Monday, November 06, 2023

The year 2023 unedited

December 2023

Friday 01- 62/39F I did my stretches and hung from the chinup bar for a 30 count.

I charged up the electric bikes, but the red one needs a little more time; I’ll do that tomorrow.

I started my Christmas cards. I did 5 today and will do 5 every day until they are done.

I wrote more in my new book.

Saturday 02- 64/41F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, situps, and took Cassie on a mile jog.

I swiped the floors of the house, practiced on my guitar, finished charging the red bike, and worked on my new book.

I continued to address 6 Christmas cards.

Sunday 03- 66/46F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, did situps, and took Cassie on a mile jog.

While jogging, we saw David working on his new fire pit. He asked if I would help him move a potbellied stove from down near Joshua Tree with my truck. I told him after I ate my breakfast, I’d drive my truck to pick him up. We arrived at the cabin to pick it up. Linda S. was there. David works for her, and I hugged her, not having seen her for a few years. The potbellied stove was ancient and made very well and also very heavy, a bit too heavy for my 72 year old body, but we managed to hoist it onto the back of my truck. We found out that the stove was utterly full of ash! I looked at David, “didn’t you think of cleaning it out first?” We drove it back to David’s property and dropped it off. 

Afterward, I had a bad headache, I had a nosebleed, and my body hurt in many places. I took a couple of pain pills I got from Kelly. I laid down for a spell and then went back to work, disconnecting the bottom half of the old mini-split from the house. That was it for the day. I didn’t get everything done on my list because my body was spent.

Monday 04- 70/50F I skipped my stretches today because of the strain I put my body through yesterday. I did get out in the late afternoon and unboxed the mini-split, wired it up, mounted the inside part to the wall, and put the outside part on the blocks. Now, all I need to do is connect the hoses and figure out what I did on the last one to get the refrigerant to evacuate the hose correctly.

I addressed and finished seven more Christmas cards. I only have four left to do.

I worked on my book for a short spell.

Tuesday 05- 72/47F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, and did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 10 chin-ups.

I installed the rest of the new mini-split, did a vacuum check for leaks, finished all the wiring, and fired it up... it is working! 

I about finished my Christmas cards.

I sent in my column for the Hi-Desert Star Newspaper.

My friend Kula wrote the following:

“We started doing it in conjunction with the boat parade. We served chili for people that got cold outside. We soon realized that nobody cared about the boat parade (only about 12 boats going around), but we still kept the chili tradition.” 

My reply: We mooring folks used to get in our dinghies and sing Christmas songs during the boat parade. The lead dingy had a 5hp outboard, and there would be maybe five to sometimes eight dinghies being towed. We would stop at places where land folks would gather, sing a few songs, and then move to the next group. It would be cold weather, and we'd be drinking rum to stay warm and be very drunk by the end of the parade. Good times. It seems to me that many of our traditions are going away as time wears on, and this makes me mighty sad.

Wednesday 06- 75/47F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, did 10 pushups and 30 situps, and took Cassie on a mile jog.

David called to tell me Linda tested positive for COVID-19... that is the woman I hugged last Sunday.

Thursday 07- 69/42F I kind of took the day off to rest, not knowing if I caught Covid.

I did a Covid test in the afternoon (I had to wait five days to do the test), and it came up negative. I was quite relieved, but I’ll test myself again on Saturday.

Me, replying to a video on journaling: I carry around a 5" x 3" Mead Memo Pad that slips into my back pocket to quickly jot down my thoughts. Anything more fancy than the memo pad, like hardcover journals, I tend not to write in them for fear of messing them up. I put these thoughts and expand on them in Google Docs. If I’m writing a book, I’ll gather enough information by chapter and transfer them to Microsoft Word to edit a final draft. It might seem like a lot of steps, but it works for me.

Friday 08- 63/41F I did my stretches. I took Kelly to her doctor’s appointment. But first, we picked up prescriptions at Rocky’s, shopped at Staters, and ate lunch at Carl’s Jr.

I mailed all my Christmas cards in Joshua Tree while Kelly and I were waiting for our meds.

I watched a YouTube video of a “Zombified' Russian soldier survives Ukrainian grenade attack but accidentally shoots himself”:

My comment: I wonder what happened to this poor fellow. It looks like he has already given up on life... I'm not sure killing him or saving him would be a blessing, or would it really matter leaving him alone? Being a foot soldier, War sucks, whichever side you're on.

Saturday 09- 59/38F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, did 10 pushups and 30 situps, and took Cassie on a mile jog.

I did my studies. I’ve been doing them every day but need to do more of all the subjects.

I have to remember to add to my lists of stuff I need to get done, or nothing will get done. I’ll add that to my list! That’ll be first on my list

Sunday 10- 64/40F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar (I’m doing this three times a day now), did 30 situps, yoga for 20 minutes, and took Cassie on a mile jog.

I sanded and painted the wood planks for the outside sitting bench.

Kevin and I talked for a short spell. He is doing good.

I’m doing nighttime stretches now.

Monday 11- 67/40F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, and did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 10 chin-ups.

I sanded and painted the two wicker chairs for the outside sitting. I installed a new shelve inside the workshop. I did the poop patrol.

I did some of my studies.

I did two more hanging and did my nighttime stretches.

Tuesday 12- 66/38F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, did 30 situps, and took Cassie on a mile jog.

I drove to Home Depot to purchase a few things and bought some white outdoor paint for the chairs that I already painted with white primer.

Wednesday 13- 63/41F I sent in my column for the Hi-Desert Star Newspaper.

Thursday 14- 65/40F I did my stretches. I drove Kelly down to Twentynine to collect our mail. We did our Christmas dinner shopping early at Staters Bros because there is a big storm on the way, and I don’t want to drive anywhere until after Christmas. We ate at Burger King.

The little dog tripped me, and I twisted my leg, and it hurts badly. I think I’ll be down off of it for a few days.

I love my little Lenovo 100e 2nd Gen. I was surprised at the quality of the sound. I also like the USB-C charging feature. For the price, it is a fantastic laptop that runs Windows 11 very quickly. I bought the Lenovo sleeve to protect it so I can toss it in my backpack and not worry.

Overall, I would say this is an excellent laptop for school. I use this laptop for writing books and posting and commenting on social media.

I'd like to know what kind of society will evolve out of the advancement and inclusion of AI because of job displacement. If too many workers get displaced, there won't be many who can afford to purchase the products. In this scenario, you have many workers who don't have jobs and must go on government assistance, and companies would struggle if there were not enough people to purchase their products. Will a new and different form of socialism be the solution and adapted to replace the old system? This would provide funds to the populaton to continue their present lifestyle and provide the funds to keep companies profitable. Change is inevitable. The future is a vast ocean we must navigate if we are to prevail as a coherent civilization.

Friday 15- 65/42F Because of my left leg being twisted by a wild beast (a little puppy), I’m taking the next couple of days off from any rigorous activities.

Saturday 16- 70/44F

Sunday 17- 69/ 43F I did my stretches, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, and did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 10 chin-ups.

Monday 18- I decided to lay off the exercises for a while. The pain pills I take for my leg make me a bit dizzy, and I fear I might fall.

Tuesday 19- while on the pain pills, I got a little stoned and bought a Roomba vacuum. I woke up the next morning to discover I actually bought the dang thing.

I sent in my column for the Hi-Desert Star Newspaper.

Wednesday 20- 69/47F David came by with the old woodstove which I traded for my old one.

Thursday 21- rain

Friday 22- 

Saturday 23- 65/43 I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, did 30 situps, and took Cassie on a mile jog. I was able to jog okay but was a little winded and sore after a week of not jogging. I might rest up a bit more. I still can’t do my squats.

David came by, and we exchanged presents.

Sunday 24- 62/41F  I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, and 30 situps.

Monday 25- 64/42F Christmas! I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, and 30 situps.

Tuesday 26- 66/42F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, and 30 situps.

I sent in my column for the Hi-Desert Star Newspaper.

Wednesday 27- 64/43F I did my stretches, I did my stretches, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 10 chin-ups, and took Cassie on a mile jog. 

Painting the outside walls of the workshop; gonna be a long process.

Thursday 28- 66/41F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, and 30 situps.


Friday 29- 65/41F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bar, and 30 situps.

I am still painting the workshop's outside walls. I called Audry and we talked for 90 minutes. 

Saturday 30- 61/41F I did my stretches.

I'm almost done with painting the workshop.

I called Robin, Leeanne, and Lynn.

Sunday 31- 60/39F 

I finished painting the workshop walls. My whole body feels the pain, especially my arms.

