it. I disconnected the inverter and hooked the old one back up because I want to put in a fuse and a shutoff switch on it.
******************* September’s Poems ****************************
The heavens opened up
Tears of loss fell
A friend has rose
Beyond the veil
Beyond the reach of you and me
To be forever happy
In our memories
Tears of loss fell
A friend has rose
Beyond the veil
Beyond the reach of you and me
To be forever happy
In our memories
I believe we project our inner thoughts, cognitive and subliminal, with what we perceive is the norm according to our social beliefs and cultural upbringing upon the animate and inanimate: where some see a desert as a wasteland, others see a magnificent wilderness abundant with life. Where one sees an impoverished wretched individual, another sees a beautiful soul. We must become the gatekeeper of our thoughts: we are what we think we are and what we perceive others to be.
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