Saturday, May 27, 2006

May 2006

Monday May 01- played around with my real old Dell Latitude XPi Laptop running dual boot DRDOS and Win 95. Loaded Arachne, which is a full screen graphical web browser into DOS and configured it to work with my modem and went online! Who said that DOS is dead?
Tuesday 02- lazy day- did some work around the yard and wrote my column and sent it into the newspaper.
Wednesday 03- Ron D. came by with some spaghetti sauce that was fantastic- worked on website and updated the calendar.
Thursday 04- went to Stoney’s house for dinner.
Friday 05- worked on my computers and did a clean and defrag on them.
Saturday 06- came up with a concept for a new song, LWFAW, and now I will have to come up with some words- Joel asked me over to christen his garage slab with ice cream.
Sunday 07- Ron D. came by for a visit and brought roasted garlic- went over and jawed with the buffalo folks.
Monday 08- went to town to get some supplies for the month- used a shopping list I’d made up on the computer and got everything on the list but I forgot to include a line for crackers- first time using a list and it works pretty dang good!
Tuesday 09- just hung around the house and did some chores.
Wednesday 10- went to Andrew’s house and messed around with computers.
Thursday 11- went to Lancaster with Scott, took tow cars and left one there, stopped in Apple Valley and got a Big Mac. It was a nice trip and I saw Scott’s property there that is 20 acres and has a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains and ski resorts.
Friday 12- went to Stoney’s for lunch and had chicken and dumplings- fed the buffalo.
Saturday 13- visited Chuck and stayed to jaw with the folks there- fed the buffalo.
Sunday 14- did something but can’t remember and forgot to write it down.
Monday 15- was supposed to help Scott stucco his house but he had to go to LA to take care of some business.
Tuesday 16 – Wednesday 17- I have been doing a lot of testing of new programs and uninstalling the ones I don’t like which had created some corrupted files, and I’ve been playing around with the registry trying to learn it and have made some mistakes that has cause the degradation of the way both my laptops were functioning. So I decided to do a full backup and format the drives and reinstall the OS and updates on them. This is what I did for two days.
Thursday 18- visited with my neighbor John M. and sat around and jawed for a while. He is going to start painting his home tomorrow and is in the final process of preparing the outsides for paint.
Friday 19- cleaned around the house.
Saturday 20- Linda S. called and told me that she will have a new painting done soon and to be ready with my camera.
Sunday 21- Jeff came by for a visit and we jawed for a while- stopped by John M. and he hasn’t started painting yet and I kidded him about it- stopped by Biker Ron’s to chat and he gave me a new rug that I will put in my bedroom, he also gave me a couple of avocados. Ron D. brought some more spaghetti sauce by.
Monday 22- will feed the buffalo while the buffalo folks take the trailer to Lancaster. Scott told me to pick up whatever sand I need to stucco my house and I filled up my truck and was really tired afterwards, am I getting old?
Linda Sibio called me last Monday and said that she had just finished one of her latest creations and wondered if I would like to come by and have a look and take some pictures. I grabbed my camera and was standing outside her gate in about 10 minutes being greeted by her friendly dogs: Ewok, Shaggy and Shati. Linda’s art is different than what you may see in some galleries, representing the inner self meticulously drawn out and displayed on canvas, which is then left to one’s own imagination for interpretation. I was very pleased with what I’d seen and after telling Linda of my own interpretation of her work, she told me hers, which was quite revealing. I got my photos and will display them on my website
Tuesday 23- put the new rug in my bedroom and it fit! Took all dang day to do it and will rest tomorrow. Wrote up column for the newspaper and sent it in.
Wednesday 24- went over to Andrews to work on server.
Thursday 25- dang if I can remember what I did this day.
Friday 26- went to the Doctor’s to get my prescription filled and stopped by Stater Bros. and picked up some needed supplies- visited Jeff and brought him some leftover fried chicken I had bought- fed the buffalos.
Saturday 27- fed the buffalos- worked on this blog getting it updated- visited Frank and Mary, and then dropped by Chuck’s.
Sunday 28- fed the buffalos-
Monday 29- Frank and Mary Poole had friends and neighbors over for a barbeque at their beautiful home in the high desert. I dropped by and had some cake and cherry ice cream; I love ice cream. We all talked about the observance of Memorial Day and how it had become a three-day “Holliday”, and something much different then what it may have been initially intended to be. I heard a TV anchor say “Happy Memorial Day” and it just didn’t sound right, no it didn’t sound right at all. I personally don’t believe that there should be a Basketball game on Memorial Day, but hey that’s just me. Mac McDermott taught his Son Dennis the correct way to display the flag at half-staff- dropped by Linda S. for a chat and she gave me some potatoes and I got a sneak preview of her new drawing that she just started.
Tuesday 30- went to Joshua Tree to get my prescription filled, get gas, and stopped by the library for a while- on the way back stopped by buffalo folks for a jaw- wrote up column and sent it to the newspaper.
Wednesday 31- John M. came by and asked me to keep a lookout for a weird person that haunts these here parts- worked updating this blog to post.


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