I did my run up the hill running out 2023 and down the hill running into the unknown world of 2024; let’s make it a better year. Kjtel met me at the top with fireworks!

November 2023

Wednesday 01- 78/46F I did my stretches. I worked on connecting the new battery back with 4 100AH batteries. I need to do cable management. 

I started working on my new book called, “Rogue Encounter” and I have most of the outline done. I had started it a year ago or so but didn’t like how I had it with the characters and the plot. But I was able to keep most of the story I had done, which was about a little bit over two thousand words. I like the direction the story is going now.

Thursday 02- 81/47F I did my stretches. I hooked up the spray painter for the first time and sprayed the whole southside wall. My arms and I were quite done after all that painting.

Friday 03- 83/48F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the pullup bars. I did a load of laundry.

Saturday 04- 84/52F I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, did 10 pushups, and hung from the chinup bar.

Put up some walls in the workshop out of scrapes of plywood I had lying around.

Steven, a botanist, stopped by 

Sunday 05- 86/56F I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog. 

I did some painting of the solar panel frames and cleaned up some inside the workshop.

Monday 06- 83/55F a bit windy in the evening. I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the pullup bars.

Did some organizing of the mess in the workshop.

Tuesday 07- 76/52F I did my stretches. I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

I did some of my studies.

Wednesday 08- 74/50F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

I did some of my studies.

Thursday 09- 68/42F I did my stretches. I went to Joshua Tree to get Kelly and my meds, but first I went to Yucca Valley to pick up 5 gallons of kerosene from Tractor Supply and then stopped off at Harbor Freight. There, I bought four 5-gallon containers with lids.

I did some of my studies.

It's always nice to have visitors and take them out to see the desert sites we cherish. Last year, I took my friend to Skull Rock and then up to Key's view to watch the eclipse of the Moon! My friend really enjoyed the adventure.

Friday 10- 71/43F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

I did some of my studies.

I tried to fix the Windows Update 0x80248007 download error on the new Dell Optiplex 7040 I’ve been working on for the past few days; It still refuses to work. The computer seems to update the newer ones okay, so I’ll give up for now.

On my other Dell Optiplex 755 I migrated Windows 10 off the hard drive that was mighty slow and onto an SSD to quicken it up a bit. Unfortunately, I accidentally checked the box to have the SSD boot as a USB. I will redo this tomorrow. Also, only three sticks of RAM are working out of four. I will try an old fix I learned from Mike from IPL systems back in the early ‘80s.

Saturday 11- 74/45F I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, did 10 pushups, and hung from the chin-up bar.

I did all my studies for the day. I’m working on a list for each day of what to study, kinda going to mix it up a bit so I don’t get bored.

I redid the migration of Windows 10 to the SSD and it loaded up fine. I rubbed an eraser on the connections of the faulty stick of RAM and plugged it back in. Fired the old computer up and it recognized the stick, so now I have 4GB of RAM and the system is running a lot snappier.

I practiced my guitar playing with a few songs I wrote. I gotta add this to my list above.

I began a study course on Coursera about Learning Tools.

Sunday 12- 76/46F I did my stretches. I did my studies. I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to transfer my Domain Name at Doteasy over to AWS. I had trouble getting the AWS site up and running going through all kinds of hell with code sent to emails and to my cell phone. I had the same problem with Doteasy with login errors. I finally got everything set and unlocked the Domain Name but I will have to wait 24hrs for it to occur.

Monday 13- 78/45F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chin-up bar for a 30 count.

I worked installing electrical wire from the 2nd battery bank to the bedroom.

Tuesday 14- 78/47F I did my stretches. I took Kelly with me to town to pick up our mail and do some shopping. We had lunch at BK.


I want to move the domain

If you could please unlock it as soon as possible I'd be most appreciated.

I've been with DotEasy for over 20 years and have no complaints.

Please unlock

Thank you

Robert DeLoyd 

Wednesday 15- 72/49F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chin-up bar. 

The rain came down pretty hard where I live Wednesday night. At first, there was light rain for an hour or more, but then a cloudburst came down like a hundred firehoses full blast focused onto my roof for about 10 minutes... That was enough to flood Winters Road at the bottom of my hill, creating Lake Lucile and making it hard for cars to pass. 

Please keep this Case Number: 1201373-905015298 for reference.

Ensure your email is correct in order to receive case updates: (Update if needed)

Check your spam/junk folder if you don't see a reply within 1 business day. Add to your inbox safelist to ensure delivery.

31c995b3-827a-4ad2-b163-bb922a40e123 Waiting for the current registrar to approve the transfer. This can take up to 10 days depending on the TLD and the current registrar. (step 7 of 14) In progress Transfer domain on November 15, 2023, 21:45 (UTC:-08:00)

Thursday 16- 71/49F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 chin-ups,

Friday 17- 72/51F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the pullup bars. 

Saturday 18- 74/48F I did my stretches, situps, hung from the cin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie. 

Because of the rain we had on Wednesday night that washed away dirt from the roof, making it clean, I painted the whole roof of the house with a coat of Solar-Flex White Acrylic Reflective Elastomeric Roof Coating. I was very tired afterward and did some writing on my new book.

Sunday 18- 69/46F very windy! I did my stretches.


Campbell Laughlin

Former Engineer, Nuclear Physicist, Innovator, pursuing f5y

Logic suggests the neutron came first, emerging in quantity from the Big Bang, decaying into protons and electrons and a large amount of photons in quick order. This was not a 10 minutes delay as we understand now, because the age of the universe then was only in the order of 10^-20 to -40 seconds. One can argue a logical case in favour of a sequence that developed from those neutrons to the universe as we now know it.

One matter that should override thinking is the statistical improbability, even impossibility, of the orthodox alternative. To suppose that issue from the Big Bang is many quite different particles and that these varied particles, travelling at extreme velocities away from each other somehow all combined in exactly the right proportions to form the universe as we "know" it defies credibility.

Nature is simple, not complex, and one fully instructed progeny would ideally be sufficient to kick things off, providing a base and inductive development of all we know.

My Reply: I’m coming at this from an astronomer’s viewpoint. As a star at its later stage of life becomes a white dwarf due to electron-degeneration, if more massive, the star becomes a neutron star where electrons and protons get squeezed together due to gravitational pressure to become neutrons. So, I wanted to know if this was true just after the Big Bang, and I found myself reading your answer here on Quora.

Thank you

Monday 20- 64/47F again very windy. I did my stretches.

Tuesday 21- 68/43F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, and did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 10 chin-ups.

I took Kelly to get her mail and to do some shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. We ate at Burger King. We bought the two kids’ meals and got toys that came with the purchase, and some ice cream too.

Wednesday 22- 67/42F I did my stretches, situps, hung from the cin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie. 

I painted six 4x4” by 8’ posts.

Thursday 23- 70/46F I did my stretches and took Cassie and Goblin on a mile jog.

I was invited to a couple of places for dinner, but I stayed home, and Kelly, whom I let park her trailer on my property, cooked up a chicken. Caught a rattler near the door to the workshop. Kelly’s puppy was sniffing at it, and she screamed so loud that it scared the snake; the puppy peed all the way to the dog pen. I took the snake 3 miles down the Winters road and let it out. It was the same snake I caught a few months ago and turned loose a little closer down the road.

Friday 24- 64/42F I did my stretches, situps, hung from the chin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie. 

Saturday 25- 59/39F, I did my stretches and situps, hung from the chin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie. 

Sunday 26- 58/38F I did my stretches, situps, hung from the chin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie. 

Monday 27- 62/42F I did my stretches, situps, hung from the chin-up bar, and went for a mile jog with Cassie.

Tuesday 28- 66/42F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out on the weight bench, punched at the heavy bag for a spell, and did 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 10 chin-ups.

Wednesday 29- 65/43F I did my stretches.

Thursday 30- 61/43F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chinup bar for a 30 count.

I spent an hour and a half talking to my sister Audrey over the phone. We had a lot to talk about as usual.

Kjtel came by with dogs and Christmas presents. 

I wrote a bunch in my new book.

October 2023

Sunday 01- 77/57F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I drained my sitting tub of water... I amn’t going to be using it until next spring. I’m probably going to make some improvements to the area around it. (spell correct corrected ain’t to amn’t... I didn’t know amn’t is a real word; Scottish for

“Isn't” (for “is not”)

“Wasn't” (“was not”)

“Weren't” (“were not”)

“Didn't” (“did not”)

“Can't” (“cannot”) )

Monday 02- 77/58F I did my stretches. 

Tuesday 03- 81/63F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the pullup bars. I got a package delivered to my mailbox on Lear and drove there to get it before someone else does.

I worked on the workshop putting up inside walls.

Wednesday 04- 87/65F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

Thursday 05- 93/67F My allergies got me down, so I only did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chinup bar.

Friday 06- 95/66F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies. 

I went to Dyan’s pool party. The only one in the pool was the kid. Dyan cooked up lasagna and we were happy to eat it all up.

Saturday 07- 94/65F I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, 10 pushups, and hung from the chinup bar.

I did my studies.

I spray painted the flimsy rusting shelves blue and put it in the workshop.

Sunday 08- 96/66F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies. 

I cooked pancakes for breakfast. I call it Pancake Sunday.

Monday 09- 97/64F I did my stretches, setups, and hung from the chinup bar.

I took Kelly with me when I went to Labcorp for blood tests. We then went for breakfast at Carl’s Jr., and to the Social Security office so Kelly could talk to someone in person about her benefits but it was closed down. The prices are really getting out of hand: gas has gone up to over $6! 

Tuesday 10- 98/63F I did my stretches and situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, did 10 pushups, and hung from the chin-up bars.

I spray-painted a metal cabinet red for the workshop storage.

Wednesday 11- 82/58F with high winds. Not feeling well because of my allergies.

I did my stretches and I did my studies. 

Thursday 12- 80/54F I did my stretches and I did my studies. Not feeling well because of my allergies.

Friday 13- 82/53F I did my stretches and I did my studies. Not feeling well because of my allergies. Kjtel dropped off a couple of antigravity chairs. She says she got a good 2-for-1 bargain but wondered why they were delivered to her address because she usually has them shipped to my home by UPS or FedEx.

Saturday 14- 85/55F I did my stretches and I did my studies. Not feeling well because of my allergies.

Sunday 15- 89/58F I did my stretches and I did my studies. Not feeling well because of my allergies.

Monday 16- 94/60F I did my stretches and I did my studies. I went to my doctor’s appointment in Yucca Valley... he said everything was fine with me.

Not feeling well because of my allergies.

Tuesday 17- 98/61F I did my stretches and I did my studies. 

Not feeling well because of my allergies.

Wednesday 18- 95/64F  post office to pick up a few things I ordered plus two boxes of antigravity chairs, so now we know why Kjtel got hers delivered to her at the post office.

Thursday 19- 97/65F I did my stretches and I did some of my studies. 

I worked on the solar panel structure adding more 45 Degree angles making it more sturdy.

Friday 20- 98/64F I did my stretches and I did some of my studies.

Kelly brought home a puppy.

Saturday 21- 96/60F I did my stretches and I did some of my studies.

Sunday 22- 88/56F I’m feeling a bit better, so I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did all of my studies.

I started writing stories again. 

Monday 23- 79/55F cooling down finally. I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, 10 pushups, and hung from the chinup bar.

Tuesday 24- 82/55F I did my stretches, situps, and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Wednesday 25- 83/53F I did my stretches.

Kjtel came by for tea and brought a pumpkin pie that we greedily devoured up.

Thusday 26- I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I made some cables for the four new batteries I received this week.

I did my studies.

Friday 27- 79/51F I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, 10 pushups, and hung from the chinup bar.

I went to Dyan’s potluck, she cooks everything and doesn’t want anyone to bring food, which is alright with me. There was John, Greg, Jim, Stan(I think it’s his name), Dyan’s sister Mary, Gabriel and her two kids, and 3 women I don’t know their names, at the potluck. We ate chinese Cuisine and it was mighty filling and yummy.

Saturday 28- 78/50F I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bars, and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Sunday 29- 66/47F with high winds I did my stretches, hung from the chinup bars, and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Monday 30- 66/51F I did my stretches.

Tuesday 31- 74/44F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I cut some plywood to fit the walls inside the workshop. 


September 2023

September 01- 96/71F a bit of rain from a surprise storm that came rolling through our area in the evening. I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I did my studies.

I drove to Dyan’s for potluck. I almost didn’t go because of the dark scary clouds moving in. I left early because some really dark clouds move into her area with a lot of wind and I was worried I’d get stuck nat able to get home.

Saturday 02- 93/72F I did my stretches, situps, and hung from the chinup bars.

I worked a little bit outside. I replaced the old hose of the indoor shower with a new hose after the old one burst on a really hot day a few weeks ago. I did some reading.

Sunday 03- 94/67F I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, 10 pushups, and hung from the chinup bars.

I did some reading.

Talked to my Brother Kevin for an hour; We do this every Sunday.

Monday 04- 97/70F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies. Worked on stuff around the house.


Tuesday 05- 94/70F I did my stretches, situps, lifted dumbbells, punched the heavybag, 10 pushups, and hung from the chinup bars. 

Kelly and I drove to 29 to pick up our mail and to do some shopping. Afterwards, we ate burgers and fries at Burger King before heading home.

Strange dream last night. I was at school and I had left my glasses in the lab which was a very old building. For some reason I was fearful of the teacher I found out later that was in the lab building. I asked another teacher for the keys to the lab that was locked for the end school day. He gave me two sets of key rings that had many keys on them. I lucked out and got in on the first key I tried out of many. I went inside the school room with large windows on one side where the sun shone brightly onto the white lab tables. I left one set of keys on a nearby table and looked around but my glasses were nowhere to be seen. As I was looking the set of keys I left were taken but I saw no one else when I discovered them missing. I was worried that the teacher who trusted the keys to me would be upset. There was another door that led into the storage room where chemicals and other lad paraphernalia sat on shelves on each wall. In the center was a long table were many glasses that looked like mine. And there stood a sinister teacher who grabbed me when I confronted him about the missing keys. I was looking at him nose to nose. His face was old and wrinkled. It appeared to me like I was looking in a mirror... startled I woke up.

Wednesday 06- 96/70F I did my stretches, hit the heavy bag, hung on the chin-up bars for 30 seconds, jogged a mile with Cassie, and did my yoga routine.

A county probation officer was here asking if Riley lived here. I asked why, and he said Riley was enrolled in an online school and hadn't been heard from for a while. I said the Family stayed here for a time but have now moved to AZ more than 6 months ago. That seemed to satisfy him and said everything was okay now.

We stood around for a while talking. His father had an appliance store in Downey as my dad did in Torrance.

Thursday 07- 101/74F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

Really, people argue about whose generation's music is better!? Stupid People! 

Me, myself, and I listen to what we like, and that's the way it is. 

I Don't Give A Hairy Rat's Ass what others say or do or complain... 

It is what it is, so get over it already 😜

Friday 08- 102/79F I did my stretches, hit the heavy bag, hung on the chin-up bars for 30 seconds, jogged a mile with Cassie, and did my yoga routine.

I did all my studies.

I went to Dyan’s for potluck/pool party.

UPS delivered my new bed... it’s a Japanese floor mattress or futon.

Saturday 09- 104/82F it’s been hot all day long and stayed around into the night.

I did my stretches, push-ups, punched the heavy bag, and hung from the bars for 35 seconds (it’s been helping my left arm and hand).

Took my old mattress out and and put the Japanese floor mattress on the bed stand.

Drove down to my mailbox to get a package before someone else does.

Sunday 10- 96/78F day off

Monday  11- 94/75F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies.

I finished my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Tuesday 12- 97/72F I did my stretches, hit the heavy bag, hung on the chin-up bars for 30 seconds, and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Wednesday 13- 97/71F I did my stretches.

I drove over to get a package from my mailbox on Lear before it was stolen.

Thursday 14- 97/72F I did my stretches. Not feeling myself for the past week. I texted Dyan to tell her I’m not coming to her potluck tomorrow, she understands. I believe it’s my allergies but not sure if it may be something else.

I did most of my studies.

Friday 15- 95/72F I did my stretches.

I agree... 

Life is all... 

never give up...

never lie... 

never hate...

never stop learning...

exercise, stay fit...

look for the good in people...

surround yourself with trusting friendships...

don't follow the herd...

Think for yourself...

do something incredible...

Question everything...

Saturday 16- 98/71F I did my stretches, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies.

Sunday 17- 96/68F day off.

Monday 18- 95/66F I did my stretches.

Kelly and I went to 29 Palms to get our mail and did some shopping.

Tuesday 19- 93/66F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies.

I finished my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Kjtel came by with her dogs and we sat under the canope of stars yammering away.


Wednesday 20- 90/64F I did my stretches, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I hooked up 10 solar panels together in parallel and connected 2 more in another row of 8.

“Latibulate” is a 17th century English word that means to hide in a corner. It can also mean to lie dormant. The word comes from the Latin word latibulum which means a hiding place or refuge for animals.” 

Thursday 21- 90/61F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

I did my studies.

I worked on my solar system completing the wires from the panels to inside the workshop.

Friday 22- 85/65F a bit cloudy with scattered sprinkles. I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Went to pool party at Dyan’s.

Saturday 23- 90/65F I took the day off.

Sunday 24- 96/66F I did my stretches. I worked cutting plywood for the walls in the workshop.

I also washed two loads of laundry.

Monday 25- 95/65F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with my Cassie.

Tuesday 26- 97/65F I did my stretches. I went to Twentynine to pick up Kelly’s and my mail. Stopped off at BK to get burgers and fries.

Wednesday 27- 97/64F I did my stretches. I haven’t been feeling well because my allergies are still messing with me and have cut down on my exercises.

Thursday 28- 97/64F I did my stretches. I put together two outside rocking chairs I bought from Home Depot but still need to assemble the little table that goes with the set.

Kelly found a snake on the fence out back. We both collected the snake and drove it about two miles east to set it free a good distance away from any houses. 

Friday 29- 93/60F I did my stretches. Assembled the little table that goes with the two rocking chairs. Pool party

Saturday 30- 79/60F with high winds. I did my stretches, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, punched the heavy bag for a spell, and jogged a mile with Cassie.


August 2023 

Tuesday 01- 97/79F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I sent my column to the newspaper.

Dream: I was walking down the beach where there were a lot of people sunbathing and playing in the surf... then suddenly the sky turned black. Looking around quickly I noticed the beach was barren of beach balls, towels, coolers, umbrellas, and skimboards that had previously been there... the people had all vanished. I was then driving and I turned onto a street. There was a truck that speeded up and as I did so and I cut him off. He was chasing me and I made several turns to lose him and got lost on windy steep roads. I was worried that I go off the road and crash.

Wednesday 02- 97/75F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Thinking back through my life, from childhood till this moment. The friends I have had. The things we did, some crazy, some not so. Like worn dog-eared corners of a well-read book, my memories flow with each character, their personalities, and persona, what they liked and disliked marks every page. These are the friends who made up my life, my moments, my heartbeats,  my existence on this earth  

I think I might be of two minds but none of them are doing me any good!

Our sweet dogs can be very domineering in a subliminal way. My dog Cassie nudges me along with her cold wet nose to hurry me along when we are about to walk out the door to go for a walk. After all these years I only noticed it recently because she’s been doing it more. I think it’s because we haven’t gone for a short spell because of summer’s heat. 

Not to mention their suffering downtrodden deadpan expression, when they look you with their sorrowful eyes wanting to be fed.

 everybody seems so impermanent to me lately... coming into my life, staying for a while, and then leaving.

Thursday 03- 101/76F  I did my stretches, jogged a mile, weight bench, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

Dream: I was running away or running from but I found myself going from one college room then to another. One room had a toilet with white shreds of toilet paper covering the part you sit on. I ran until arriving at the college parking lot, at the same scene I’ve seen in other dreams, the very lot where I parked my station wagon, where seated on the tailgate I ate the only food I could afford: peanut butter and crackers.

Friday 04 103/75F I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

Saturday 05 107/74F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I've been saying time is a human construct for years... there is only now, we only live in the moment and we should make the best of it that we can.

Sunday 06- 109/77F  I did my stretches, jogged a mile, weight bench, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

Monday 07- 102/77F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I'll be 72 tomorrow and I still won't give up... So, please don't give up. Because the future is undecided and you must try your best even when you're at the lowest point and there seems no way out. 

Remember, as long as you're breathing You are not dead yet and there is something to be achieved every day.

Tuesday 08- 103/78F I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

I sent my column to the newspaper.

Wednesday 09- 99/73F I did my stretches, jogged a mile.

I did my studies.

Thursday 10- 97/76F  I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I did my studies.

Friday 11- 97/76F I did my stretches, jogged a mile.

I did my studies.

Saturday 12- 100/77F I did my stretches, jogged a mile.

I did my studies.

Sunday 13- 101/77F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I did my studies.

Monday 14- 100/80F I did my stretches, yoga, jogged a mile, weight bench, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies.

Tuesday 15- 101/82F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

Sent my column to the newspaper.

I did my studies.

Wednesday 16- 101/81F I did my stretches, yoga, and jogged a mile.

I did my studies.

Thursday 17- I did my stretches, jogged a mile, weight bench, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

Big storm headed our way.

I did my studies.

Friday 18- lighting and a tiny bit of rain in the evening. I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells. 

Patched the roof, Stored everything that can go flying. Charged up all batteries. All I can do now is hunker down for the next couple of days... The roads should be washed out, so I ain't going anywhere for a spell.

I did my studies.

Saturday 19- 77/68F some rain here and there.

The smell of creosote when it rains reminds me of my grandma when I used to visit her in the desert with I was a young child.

I did my studies.

Sunday 20- 75/70F

I did my studies.

Monday 21- 76/69F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I was not impressed with the storm. I've seen much much worse. Even cars are getting through Lake Lucile! I guess we are just lucky that all the hype given the storm didn't fall upon us as it did in other regions of Sothern California. Palm Springs really got hit. I haven't heard anything about 29 or Yucca Valley, have you? At least we got things shaken out to find what works and doesn't in our preparedness. 

Tuesday 22- 93/74F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells. 

Dream: I was sitting at the back table in a small narrow Japanese takeout cafe. The table was wide enough to seat four people elbow to elbow. There was a lot of noise- people coming in to pick up their orders and of course the chatter of the two cooks busy preparing those orders. An older Japanese lady fluffy black curly hair

of around 45 her features were kinda noticed me and came to my table. She smile and handed me the menu...

I did my studies.

Wednesday 23- 98/75F I did my stretches. Kelly and I went to 29 to get our mail and do a little shopping at Staters.

I did my studies.

Thursday 24- 101/78F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies.

Friday- 25- 103/78F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells. 

I went to Dyan’s house in Landers for potluck. She cooked up some bbq chicken wings.

I did my studies.

Saturday 26- 104/79F I did my stretches, yoga, and jogged a mile.

I did my studies.

Sunday 27- 107/80F I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

I did my studies.

Monday 28- 108/81F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did my studies.

Tuesday 29- 110/82F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells. 

I did all my studies and gave myself a haircut.

I worked on my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 30- 109/83F I did my stretches; too dang hot to do anymore. 

I wrote a short story for Jardine called “Welcome to the Stars.” I tried to keep it under 500 words but went a little bit over.

I did all my studies.

I just received my new Martin Dreadnought guitar! I was a little wary at first because it was a demonstration guitar other folks had played, so they took $100 off. I opened the box and it was in superb condition... even tuned. This is my second Martin. My last Dreadnought fell off the stand and broke clean off at the nut 😱

Thursday 31- 106/78F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, weight bench, 10 pushups, 10 pullups, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

I did all my studies and two loads of laundry.

How have you been?

July 2023 

Saturday 01- 110/81F just plain HOT! I have completed filling the little pool just in time for July’s heat and I am ready to jump in.

Sunday 02- 114/85F too hot

Monday 03- 116/89  way too hot

Tuesday 04- 103/70F cooler. I wrote and sent my column to the paper.

Wednesday 05- 104/71F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, worked out with weights, and punched the heavybag.

Had to call 911 for a lady who packed in my driveway having a heatstroke. The ambulance came and took her to the hospital and her friends came later to pick up her car.

They're giving my friend the same runaround with appointments as Jim and most of those are down the hill. She has had this health problem since October and figured it out on her own what her problem was but they wouldn't listen to her. One doctor told her it was all in her head. Finally, last week they confirmed she was right but wanted more tests... $$$$

Thursday 06- 103/71F 

Friday 07- 102/70F I went to a pool party last night and was in the pool playing catch with this young kid, must have thrown the football a hundred times and then swam a few laps. After we all ate dinner the kid wanted me to go throw the ball some more. I told him it's dangerous to go swimming after you eat, as our moms told us back in the '50s, but found out from the kid that this isn't true. Someone at the party Googled for me it and said there is no scientific evidence behind the old wives' tale! dang!

 I didn't feel it until today and my arms and body were really sore. I didn't wake up till 10am. But I had a lot of fun. I even taught the kid a little bit about how to swim🤗

Saturday 08- 103/73F whirlwind roof ventilator

Sunday 09- 103/73F

Monday 10- 105/78F went to 29 to pick up mail with Kelly.

Tuesday 11- 106/79F I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 12- 105/80F

Thursday 13- 107/80F changed out the small window mini-split and put the old reliable swampy back in... very arduous work in this heat we’ve been having.

Friday 14- 112/83F I went to the pool party at Dyan’s where she served a spaghetti dinner.

Saturday 15- 113/85F I did my stretches and jogged a mile. I had to leave Cassie at home because of the heat... it was 106 when I did my run.

Sunday 16- 116/87F

Monday 17- 110/83F

Tuesday 18- 113/83F I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 19- 111/83F I did my stretches. I went to 29 to pick up Kelly’s and my mail. Shopped a bit at Staters, and then order lunch to go at BK.

Thursday 20- 112/83F

Friday 21- 114/83F I did my stretches. I went to Dyan’s pool party and the dinner she served was Hawaiian!  

Saturday 22- 114/85F

Sunday 23- 107/85F cloudy with light rain. 

Monday 24- 108/83F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, weight bench, and punched the heavy bag for a spell.

Tuesday 25- 110/85F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with the dumbbells.

I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 26- 112/85F 

Thursday 27- 108/88F

Friday 28- 110/85F I jogged a mile.

Saturday 29- 112/87F I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

Sunday 30- 110/85F I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

Monday 31- 109/82F I did my stretches.

June 2023

Thursday 01- high 80s low 60s with clear skies with evening winds. I did my stretches. Motorscooter 

Friday 02- 92/62F 

For the first time, I used my bread machine to bake whole-wheat bread. I found out I didn’t use enough yeast but it came out to be really tasty, especially served when hot with butter and honey. Very yummy!

Saturday 03- 95/67F 

Sunday 04- mid-90s to low-60s with evening winds. I did my stretches, and weights, punched at the heavybag, and jogged a mile.

Made more whole-wheat bread in the machine.

Monday 05- mid-90s to low-60s windy at times. Thought I’d just rest today and write my column for the Hi-Desert Star newspaper. I received my 2500-watt inverter and installed it in the shop.

Tuesday 06- 88/62F

I did my stretches, and weights, punched at the heavybag, and jogged a mile.

I made another loaf of bread, painted two side walls that get heated by the Sun with snow coat, and did two loads of laundry.  

I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 07- 90/65F late afternoon winds. I did my stretches and that’s about all because I burnt myself out yesterday.

Thursday 08- 90/65F same weather as yesterday and the day before. I'll tell you more tomorrow about the ambulance and ER visit Kelly had instead of the doctor's visit.

Friday 09- 91/64F it rained during the night. I did my stretches. I started feeling like I had a cold or my allergies are kicking in.

Saturday 10- 92/65F cloudy day. I did my stretches and exercised with the weights.


Sunday 11- 83/63F

Monday 12- 85/65F took Kelly to her appointment down the hill to PS.

Tuesday 13- 86/70F I went to 29 post office.

I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 14 90/70F 

Thursday 15- 95/70F I installed the new injector in the Zuma but it still doesn’t start. I might have to take a look at to internals deep inside the front end.

Friday 16- 98/70F I went to my Doctor’s Appointment at 1:30 but shopped at Tractor Supply for 2 gallons of kerosene and then on to Harbor Freight for a gas can. Picked up pizza at Little Caesars to share with Kelly. 

Saturday 17- 101/70F I believe this is the first day we broke 100 degrees. I worked on the newsletter for the Hi-Desert Star. 

Sunday 18- 98/72F I did my stretches and lifted weights. 

Monday 19- 92/66F I continued to work on my scooter. I just can’t seem to get it going. Every day I have been trying something different. It’s not getting fuel through the fuel injector. 

Tuesday 20- 92/63F nice day. I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie. My allergies have hit me again and I don’t feel like doing anything, especially after taking histamine throughout the day.

Kjtel came by for a visit. She brought cherries and chocolate and I made tea. We all went for a walk back to her house and me and Cassie made our way back home in the dark.

I finished my column for the newspaper I’ve been working on since I sent the last one in and emailed it to the Star.

Wednesday 21- 95/68F Happy Solstice. I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, worked out with weights, and punched the heavybag like a redheaded stepchild. 

Thursday 22- 94/65F very windy. Feeling my allergies again, but maybe it’s the flu... I’m not sure.

Friday 23- 92/63F a bit windy. Kelly’s ride didn’t show up, so I took her to her Urgent Care in Yucca. While I was waiting I decided to get the oil changed on the Spark at Walmart across the street. I paid a little bit more for the synthetic stuff but well worth it. Urgent Care couldn’t help her with her meds and suggested she go to the ER. Away we went to the ER and then to Rocky’s to get them filled... unfortunately, ER could only gave her enough to last her for a couple of days until she can get to her pain management which she’s been trying to do since March.

Saturday 24- 97/64F sunny day. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog. I went to Dyan’s house for dinner. I had a wonderful time stuffing my face with the delicious food and making new friends: Jeff, Greg, Randy, and Louanne.  

Sunday 25- 96/65F 

Wow, maybe conflict between adversaries is a trait left over from our caveman days. I don’t mean just armies but between different social groups, classes, races, sexes, Gosh, you name it. Even little bickering between two friends to global warfare 

Humans are very competitive, creative, argumentive, mean, brutal, loving, onesided,  

Question? Do humans need conflict to advance

Monday 26- 98/66F

Tuesday 27- 99/66F got up and took Kelly to her doctor’s appointment. 

I wrote my column for the newspaper and sent it in.

Wednesday 28- 99/69 I did my stretches, jogged a mile, worked out with weights, and hit on the punching bag.

I did two loads of laundry, swept out the whole cabin, and then mopped the floor. I forget how long it’s been since I mopped the floor, but it’s been over five years or longer.

Thursday 29- 100/76F I did my stretches. I watered the plants at night when I sit outside with my dog Cassie. I toss dried bits of dog food out to her and she loves hunting them down in the dark. We do this every night after I take her for her walk. The Moon is getting fuller and the seeing is bad, so I can’t do much astronomy.

Friday 30- 101/79F I was invited for Taco Friday over at Dyan’s house. She has a pool and I will bring my swimwear next time I come over which will be next Friday for Chinese dinner. Louanne, John, Jim, Gary, Gabby and her son, and Randy, joined Dyan’s feast of tacos. 

I got a text from David that our friend Charles had passed away this afternoon. He will be missed by many of us.

May 2023

Monday 01- 78/52F with very high winds.

Tuesday 02- 76/48F with moderate winds. I did my stretches.

I received a call from Terry Watson’s younger sister Caroline that Terry had passed away last night. Terry and her husband Kern were my best friends when I moved out to this desert land...

Wednesday 03- 75/47F is still a bit windy.

Thursday 04- 65/46F I'm feeling okay. The soreness has gone down on my hives which is a relief. The weather is cold and windy with a bit of rain, so I'm staying inside trying to get things cleaned up.

Friday 05- 73/49F 

The four wheels I bought for my two dollies have arrived late in the day and I’ll wait until tomorrow to put them on.

Saturday 06- 67/51F It was a nice day until the winds kicked up late afternoon. I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies. I put the wheels on the dollies. Hooked up the automatic water bowl outside for Cassie

Sunday 07- 82/53F a nice sunny day. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a mile jog. I decided to finish up on some stuccoing. 

Monday 08- 86/51F a bit of a wind blowing in from the northwest. It was a nice day until the winds kicked up late afternoon. I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights.

I did a load of clothes and hung them out to dry. 

Continued where I left off on the stuccoing of the workshop.

Tuesday 09- 84/54F 

Terry and Kern were the first desert folks I met when I moved to the hi-desert in 1997. They were the best neighbors and better friends. After Kern passed, about the time their house sold, Terry moved back east. She returned a few years later to visit me and her longtime friend and neighbor Joyce  Ware. I have many wonderful memories of Terry and Kern. I talked to her last December not knowing it would be the last time I would talk to this remarkable woman... I would have kept her on the line longer if I had known. We never know when we'll lose someone we love, so it's best to stay in touch with your family and friends if only to call up to say hello.

I will miss you Terry ❤️ 

Here's a video of Terry and Kern together:

Wednesday 10- 80/57F high winds. I did my stretches and Cassie and I went for a mile jog.

Thursday 11- 85/55F more high winds but not as bad as it has been. 

I drove down to my mailbox on Border Ave to mail some important letters for Kelly, Mark’s BD card, and a sample of my poop mailed to Labcorp. 

Friday 12- 91/66F getting hot. I did my stretches.

Because it was hot I took Cassie for a night jog.

Saturday 13- 95/66F getting hotter. I did my stretches.

I took Cassie for an evening bike/run; she likes that so much.

Sunday 14- 94/66F hot. I found a dead dove floating in my cement pond. I took it out and buried the poor thing in what has become my pet cemetery over the years.

I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, and worked out with the weights. 

I took Cassie for a long evening walk.

Dang, the dog caught and ate a dove... so that makes two I won’t be seeing around the yard, bummer.

Monday 15- 97/70F hot and cloudy. I’ve been calling the smog check place in 29 for the past couple of weeks because the state of California had changed the smog laws which took effect on May 1st and he still hasn’t received the part to update his smog apparatus. I have only until next week to mail in my registration to DMV, so I called another smog testing place in Yucca Valley. He said to come on down, I did, and it passed. I was relieved because I thought my truck would fail to pass because of the new law.

Tuesday 16- mid-90s. I did my stretches.

Kjtel and her two dogs came by for an evening visit and brought mint tea and chocolate. Cassie was happy to see the other dogs.

Wednesday 17- mid-90s. I did my stretches.

Thursday 18- mid-90s. I did my stretches.

I took Kelly to 29 for her doctor’s appointment and we did some shopping.

Friday 19- mid-90s with lots of rain late night and early morning.

My neighbor and friend David and I took our ebikes up to the old copper mines in the hills nearby. We were gone for two and a half hours there and back. We were traveling through some pretty gnarly country climbing up rock-strewn trail to the mines. We climbed in two different mines. The first mine we climbed into went straight back a many yards, but the second mine that was farther up the hill went back a little more and split off in two directions like a giant underground cross. 

Saturday 20- mid-90s. I did my stretches. 

Besides Cassie and my long walks in the evening, I worked on cleaning up the camper. There’s still that awful aroma left by the four cats and a lot of trash that the kids didn’t clean up after they for a new home in Arizona. I still have much cleaning to do.

 Sunday 21- A big storm came through our area Sunday 21st flooding the desert and street I live on creating Lake Lucile at the bottom of the hill. Loud deafening thunder could be heard echoing through the canyons and rolling over the mountains to the south. The storm messed up our dirt roads, took down the internet for a short spell, and got me and my dog Cassie wet. I was told by a neighbor to the east of us that she got caught in the storm and almost stalled her car in a ranging wash driving home on Winters Road toward 29 Palms. Other Neighbors to the west of us said they received light rain. Might have been a localized microburst.

Click here for two short videos of the storm 🤗

At the time of the storm I was bidding on an IBM 5150 with a keyboard(a very old PC from 1983), I collect old electronics. The auction had 27 minutes left and I was still the winning bidder... when I got my internet back the auction was over and I had lost by $5. I found out later my last bid didn’t go through, Bummer.

Monday 22- 95/69F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, and worked out with the weights.

Tuesday 23- mid-90s low-70s with lots of wind. I did my stretches. After trying to get through to the Hi-Desert Star I finally gave up on the emails and called. Stacy answered. I asked if she would like me to fill in the void Annelies left when she recently quit the column. I gave up 12 years ago to Annelies after I wrote it for 11 years. Stacy seemed quite happy and welcomed me back, and also said I need to have the first one into the paper on Wednesday. I got to work and sent my 584th column in later that night.

Wednesday 24- mid-90s low-60s with wind. I did my stretches.

Thursday 25- high-80s low-60s with a strong wind. I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, and worked out with the weights. I worked on the Copper Mountain Mesa email getting it all set up and creating a voicemail. I also worked on Kelly’s water-damaged refrigerator but was unsuccessful getting it working today. 

Friday 26- 87/59F with winds. I did my stretches.

Saturday 27- mid 80s low 60s. I did my stretches. 

I worked around the house fixing this and breaking that. I installed the Midea self-contained mini-split in my bedroom. That was a whole lot of work. It is heavy and I had to lift it way up to work it into the opening in the wall. I only tested it to see if it would turn-on it did. Tomorrow, I’ll see how much it drains my batteries, I don’t expect it to drain them too much with all the solar panels I have put up and the Sun out.

I took over the newspaper column from Annalies and wrote my first column for the newspaper in a decade and sent it in.

Sunday 28- 92/62F I did my stretches. 

Monday 29- low 90s to low 60s with wind. Memorial Day. I did my stretches

Tuesday 30- high 80s to low 60s windy. I did my stretches and went to town in 29 Palms. I picked up a few parts I need at the post office to fix my motorscooter.

Wednesday 31- high 80s to low 60s still windy. I did my stretches. Too windy to go outside!

April 2023 

Saturday 01- 73/47F is a very fine day to go on a long walk with my dog.

Sunday 02- 75/ 48F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

I made additional shelving for the bedroom, cut, sanded, and painted. I also painted the shelves I made for the kitchen last month.

Monday 03- 56/38F with very high winds with a bit of rain! I haven’t seen wind this strong in some time.

Tuesday 04- 55/37F still windy but not as much. I did my stretches and I did my studies. I took Kelly to do a bit of grocery shopping, pick up her mail, and then drove her down to JT to pick up her meds at Rock’s.

Wednesday 05- 63/37F nice day. I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Thursday 06- 67/48F another nice day. I did my stretches and jogged a mile, I try to do them every day. I did some studying.

I drove the truck to Home Depot to get some lumber to finish a few of my projects. I had three people ask me if I needed help while I rolled the cart dohickey out to my truck. I turned them all down. Do I look old or something?

I painted four 2x4x10 with two coats of paint getting ready to mount the last two of the ten solar panels for that row of panels.

Friday 07- 73/51F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights.

Saturday 08- 80/55F with high-level wispy cirrus clouds.

Talked to Wessal in the Netherlands. He and his wife are doing fine. He wants me to check on Shaun who runs a business in JT. Wassal can’t get ahold of him and Shaun’s phone service is turned off.

Sunday 09- 80/56F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights.

Monday 10- 91/54F I did my stretches. I helped David with his swamp cooler. 

Tuesday 11- 93/51F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights.

Wednesday 12- 77/49F I did my stretches and jogged a mile.

Thursday 13- 76/47F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Friday 14- 74/48F very windy at times. I did my stretches, did yoga, and worked out with weights.

Saturday 15- 84/51F nice but overcast. I did my stretches and jogged a mile with my dear old dog.

Sunday 16- 86/53F 

Monday 17- 84/52F nice day. I did my stretches, did yoga, and worked out with weights.

Kjtel came by with her doggies and we all went on a short walk to retrieve my Dad’s binoculars he gave me. The case was ruined because she accidentally left it out in the rain.

Tuesday 18- 78/49F slightly overcast all day with high winds at times. I did my stretches. 

I was getting the 220V Mini-split ready to sell and getting ready to install the 120-volt I just bought because the 220-volt is not compatible with my 110V system... But, I tested the 220V to make sure it was working and not shutting down and it is now working, and ran it all day. I think my problem was/is that the converter 110 to 220V was getting overheated during the summer; I will figure out a place to install it inside where it’s cooler instead of the shop which gets might hot during the summer.

Wednesday 19- 71/50F 

Thursday 20- 78/52F nice day. I took Kelly shopping and pick up our mail in 29 and then get our meds at Rocky’s in JT. 

Friday 21- 87/59F 

Saturday 22- 86/59F I wired up 10 solar panels and strung the cables to the controller but didn’t hook up the negative because the Sun had just set and I want to be around in the daytime in case something goes wrong.

Sunday 23- 89/61F I did my stretches, practiced my yoga, and worked out with weights.

Monday 24- I did my stretches. 

Tuesday 25- 87/57F 

Wednesday 26- 87/61F nice day. I did my stretches, worked out with weights, and jogged a mile with Cassie.

I went to get the truck smogged in 29, it passed the smog, but because I disconnect the battery every time I’m not using it the smog computer thinks I’m cheating. So, I have to drive at least 100 miles before I can get it registered. I went to Home Depot to pick up a bunch of plywood and posts.

Thursday 27- I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Friday 28- To put more miles on my truck I drove to Home Depot the long way via HWY247 through Yucca Valley.

Saturday 29- 97/66F I did my stretches, worked out with weights, and jogged a mile with Cassie.

I drove to my mailbox on Lear Ave to pick up a package that was left there by a postal worker.

Sunday 30- 96/60F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

20 as to hd


Forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger or more noticeable.

Levels above 150mg/dl may raise your risk for heart disease. A triglyceride level of 150 mg/dL or higher is also a risk factor for metabolic syndrome.

March 2023

Wednesday 01- 37/28F it snowed and was very windy with gusts over 50mph. I did my stretches.

Thursday 02- 60/35F Jose from Harbor Cove called. Matt came by. He ran out of gas waiting to make a police report that someone broke into his mother’s house down the street. I called my neighbor Dave who also had the same person break into his place. 

Friday 03- 63/34F Kelly got sick again and I called for an ambulance to come take her to the hospital. She was in really bad abdominal pain for hours before she woke me up at 10 AM. 

Saturday 04- 60/35F I finally got a call from Kelly saying she would be released from the hospital at 12 noon and would I pick up her meds at Rocky’s before coming to pick her up; of course, I would.

Kjtel came by in the evening with her dogs. She told me some thieves came and dragged away the community center’s propane tank to an awaiting larger truck that wenched it on board and drove off; the tank was a large one and was full. Lots of thievery going on in our community.

Sunday 05- 57/37F sunny with a light breeze, clouds rolling in around 3 PM. I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights.

I did some cleanup around the place and then installed two more solar panels.

Called my brother Kevin and had a nice chat with him.

I did some of my studies. I really have to focus more on what I’m currently working on and stop getting distracted by things of less importance or events I have no control over.

Monday 06- 62/35F

Tuesday 07- 

Wednesday 08- 

Thursday 09- Took Kelly to her Doctor’s appointment in Twentynine Palms, filled up the car and our propane tanks, did some shopping, finally ending up having lunch at Burger King.

Friday 10- I did my stretches, jogged a mile, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Saturday 11- 72/55F

I set all my clocks back at 8 PM last night so I wouldn't be confused today 🤗

I am feeling much better after a bad cold that lasted 3 weeks, and the dang weather had been miserable with only a couple of nice days tossed in among icy wind, rain, and some snow for the past few months.

Sunday 12- 75/49F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Monday 13- 69/52F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie. 

Tuesday 68/55F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Wednesday 15- 68/48F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Thursday 16- 69/45F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Friday 17- 69/49F I did my stretches, jogged a mile with Cassie, and did my studies.

Saturday 18- 69/51F I did my stretches and did my studies.

Sunday 19- 58/45F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Monday 20- 58/42F  I did my stretches, jogged a mile, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Tuesday 21- 60/46F rain fell today. I did my stretches. I did my studies.

Wednesday 22- 51/40F with wild cold winds coming out of the south. I stayed inside and took care of a few things around the house.

I called Mike Long on his Mom’s Birthday and chatted for a spell.

Thursday 23- 60/41F another windy day. Kelly and I both needed to get our blood lads done, so we went to Labcorp... it was painless for me this time. Stopped off at Jack in the Box for lunch before shopping at the 99cent Store. They had everything we needed there so we didn’t have to go to Stater Bros.

Friday 24- 59/40F lots of wind. I did my stretches and jogged a mile. I did my studies.

Saturday 25- 59/39F windy... I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie.

Sunday 26- 59/38F windy but a lot colder. I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Monday 27- 68/42F a nice afternoon breeze. I went to JT to pick up Kelly’s meds but before I did I went to Home Depot to get a few items I need to finish up a few projects; varnish to paint the shelving, screws, and 4 bags of potting soil.

Tuesday 28- 71/49F a nice sunny day with an evening breeze picking up speed. 

I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

Wednesday 29- 59/38F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie..

Thursday 30- 58/38F high winds and a bit of rain. I did my stretches and ran a mile with Cassie. On our run, we stopped to talk to David our neighbor for a short spell.

I’ve been working on new shelving for the kitchen and the bedroom for the past few days and now I have them all sanded, painted, completed, and installed giving me more room to store stuff.

Friday 31- 66/42F I did my stretches, jogged a mile, did yoga, and worked out with weights. I did my studies.

February 2023

Wednesday 01- 60/30F Windy and freezing cold. I still have a tinge of cold but better every day. I did my stretches, did some laundry, and did all of my studies.

CJ liked the telescope I bought for him. He is very smart and able to keep up with our discussions on astronomy. I want to nurture that flame and compassion he has for the subject.

 I’ve been trying many times over the past 3 days to contact Kelly, but Finally, Kelly got ahold of me.  She was taken to the ER up here, and then taken to JFK Hospital in Indio for surgery, and then her iPhone died.

I fed her cats, her coyotes, and cleaned up around her trailer; I didn’t like the way the EMTs looked at the filth they had to step over when they fetched her to the ambulance.

Thursday 02- 63/40F Windy! 

I did my stretches, lifted weights, jogged up the hill and back, punched the heavy bag, and did some yoga. I didn’t push myself too hard, just did it all lightly getting over the cold/flu.

I cleaned up around Kelly’s trailer some... what a mess. Filled up my dumpster with all crap. I fed her cats.

Got a message from Rocky at Star Pharmacy telling me that Kelly had called and said she was getting released from the hospital and would be at the Access Center. I called JFK Hospital and got the number for the center. The center said they couldn’t tell me about any of their “clients” but gave me directions. I traveled down the hill to Palm Springs, a 56-mile drive, but she wasn’t there. I waited at the center until 5 pm when they closed and then left for home. I have no idea where she is. Stopped at Rocky’s to pick up Kelly’s meds on the way back home.

Dim has the Earth become, not as bright as yesterday's, a bit of gray replaced this light, once shining brightly from a friend who passed away...

To my lovely Friend Carol 02/02/2016

Friday 03- 61/39F Windy and cold. Sick again...

I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk. Fed Kelly’s cats and in the evening fed her coyotes. 

It was getting a bit crowded in my bedroom, so I moved my three vintage IBM PC Model 5150 Personal Computer and a few miscellaneous computer parts out into the shop. 

Still no word from Kelly.

Saturday 04- 67/44F Windy, still cold, and I’m still sick.

I got a call from the pharmacy that an order for meds came in from a hospital in Pasadena... I called there and they didn't confirm or deny if she was there but would pass my phone number to her if she is there...

Kelly got in touch with me at 9:15 PM. She said a doctor at Desert Regional she had an augment with put her in the psych ward for 72 hours in Pasadena and wants me to break her out.

Sunday 05- 68/40F Windy and cold... sick.

Monday 06- 57/39F Windy and cold... sick.

Tuesday 07- 60/40F Finally the wind that’s been blowing 10-25 MPH for the past week or more has subsided a bit. I’ve been mostly staying in bed the past few days trying to beat this cold. I’m feeling better today but I’m going to take it easy and only do what necessities I need.

Wednesday 08- 69/45F 

I live in a rural area... I went around discreetly asking neighbors about their preparedness for any sort of emergency. I was trying to get a feel of my neighborhood’s state of readiness or lack of. One neighbor voiced her opinion to me that if there was a nuclear war she'd rather be one of the first to die than live in a post-nuclear world. So she hasn't prepared and probably had about maybe a week's worth of food if that. 

My reply to her was, "If you weren't one of the first to die then you'd waste away for weeks, maybe months before help arrived or death took you and that's a very horrific way to die." She now has her pantry filled and lots of water stored away. 🤗

Thursday 09- 67/39F I worked on my solar system structure. 

Friday 10- 66/40F still feeling a bit sick.

Saturday 11- 67/38F 

Sunday 12- 64/40F 

Monday 13- 63/42F a little windy during the day but increasing in the evening with dark clouds rolling in. 

Went shopping in 29 with Kelly so she could get some supplies because she ran out because of her being held in a mental institution against her will. 

A thief broke into David's trailer, where he keeps his batteries, sometime late last night and stole an inverter and a tent. I had a spare inverter and took it to him.

Tuesday 14- 58/33F very cold with high winds with a bit of rain. I stayed inside and did some of my studies. I started watching the first two episodes of Terminal List.

It’s okay to fail... it’s not okay to fail over and over on the same thing and not move on to something else (needs work)

Wednesday 15- 55/29F cold and freezing wind. I did my stretches. I mostly stayed in bed working on my poetry, and watched another episode of Terminal List.

Thursday 16- 56/25F cold but finally no wind, just a light breeze. I did my stretches and too thee dog for a mile jog. I went to the post office in 29 to get a book on the TRS-80 Model 100, and did a little shopping. When I got back I did some work on the solar panels bolting on the brackets, took Cassie for a walk, did the poop patrol, and started up the truck that hasn’t run for a spell. I did my studies, started using the book on my Model 100, and watched another episode of Terminal List.

Friday 17- 58/36F just cold today. I did my stretches, worked out with weights, and took Cassie for a mile jog.

I watered the plants, cut up the cardboard that was cluttering up the place tossing it in the trash. I did my studies.

Kelly cooked dinner; that was mighty nice of her. Afterwards, 

Saturday 18- 66/34F I did my stretches and jogged a mile with Cassie. 

Sunday 19- 67/47F I did my stretches and took Cassie for her morning walk we do almost every day.

I did more work on the solar framework painting a few pieces of wood.

I watched the final episodes 7 & 8 of Terminal List.

Had a dream about the poetry reading we used to have. Every poet stepped up to the podium to share the poems they had written and everybody applauded each time a poet finished. As I walked up to the stage I was awed and overwhelmed by the applause I was given and I hadn’t read any of my poems yet. I really miss the poetry readings at Space Cowboy Books even though I was very anxious about speaking in public to a crowd of folks.

Monday 20- 67/43F and a very nice sunny day. I got up late and did my stretches. Cassie and I went on a walkabout for over three hours. We ran into Roger Smith and had a long chat, mostly about how the area’s demography has changed with some politics thrown into our discussion. It was a fantastic walk we had. 

I had a dream about dancing with this young girl I knew who lived with her parents on a trimaran sailboat on the mooring several boats down from mine. She was 16 at that time and I was in my early twenties and didn’t have any interest in her whatsoever. But in my dream, we were in our twenties and at a dance. We were dancing while she began looking into my eyes like women do showing great interest; love, and companionship. There was a pipe of marijuana being passed around. She walked over and grabbed it taking a hit and started uncontrolled coughing handing the pipe on to me. I hadn’t smoked in a while but took the hit anyway. But then I noticed she was having problems, possibly an anxiety attack, probably because she never smoked pot before. I held onto her hugging her tightly while we continued to dance and whispered into her ear very calmly, “I won’t let anything happen to you, ever, you are safe with me, everything will be alright.” And everything turned out just fine.

Her name, if I remember correctly, was Laura. Why I dream these out-of-the-blue dreams I’ll never know.

Tuesday 21- 56 to something into the 20s with sustained winds of 35-40 gusting over 50mph. 

I just took Cassie out to pee around 10 pm and the winds were so high it grabbed the door out of my hands. There was dust, dirt and everything not tied down in the air. I couldn't see more than 8-10 feet in front of me. Tomorrow will probably not as bad but just by a little. The dang dog kept wanting to go outside to pee or whatever and I had to go let her out. I finally got to sleep around 3 am. She woke me up at 7 am to go outside and I just ignored her this time and everything turned out okay. I think she was just uneasy about the house rattling with the high winds.

I kinda figured Yucca and pie town would get snow. I gots lots of dust everywhere inside the house. I did a walk-around outside and didn't see any damage so far. Once the winds die down in a couple of days I'm going to go around the desert in our proximity to pick up all the trash that has been blown away.

My dream last night; we, whoever it was with me... were on a street I used to live called Vickie in Torrance. We were curious about who lived in a house. The door was unlocked. We didn’t go in to steal, just curious. One room we went into was very grungy with dust and grime. I got very nervous and told everyone we should leave and I headed for the door. I was met in the hallway by a very ugly man who was blocking my exit. I talked to him telling him... and then this clean cut guy emerged for the other part of the house and said hello. I guess he thought we were friends with the ugly guy.

Wednesday 22- 45/30F very high winds again but a little bit less than yesterday.

Thursday 23- 43/26F winds are only blowing up to 35MPH

Friday 24- 40/30F the winds had died down and I was able to take cassie for her morning walk, but we didn’t go far because of the dark clouds overhead. It rained a bit but not much. Around mid afternoon the cold icy winds piped up again. I spent most of the day inside just doing my studies.

Saturday 25- 42/30F cold, windy, and rainy. I was able to complete everything on my todo list, but that didn’t include going outside. I did take Cassie for a very short walk in the afternoon when the winds calmed down a bit.

- apt update 

- apt upgrade

- apt install

- apt search

- apt remove

- apt autoremove

- apt show

Sunday 26- 50/32F sunny but still cold with a light breeze. I did my stretches and took Cassie for a walk.

Linda sent me a text asking me if I wanted a small bed. I could have used it when Shanna and the kids were here, but who knows if I may need it in the future, so I said yes. I drove over to her house, helped her load it in her truck, and we unloaded it at my house. We had a very nice chat with a lot of catching up to do.

I talked to my Brother. He was kinda down and I tried to cheer him up; not sure if I did but I tried.

Monday 27- 59/38F a bit overcast but better today. I did my stretches and took a long walk with Cassie.

Tuesday 28- 55/40F

I paid my Three Points property tax:

Pima County - AZ - Treasurer

Payment Submitted-----> Total: $72.92

Transaction ID: 230226231183716E45071

For Details:


January 2023

Sunday 01- 50/42F with sprinkles. I ran down the hill into 2023... Happy New Year! As I finished my run, Shanna and the kids were waiting for me at the gate with sparklers, it started to rain!  

Monday 02- 49/39F cloudy with cold winds. Shanna took the kids into town to do some shopping while I drove into JT to get a new inhaler because I had lost the old one when Kelly and I went to the ER.

Tuesday 03- sunny with a few clouds. I did my stretches and all my exercises. I started breakfast by getting the pancake batter started. I figured Shanna and the kids know where everything is in the kitchen, so from now on they can do most of the cooking. I went out to the yard to cut a bunch of firewood for the next few days. 

Dream: there was this large many-roomed old wooden house built right up to the hillside with lots of green foliage covering the area; it was very run down. There was a much smaller house near the right side. It was for sale and Max and Kathy were there with some other people I knew. I thought it’d be cool to live in the smaller house. One of the first vivid dreams I’ve had in a long time.

Wednesday 04- 62/45F dream: dad showed up and shot at the agent who was going to eliminate us

Thursday 05- 61/37F with rain. I did all my exercises and my studies.

Dream: I was driven in a yellow VW to a lake with this girl I had met. I was kinda sweet on her. A man offered me a small boat if I wanted it. The skiff was weather-worn, over ten feet, and painted white with yellow and blue trim. There were a few places that needed patching where water could seep in. The girl ran and didn’t say goodbye.

Friday 06- 61/36F nice sunny day. I did all my exercises and studies.

Saturday 07- 60/41F a very nice sunny day.

Sunday 08- 62/42F nice and sunny.

I did some work clearing room for more solar panels and their substructure. 

Monday 09- 64/47F I did all my exercises and studies.

Tuesday 10- 63/38F 

Wednesday 11- 61/40F 

Thursday 12- 65/42F mostly sunny until late afternoon. I did my stretches and got ready for my doctor’s appointment down the hill to Rancho Mirage at 2:30. My left rear tire was flat, so I had to fix that. Forgot my backpack and had to drive back home to retrieve it. The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful.

Friday 13- 67/45F 

Saturday 14- 58/45F 

Sunday 15- 59/47F 

Monday 16- 59/39F worked on panel structure

Tuesday 17- 56/35F cold and windy day. Kelly and I went to fetch our mail and did some shopping in Twentynine Palms. We ate the $5.99 lunch special at Burger King.

Wednesday 18- 50/31F dang cold today. 

Thursday 19- 49/30F a few evening sprinkles Worked on panel structure. Starting to feel a little sick.

Friday 20- 53/30F I’m sick... Shanna left with her kids for Mesa AZ. She got a voucher for a hotel room.

Saturday 21- 57/30F still sick...

Sunday 22- 58/30F sick...

Monday 23- 54/37F I’m feeling a little better. Installed new propane heater. 

Tuesday 24- 61/37F I’m still feeling a little off, so I’m just going to lay low and work on my poems.

Wednesday 25- 63/40F I'm feeling a bit better but that cold is still hanging on. I took Cassie for a short walk around the property lines while I aired out the house. All in all, it took about 20min. Then I got back inside and went back to bed.

Thursday 26- 59/31F sick. Shanna and her kids are moving into their new 3-bedroom apartment in Phoenix AZ! I am happy for them.

Friday 27- 66/36F sick

Saturday 28- 64/37F sick

Sunday 29- 59/37F sick 

Monday 30- 51/36F I’m still sick but getting over it I think. Had to call an ambulance for Kelly. She is having stomach problems again. I couldn’t go with her this time because of my sickness.

Tuesday 31- 54/24F the wind is piping up a bit. I’m still sick.

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